Please Help Me : (

AngBenM Posts: 8
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone, I'm Angela. I have put on a lot of weight since having children and getting a desk job. Last year I was very motivated and started a weight loss plan on my own. I stuck to a very strick calorie diet and exercised daily. I lost 20 pounds and somehow "fell of the dieting wagon". One cheat led to another and another and I have never gotten back on track. I have now gained back all the weight I lost and then some. I'm only 30 and want to be around for my kids and understand the importance of good nutrition but for the life of me can't get motivated or stay motivated like I once was. Please help me. I need support and someone to push me and question me and my eating habits. Yesterday was "day 1" of my diet and I did great at work but when I got home I ate everything in sight. Ended up going over 1000 calories! I feel horrible but keep reminding myself that today is a new day. But even as I sit here knowing how badly I need to drop 100 pounds I want to eat candy and sweets. Please, anyone who has ever been in my situation or are in it now, I could really use something... not sure what but something. Thanks for reading


  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Find something else "Sweet" to replace the candy, apple slices, oranges. And remember, you aren't perfect. Everyone makes mistakes, but the best thing you can do is learn from them. Get your kids involved in exercising with you. Go for a walk with them, ride bikes, play tag. And take it one day at a time, and do your best, and the weight will come off!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    hi angela! this is a great site, and you will find tons of support here. i would suggest looking through the success stories for the *many* people that have lost 100 or more pounds - incredibly inspirational! friend those people, and they will be happy to tell you what worked for them. everyone here is super supportive, but if you're looking for people in your boat, that's what i would do. chin up and good luck!
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    Hi Angela - Getting through that first day can be so hard (sounds ridiculous to those without food issues, but it's true). Promise yourself you can do one day. Plan healthy foods for each of your meals/snacks that you enjoy for that first day. Drink a lot of water with your meal and between meals. Just do that one day...not for your kids or for anyone else...just for YOU. Once you do Day 1, you'll feel much better about yourself and will be ready to tackle more. Keep on planning exactly what you's that old "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail" thing! I just made it through my first month with MFP. It's not any easy change to make and I've not been 'perfect', but things are falling into place. You can do this....if all the other folks on this site have had success, so can you and I!!!!
  • dababers
    dababers Posts: 135
    Hate to say it, but you need to get back into an exercise routine. Exercising burns calories, changes your metabolic weight, and just plain makes you feel better. Sounds like you might be depressed and could be emotionally eating. Engage your family in your venture. If you have to pull a Jillian Micheals and have the family help you throw away all the junk in the house, then do it. Family support is what will get you through. Once your spouse sees the progress and changes, they will be willing to join or at least encourage you in your journey. Yesterday was only day one, Angela. Don't beat yourself up. Today is a new day. Great luck on your journey.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I used to have those same thoughts, but no more. You just have to start eating healthy, eat small meals every 2-3 hours so that you dont binge. Eventually, you are going to discover that there is no room for junk in your life. Its not easy, you are going to have to work on it, but it will pay off and I don't mean just in pounds. You will end up with a healthy mind too.
  • Dippydog
    Dippydog Posts: 154
    First of need more than 1000 cal per day. You should eat at least 1200.
    Another thing to remember is to forgive yourself for past transgressions. What has happened has happened. It is over. Now congratulate yourself for starting new. Make sure you congratulate yourself everyday and with every good choice. This will not happen overnight. Gaining the weight didn't either (although it may feel like it did). Don't look at the 100 lbs, but at the one pound right now.
    Make sure to move everyday. Don't kill yourself, but don't take the easy road all the time either. Also acknowledge you will want something outside your 'diet'. That is okay, but only once in a while. After a while you will find that they are too sweet or you crave something more healthy. It will shock the pants right off of you. It did to me!! LOL. Make sure to log your food everyday along with your exercise and water. Most need to be accountable to yourself and no one else. If you will succeed. It will have nothing to do with anyone asking what you did or did not eat. You will love yourself for this.
    I started on 1/1/11 and as of yesterday lost 15 lbs. I am so proud of that it is not even funny. My co-workers are so tired of hearing how much I lost, but too bad. I am smaller and proud!! Good Luck To You.:wink:
  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    Hi, Welcome!! I would say you are on the right track taking the first step coming here. I want to lose 50 lbs and remember it took a while to put it on, it will take a while and some effort to get it off. Also, try planning what you eat during the day first before you start the day. I find that if I have everything planned, I don't cheat. Another way to do it is try to eat something small every 2-3 hours so you aren't 'starving'. So hungry you can't stand it. LOL. Been there and done that. I agree with the get something less calories that helps the 'sweet' craving. I just started using protein shakes which is a lot of protein and few calories. I also watch sugar content in things. Or fruit is always a good thing. Another mental thing is think of this as a 'lifestyle change' not a diet. The word 'Diet' has such a bad rap that when you put yourself on one it is a bad thing. You are trying to eat healthier and that is a good thing for you and your family. Also, take one day at a time. You can do it!
  • This might be hard for you to do but, I started going to the gym. This has been a great motivator for me. Right now I am trying to get back to where I was over a year ago because I fell off the wagon as well. I also started riding my bike more outsid ewhen it is warm. Don't give up!!!!!! You can do this!!!:smile:
  • AngBenM
    AngBenM Posts: 8
    Thank you and yes I do plan on doing some sort of exercise. My gym membership expired but I can't bring myself to renew it yet. I also used to really enjoy the wii fit and plan on taking walks and stuff when it gets just a little warmer. I think you may be right though, there may be a little depression that I can't seem to shake. Thanks for the encouragement... I need it.
  • Amy62575
    Amy62575 Posts: 422 Member
    I also had a hard time not eating everything in sight when I got home at night. I started eating 5-6 small meals a day (including my post-work out protein shake) and I have really seen a difference in my hunger, which helps me keep from overeating. I also started eating Borden Kid Builder Mozzarella Sticks with a handful of Almonds as a snack and WOW, it really keeps me satisfied.

