Knee Issue?

ahartery9891 Posts: 139 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
People of MFP,

I am wondering if anyone out there can help me out. I dislocated my knee a couple years back (at a rock concert... crowd surfed out, knee popped back into place as I was being switched beds) and now my knee is strange.... I can't develop a lot of muscle on the inside of my knee. I have tried physio, I have tried the electrodes (which I can't stand), and it just seems nothing really works. I have managed just fine without this with no pain... until I over-exert myself somehow, whether it be on the treadmill, eliptical, or jogging outdoors.

Today, I ran on the treadmill for the first time in a while... normally I bike or try the stair climber... but today I felt some sort of fluid around my knee... I've felt it before, but this was weird. I don't feel it now... it was almost like I only felt it while I was on the treadmill...

On a gauge of 1-10, how big of a problem is this, and can I please not go to the doctor?! Any ideas on what I can do?


  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    I would think you, yes, please, need to go to a doctor. Sorry! That sucks but it's the truth.
  • jfer1977
    jfer1977 Posts: 139
    Sorry to say, but that sounds like something you should be seeing the doctor for.
  • kriswigg
    kriswigg Posts: 95
    Gotta agree. This sounds like something a dr needs to see.
  • khodges15
    khodges15 Posts: 114
    i have arthritis after blowing mine out a few years back. acts up occasionally (like for the past week }:\) but fluid is no good i would go have it checked :/
  • ahartery9891
    ahartery9891 Posts: 139 Member
    It's just not a constant thing... if it were, I would think more heavily about it. And it doesn't feel like its pushing my knee around... maybe Im just paranoid? :P
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Yup. Please see the doc. Us internet doctors gots our degrees online.....

    My personal experience with my dislocated knee. Sawbones said exercise or surgery. My primary exercise was lunges, followed by speedwalking.
  • I dislocated my knee, the 1st time, in 1996. I would warn you to be very careful with the excercise choices you make. I've dislocated it 3 more times since then and it has always been doing the simplest task. Once it's popped out, it's really easy for it to do it again, and again... I avoid jogging/running, unless I have a a knee brace on. Listen to your body. I don't feel a fluid buildup, but do feel a "pop" happening and that's my warning. You should probably see your Dr. and ask him/her about a brace you can wear while you workout.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I know going to the doctors is a PAIN in the but as I have gone and still do go to many of them, but you really need to go for this, it sounds serious. My right knee has been bothering me as well and I am planning on going to the doctors to have it checked it as I believe it could be inflammation or arthritis. I know how you feel, it is really annoying and painful. You really should go to the doctor before it gets worse. Good luck!
  • sweetasiam
    sweetasiam Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in physical therapy school right now, and I can tell you, that you don't just dislocate your knee without some kind of trauma to the surrounding tissues. There are a ton of different things that could be going on; however, I really can't say what given the small amount of information you've provided & not seeing your knee. My advice is to see the doctor, he/she should be able to figure out what's going on and help you find ways to treat it. Get your knee checked out (especially since it seems to be a recurrent problem), you might be prematurely wearing out your knee by not getting it treated (you could be saving yourself a knee replacement down the line). You only get one body, you should take care of it.
  • Hailz1986
    Hailz1986 Posts: 35 Member
    I once dislocated my knee, and now 2 years later I am finally getting back to normal after an ACL replacement and cartiliage repair. 4 surgerys is not fun, and I recommend you get seen to right away before you do some worse damage to your knee.
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    As I sit here icing my own knee, I will tell you that if you even think there is fluid on your knee, see a doc. Might be as easy as getting it drained and a simple brace. I did not go when mine started acting up and ended up having surgery to cut a few tendons, re-align my knee and having the cart. scoped out. In the mean time, ICE ICE ICE when you are finished working out! keep the swelling down! Good luck. I hope is really nothing to worry about but better safe than sorry!
  • msmindyf
    msmindyf Posts: 133 Member
    Dr. Dr. Dr. In no way do we know what's best for listen to your body, but do see your doctor to get advice.
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