Verge of giving up



  • EdAmundson
    Your underlying prblem might not be diet at all. Have you hsd your Thyroid checked recently? An underperforming Thyroid could be your culprit. Also remember men do take off weight faster than women. Plus if you are nearing your cycle, women's bodies tend to retain water. Are you exercising? Guess what? Muscle weighs more than fat. My suggestion is start with a physical examination with your family doctor. Second, take into account the difference between the physiology of men and women. Third if you are not exercising, if your doctor says it's ok, start slowly. Fourth, don't rely on the scale alone. Get a cloth measuring tape and measure your neck, bust, waist, hips, arms and thighs. Keep a diary. You may find that while your weight shows little or no movement, the inches are melting away. Finally, take stock of your mental (particularly emotional) well-being. How is your relationship with your boyfriend? Our emotional states require healthy living habits as well. Have you tried church? Couldn't hurt? I believe it would go a long way toward helping you maintain a positive outlook. Ok, now suck it up and get going. It isn't time to give up,! It is time to dig in and huncker down! LOL Get after it! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    3 weeks seems awful early to be getting so discouraged dontcha think? If you plan on reaching your goal your going to have to kick the negativity to the curb and quick. Firstly, don't compare yourself to someone else, we area all different. Secondly, I think 3 pounds is good. The maximum amount you should be losing is about 2 pounds per week. I know hardly anyone who loses exactly 2lbs per week until they reach their goal. Some weeks you may not see a loss and then the next week you will be down 3-4 pounds all the's not always super consistent. I guarantee if you keep it up, you will see progress.

    If you are worried you are doing things right or not we will need some more information. Current stats, how many calories a day you are eating, are you counting EVERYTHING (veggies, fruit, condiments etc...), What are you doing for workouts?
  • dababers
    dababers Posts: 135
    Your body is in the process of resetting. You sent it into shock by starting the program and it is trying to figure out what is going on. Also, if you are exercising, you are likely building muscle mass, which is denser than fat. Drink plenty of water. Are your clothes fitting differently? Getting looser. Remember, the scale is not the only measure of progress.....and oftentimes is not our friend. Keep going, and you will see results.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,243 Member
    The reason men lose weight faster than women is at least in part because men have more testosterone and less estrogen than women. That means men usually also have more muscle and thus burn more calories while exercising, and they don't have the same fat holding to battle that someone who has higher estrogen levels has. Some men do have higher estrogen levels, and for them it is often just as slow as women to get the muscle off.

    As stated, without seeing your food diary, we cannot help there so you need to open it up. Also, without knowing the sort of exercise you are doing, we can't really make suggestions there either.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I'm just going to post this because it's a biological fact that men tend to lose weight faster than women.

    But, that doesn't mean that you should compare yourself to his loss either. 2 weeks is just the beginning of a long journey. If you're dead serious about weight loss, you will have to learn to be patient as it is a lifestyle change...meaning for life. Unless, you have some sort of reason for not planning to enjoy all of life, there's no reason to give up now because a short term expectation wasn't met. It's your choice, but if you expect too much, and results don't meet those demands, chances are you need to re-evaluate what you really want. Set realistic goals, not wishful expectations.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    If this makes you feel any better - in my first couple of weeks I put on 2lb. I was really annoyed: Gym 3 times a week, cutting down my calories and what happens - I gain weight!

    I did some reading and spoke to my gym instructor and basically concluded that I had successfully put on a pretty good amount of muscle (it really showed actually - in what I could lift, in how long I could run and in how I looked) - and I just hadn't started loosing fat yet.

    At the time I was targeting a 1lb per week loss - In theory my calorie intake would have been 1760. I increased my target to 1.5lb a week - which changed my calorie allowance to 1460.

    Since then I have lost 7lb (OK, MFP says 5lb but thats because I gained 2). Its been slow - sometimes 1lb a week, sometime none. occasionally its up one, sometimes its down 2. Doesn't matter - the trend is down.

    Just think - how long will it be to get to your target weight at 1.5 lb a week?

