I need to get rid of these love handles!!!

I Have been working out now for almost 3 months doing 30 minutes of cardio exercise on either the treadmill or an elliptical, and I make sure my heart rate is between 170 and 180 the whole time. I thought this would burn calories and I would lose my belly fat and my love handles...but alas, no success. Any tips??


  • lripson28
    lripson28 Posts: 213 Member
    I'd like to know the answer to this too! I'm going through the same thing!
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    These are the absolute last thing to go on me
  • alexpkb1
    alexpkb1 Posts: 1
    I have had the same issue for many years. The most effecient thing is to continue to burn fat, but also tone and build your muscles, in the problem area and all over your body. There are some fairly simple, low-impact, yoga-like exercises that will work those ever-important obliques, to help prevent fat from sticking to the muscles under the "love handles". Also toning the muscles in all of your back and core will help you stand up taller, making everything look more slim. Adding muscle all over will boost your metabolism, adding to the fat burn.
  • rrboruff
    rrboruff Posts: 24
    Try some ab workouts. Jullian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD includes cardio, strength, and abs. It's some good stuff!
  • Mimigurken
    Mimigurken Posts: 27 Member
    remember that wherever you put on weight first it' is the LAST thing to go.
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    Diet and exersice is key,but I also do trunk rotations,side bends wth weights and bicycle crunches