    Good luck!
  • I'm the same way and understand where you are at.

    I had three children and was in great shape. Then decided to have my tubes tied -- what a crack up - - I gained so much weight within' three months after that procedure and all I've done was cry and be depressed since. Now that I'm getting older I really want to get back to where I was before the tubal all before I'm 40.

    I started working out, making salads, and just making sure I eat something small inbetween meals. BUT last night for some reason I wanted to snack and snack - then I got lazy and fell asleep on the couch. NOT GOOD.
    At work I need to push myself to get up and take 15 minute walk breaks while everyone else is standing around smoking.

    What I have done to replace the bad snacks (Twizzlers) is by starting to bring a bag of those baby carrotts to munch on at work as well as a container of yogurt to keep in the fridge.
    I figured baby steps is what I have to do or it won't work for me at all.

    I have cut myself off the diet pepsi (I drank it like water everyday) and switched to unsweetened iced tea. I'm weening myself from that now and moving to water.
    I also have included a few times a week drinking a glass or two of V8 - - it's a start as I am NOT a juice drinker.

    Good luck and remember to take advantage of the food tracker - I think it's a good tool to use because it makes you accountable.
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    I have to fight the same urges except mine are with salty things - chips, etc. Here is the best advice I can give you - if I'm wrong on anything, no biggie - maybe if it does not help you it will help someone.

    The best thing to do is write down your three meals and all planned healthy snacks - apple, granola bar, whatever you want - in the morning first thing. Cross each item off as you eat, and keep your food log online as current as you can. It sometimes helps to plan your day in front of the food log on MFP so you can see how you are doing and staying in your calorie guidelines. (Sometimes I go over on protien but I really don't stress about that as long as calories are in line)

    The evening snacking is probably because you are not eating enough calories during the day and you have reached a point you feel you are starving. Spread out your calories during the day and eat a good breakfast. A good sweet snack is a small apple, sliced, heated in microwave, then dusted with cinnamon. you can find lots of healthy "sweets" that will keep you satisfied but you have to make an effort to do that and leave the cupcakes alone. My substitute for salty is 28 almonds.

    If you do all of the above, you CAN ignore the sweets. Now it comes down to willpower, since your body is being fed properly, you have to get your head in the game too. Get rid of sweets at home. You can't eat what you don't have on hand. The kids can survive without them as well. I have a horrible time at night sometimes. It seems like we put our brains in a fog so we can do whatever we want, then turn our brains on again after we are done eating. Obviously, because we feel bad after, but why don't we feel bad enought to STOP? And you probably don't eat one candy bar and stop, or you wouldn't be 1000 calories over. And I don't eat one potato chip and stop. So we have to just stay away. Turn the brain back on. When you are reaching for something, don't go into the fog. Stop, and make yourself give 5 reasons why it is healthy. Drink 16 oz. of water as quickly as possible, and get out of the kitchen and go clean a closet. If necessary, repeat and repeat till you run out of closets. Then mop the floor.

    The biggest thing is get your head out of the fog when you are deciding what to eat. Make yourself accountable. Have a friend review your food log. Purchase food for a full week at a time. Have fresh veggies and salad stuff and chicken/fish and fruit in the house and ready to eat. If you are trying to eat healthy without healthy food in the house it won't work very well.

    Good luck...
  • AngBenM
    AngBenM Posts: 8
    Wow, thank you so much everyone. I didn't expect so many people to "care" LOL. I feel like crying here. I am seriously 100x more motivated now then I was 15 minutes ago. Thanks again... by the way, when I add someone as a friend, does that mean they can see what I ate? The reason I ask is because I used to use an old app and my "friends" could see what I was eating and how many calories I ate that day and make suggestions or yell at me which seemed to help LOL. Just curious
  • kountrygrl27
    kountrygrl27 Posts: 107 Member
    Hello, as I was reading your post and I felt as if I was reading some of the things I have been thru. 3 yrs ago after my divorce I dropped 50lbs but gained it back, and then last year I lost 30 and eventually gained it back. I am only 32 and have 2 lil girls and I want to not only be here for them but want to be active in their lives. My biggest issue is motivation as well, I can sit here on my couch and tell myself I need to get up and exercise but I don't . I can tell myself I dont need that brownie or extra portion but I eat it anyway.... I need to loose about 90 lbs too but want to eat anything and everything. I love food!!! I love to cook it, taste it , eat it..... I need someone to help with motivation as well..... I wish I had someone local who would make me accountable for my actions but unfortunatly all my friends live at a distance. So if you are looking for someone who can understand I completely do. Maybe we can become buddies and help keep each other accountable for their actions... if you are interested!
  • Amy62575
    Amy62575 Posts: 422 Member
    Thanks again... by the way, when I add someone as a friend, does that mean they can see what I ate? The reason I ask is because I used to use an old app and my "friends" could see what I was eating and how many calories I ate that day and make suggestions or yell at me which seemed to help LOL. Just curious

    You can change your settings so that everyone, only your friends, or no one can see your food and exercise diaries.
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