
I've been using this program since January and am just now seeing all the features! Maybe communicating with everyone will boost my weight loss.


  • butterflyxlove12
    Hey! I just started using this yesterday, so I'l still trying to figure out everything it has to offer! I am really happy that I can use it on my phone, because it's going to make things so much easier to keep track of! Good luck on the weight loss journey :)
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Welcome!!... Glad you got around to finding us!
  • mariegoblue
    This is a great tool for weight loss. It is helping me to lose the last few stingy lbs I want to lose. Really makes you think twice about what you eat! Good luck to all the newbies.