Where is the best place to live?



  • psyknife
    psyknife Posts: 487 Member
    There are more cons than pros about Illinois.
    Granted, the economy in the Chicago area is not terrible in that there are actually jobs but the State will tax you do death and if you want to even buy a place you're looking at 170,000 for a crappy vintage condo.
    So, I advise against IL.

    I'm originally from MI, which I loved, but I had to leave because it doesn't have many jobs at the moment.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Anywhere in Ohio except for where I live, near Toledo. :P My friend's college prof in a recent lecture called Toledo "the armpit of the midwest." acurate. Don't get me wrong, it could be worse, but if you want Ohio, you would be better off checking out Columbus or Cincinnati. We get all four seasons which is nice, but sometimes winter hangs around too long (which I'm sure you know about living in Wisconsin). Best of luck to you!
  • There is a lot to like in many places. It sounds like you are flexible and open and would fit well in many places. So look at the climate of the programs you are looking into. What will help you reach your goals. Are there other considerations such as nearby airports or other amenity that you will want to factor in? What about recreation and/or professional or social networking?

    I knew I wanted to escape the grey Pacific NW winters when I applied to graduate school, so days of sunshine per year was something that I looked at. I also needed to be near a major hospital with cardiac surgeons (for my son) and in an area with a good job market (for my husband) and affordable housing. Those were the biggies on my list. What are the biggies on your list?

    Good luck in a very important decision.:flowerforyou:
  • frithir
    frithir Posts: 179 Member
    My friend's college prof in a recent lecture called Toledo "the armpit of the midwest."

    :laugh: That reminds me of that old John Denver song 'Saturday Night In Toledo, Ohio" that starts out "Well, Saturday night in Toledo, Ohio is like being no place at all" :wink: Obviously, the late Mr. Denver had never visited Bugtussle, Oklahoma :tongue:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    It sucks! We're having a girls night tomorrow & there is hardly anything to do in this stupid town except to eat, drink & go to a movie. And I was born & raised here! You think I would have run away screaming by now! LOL
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Ok I wasnt helpful at all.

    If I had that choice to make....I would choose to live somewhere totally different from where I was raised/or will live the rest of my life.

    So California, Florida, Even the New England coast line. Are there young people there? Do they have the entertainment you enjoy?

    Try a place where you will meet people different from you. (Miami, it is like a different country without needing a passport! haha)

    I have lived in the same place for 42 years and although I love it, I want to try different places.
  • frithir
    frithir Posts: 179 Member
    "I have always loved my visits to Hotlanta, Gawga."

    I have a profound sentimental attachment to Atlanta, seeing that's where my husband was living when we met and where we got married. If it wasn't for the fact that I'd miss my beloved mountains too much and probably wouldn't survive the first summer down there, I'd be willing to live there to be close to the best father and mother (forget that in-law stuff ~ they're FAMILY) in the universe.

    Now as far as a place I love to visit but sure wouldn't want to live there..........Memphis (especially Bealle Street :wink: ) and New Orleans (except during Mardis Gras :shudder:)
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member

    We have all 4 seasons here haha

    It's pretty quiet and laid back, actually it depends on what part you live in, I live on the border btwn VA and NC and TN... Most things are pretty cheap here, and I've been a few places and notice things are more expensive than here... lol

    Good luck to you!:flowerforyou:
  • dujennifer
    dujennifer Posts: 162 Member
    I concur with Denver!!!

    I have lived all over in different cities and returned here after college because I love it so much.

    All kinds of sports to play and watch, social activities, etc. Plus the winter activities are awesome...and since it is snowing one day and 60 the next, there is no such thing as dirty snow. GORGEOUS!!!
  • Denver Colorado! Where else can you ride your bike one day and ski/snowboard the next?! Not to mention it's the #1 for Singles, just thought I'd throw that in there. :tongue: :drinker:

    Well, Portland Oregon, ski in the morning, surf in the afternoon, bike anytime.:wink:

    And Northern California... :-)
  • For the US- It may be fun for you to try and fun city like Portland or San Fran or even Santa Monica CA

    A lot depends on you.....
    Do you want to have a car or not
    What are your weather issues (sounds like heat is one of them) Do you want seasons
    Do you want a place with lots of young people a nightlife?
    Do you like shopping, the outdoors or both?

    I believe that we will have to have a car (future hubby will have to drive to work)

    I guess I really don't have any weather issues. I do think it would be depressing to have rain really frequently thought. But, of course, I wouldnt want to live in the desert either.

    For being only 22, I am somewhat of an old maid :laugh: . A nightlife isn't all that important to me.

    I really enjoy shopping AND the outdoors. I am a farmgirl at heart.

    Those were the biggies on my list. What are the biggies on your list?