    How long before you notice a change? I say you probably already can: Here is a fact I learnt today - 1lb is 453 grams. We buy butter in 250 gram packs. You just lost 5.5 slabs of butter. You have to be pleased with that!
  • cama2681
    cama2681 Posts: 10
    hey i started on 2/23/11 and i only lost 2 pounds but i didnt expect to lose it right away. As do all thing they come in time. So i knew this is too. Just stick it out everything will be fine and you'll be glad you did. Like you said your doing this not only to fit in your clothes but for YOUR HEALTH. As am I. We can do this i know it looks hard believe me i joined this on the same day as my mom and my younger sister and My 21 year old sister lost 7lbs so far and my mom has lose the same amount as you 3lbs. I try not to look at them and say how are they losings and not me. But i believe i am worth waiting and finding out in time.
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    Hello fellow slow loser! (Me too) 3 pounds in two weeks is awesome I know it's frustrating but take it one day at a time. Maybe try to do 4 or 5 days of working out, or extending your workouts longer I don't know what your schedule is like so this may be waaay easier said than done. Drink the $#'+ out of water. Water is your friend. Keep at it and it will happen. You CAN do this!
  • queenbsw
    queenbsw Posts: 8

    I honestly did not think anyone would respond, thought it would be a shot in the dark. I am extremely thankful for your responses because it put that fire under my butt, just what I needed! I did open my food diary for everyone too see, however, I shall explain one thing. I'm a graduate student, and with my current schedule I stay up until 2-3am and don't get up until 11-12 (on most days). Therefore my, "late meal" is to make up for the lack of breakfast.

    I think I'm going to start a blog tonight, it might help me talk though something going on in my head. One of you asked about my emotional state..or how my boyfriend and I are doing. Well, our relationship is great, I think, sometimes there is a lack of communication, but for the most part if we have a problem we talk about it.

    Nothing in my life has ever been consistent, except for my food, and now him. He is always there for me, he never raises his voice, and he loves me for me!

    Any who, I'm pretty good about staying under my calories, but not my sodium/sugar. I do eat lean cuisines/healthy choice a lot, because I am a graduate student and they are quick and easy. Lunches are easier for me sandwiches and such, but dinners "meat and potatoes" kinda stuff, not so good...especially since I'm one person!

    I'm no longer on the verge of giving up! Thank you :)

    Oh, one more thing. You can only imagine how I truly felt while I was writing my original post, it probably should have been titled "verge of tears". When I read all of your posts I sure did cry, but not out of sadness, out of relief. I was relieved to know people, who didn't even know me or any of my 'story' were there to encourage me
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,243 Member
    I am glad to hear you are motivated to keep going again. Losing weight can be hard at time, especially when things are not going as fast as you would like. Keep at it and you will see success. I was looking at your diary a bit, and unless you are like me (forgetting to log water) you really need to drink more water. Try to make it to your calorie goal for the day as it will help as well, although if you are a little over one day and a little below another, over the week it sort of evens out.

    The one thing which you may find difficult as a grad student, would be my main suggestion, eat more stuff you cook, especially veggies. I often use a frozen California mix (which here means broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots) or something similar for a quick meal. I take several servings out (it is only 25 calories a serving) heat it in the microwave, then add some salsa and a serving of crumbled feta cheese. The little bit of feta goes a long way to making it much more tasty, as would a serving of a 2% cheese grated. This would be much more healthy than the lean cuisine.
  • Hanzo44
    Hanzo44 Posts: 23 Member

    The fact that you posted this to call us to arms for you means you are not looking to quit. Because if you wanted to quit you would have just done it. Try concentrating on the fact that you are eating better for overall health, losing weight is the by product for being a healthier person.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member

    I'm really glad we could help. The collective positive energy on this site is amazing isn't it?

    The best thing is this: some time in the near future it will be you offer encouragement to someone else.
  • MamaJess
    MamaJess Posts: 181 Member
    As many of us do, we love to see results. Well, I'm not seeing any!! Since my boyfriend and I have stopped eating out he is losing weight like it's a piece of cake, and he isn't even trying. Me on the other such luck. Since I've seriously changed my eating habits and I've been exercising 3 times a week, which was 2-21-11, I've lost about 3 pounds. I'm sure most of you will say that is plenty for 2 weeks, but with the drastic change in eating habits, I would have expected more for the first 2 weeks. Maybe I shouldn't expect to lose any...I don't know, I'm simply frustrated!

    I just need some encouragement, accountability, and reassurance that I'm dong the right thing. I know it is the right thing, especially when I can't fit into any of my clothes and for the general health of myself.

    Thank you.

    I was having this same issue and I realized that even though the scales didn't say I had a bunch of weight loss I was fitting into clothes that had previously looked painted on. for the next couple of weeks try using a measuring tape and keep track of inches lost instead of pounds lost. I am sure you will see a difference. Good luck
  • queenbsw
    queenbsw Posts: 8

    I'm really glad we could help. The collective positive energy on this site is amazing isn't it?

    The best thing is this: some time in the near future it will be you offer encouragement to someone else.

    It certainly is amazing, thanks :)
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member

    I'm really glad we could help. The collective positive energy on this site is amazing isn't it?

    The best thing is this: some time in the near future it will be you offer encouragement to someone else.

    It certainly is amazing, thanks :)

    I absolutely agree!