I am 215lbs- 5'7- goal is 170lbs- What is Your Goal?


I am 24 years old, 5'7, and I have always been "bigger". I want to lose 45 pounds.

I graduated from college in 2009 and I weighed 235 lbs, I was so scared of gaining any more weight that I began to watch what I ate, by April of 2010 I weighed 224, I continued to watch what I ate and by 2011 I now weigh 215, and I am 36.2% body fat. Yes, I lost 20 pounds, but now I am finally ready to really commit myself to health. My goal is to weigh 170 lbs. I plan to lose 1.5-2 pounds per week. I am planning to reach my goal by my birthday in November.

This year is my year of health, I am branching out away from my unhealthy family and doing my own thing, I invested in some healthy food, joined a gym, got a personal trainer, and just finished my first full week at the gym. Yes, I am a little sore, but even after the first week I am already feeling better.

My family has so many poor health habits that has led to their demise, my paternal grandma died of cancer and had diabetes, my paternal grandpa died of a stroke, my maternal grandma died of heart failure, cancer and emphysema, my maternal grandpa has had a quadruple by-pass and has diabetes, my father has had heart attacks, blood clots, and now lives with heart disease, and my mother has high blood pressure and high cholesterol, everyone in my family eats what they want, drinks, and does not link their habits to their health. I NEED to get out of this cycle and be a POSITIVE statistic for my family.


  • BLewy
    BLewy Posts: 11 Member
    That's a great goal! Change always has to start somewhere. Feel free to add me. Good luck with your weight loss journey, MFP is a great place to find support and motivation!