    Good luck in a very important decision.:flowerforyou:

    The biggies on my list are safety (I wouldn't want to live where there is a bunch of crime), personality (I don't want to be surrounded by a bunch of mean people), and environment (beautiful and not completely polluted)

    I really appreciate all the input! Everywhere seems so inviting!
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    Auburn University in Auburn Alabama. Great school, great city. The South is the place to be! It i warm and NO SNOW!! AND best of all, the people are GREAT!
  • JessicaT2007
    JessicaT2007 Posts: 553 Member
    Another north texas vote here! I now live in south texas and miss it soooooooo much! DFW area is supr nice and you can have the smaller city or large city atmosphere. Everything is close, but at far away as you want it and everyone is just generally nice! I love it and I vote for it :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    San Diego California

    It's beautiful
    The weather is perfect almost everyday of the year is between 60 and 80.
    Tons of stuff to do, watersports, night life, sporting events
    I could go on and on

    I could go on and on
  • jenn10
    jenn10 Posts: 161
    defenetly denver!
    I was born and raised in pa and moved to florida and HATED it - unless you can live on beach it is soo not worth it

    denver---lets see cold is not TOO cold and hot is not TOO hot it's perfect 90% of the time - right now the aspen trees are starting to change and the whole moutain range will turn orange and red!

    we actually live in broomfield which is just northwest of denver but still only about 10 min to downtown -- It is not very expensive compaired to some states and you can actually find decent work here!
  • I have lived in Oregon for many years now, and I love it.

    I live just a couple of miles from the mighty Columbia River, can see Mt Hood and Mt St Helens most days (unless it's really cloudy), am only about 100 miles from the Pacific Ocean, and less than an hour's drive from the Cascade Mountains. What more could you ask for?

    Climate is moderate but with definite changes of season. Maybe a little snow in the winter, but most of it stays on the mountain where it belongs. The rain can be a bit a of a downer sometimes, but it sure keeps things green and beautiful. Summers are wonderful . . . I think we only had maybe 7 days this year that were anywhere near 100. Mostly the summer temps stay right around 80 to 85.
  • I have lived in Oregon for many years now, and I love it.

    I live just a couple of miles from the mighty Columbia River, can see Mt Hood and Mt St Helens most days (unless it's really cloudy), am only about 100 miles from the Pacific Ocean, and less than an hour's drive from the Cascade Mountains. What more could you ask for?

    Climate is moderate but with definite changes of season. Maybe a little snow in the winter, but most of it stays on the mountain where it belongs. The rain can be a bit a of a downer sometimes, but it sure keeps things green and beautiful. Summers are wonderful . . . I think we only had maybe 7 days this year that were anywhere near 100. Mostly the summer temps stay right around 80 to 85.

    As a native Oregonian I concur that Oregon has a lot to offer. *If* the grey (more than the rain, the grey) did not get me down more and more each winter I would not have left. I lived in a number of places throughout Oregon from a small town of 350 people to Portland (I've also lived in and loved Los Angeles - so I've done little to huge comfortably.) Portland is a welcoming, literate town with a very pedestrian friendly down town. Quite possibly the best bookstore in the country is there, Powell's books. If you like coffee, tea, beer, wine, food, music, or the arts you will enjoy Portland. If you are an activist or active you'll like Portland. There are funky, cool little neighborhoods of all flavors. I felt safe in my neighborhood jogging alone or with my poodle early morning, late night, pretty much anytime. The public transportation is stellar and the city is very bike friendly The grey was just too much for me. There are other Oregon towns such as Eugene or Covallis that might be appealing too.

    Me, I'm getting to know Tucson, AZ, as my grad student schedule and budget allows and loving it. Again, good luck in your search. Each of us has different needs and preferences.
  • Ha, what is wrong with Wisconsin.

    I cant imagine living anywhere else.
    I hate the snow and the humidity but I just dont think I could ever leave.
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    San Diego California

    It's beautiful
    The weather is perfect almost everyday of the year is between 60 and 80.
    Tons of stuff to do, watersports, night life, sporting events
    I could go on and on

    I could go on and on

    I second this....

    We were in San Diego this summer, and I would move there if I could get a visa!!! It is just gorgeous, the people are incredibly friendly and polite, the beaches are amazing, terrific culture, sights, restaurants, etc. It would be expensive to live, but IMHO worth the experience. That would be living!
    :love: :love: :love:

    P.S. That is Mission Bay in my av!
  • johnsscarlett
    johnsscarlett Posts: 109 Member
    San Diego California

    It's beautiful
    The weather is perfect almost everyday of the year is between 60 and 80.
    Tons of stuff to do, watersports, night life, sporting events
    I could go on and on

    I could go on and on

    I agree. I'm from there originally and It its beautiful. I miss it:cry:

    The absolute best weather!
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