Does BJJ really burn 875 calories a hour

jace_pad Posts: 3 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
I new to this site so hi everyone.

Basically I entered the bjj into the diary and 1hour calculates at 875 calories.
Do i only put the amount of full sparring I do or do I put how long the class is after the warm up

Also does anyone know how they Work these out


  • Dmonique85
    Dmonique85 Posts: 112
    MFP can only give an estimate and it tends to be a bit high...I would invest in an HRM (just got mine yay!!) they give more accurate numbers...but it is possible :)
  • EvilPirateJohn
    EvilPirateJohn Posts: 47 Member
    It's just an estimate. Everyone will burn something differently depending on the intensity of the workout. Also, everyone's body is different and will burn as such.

    The more accurate way to know is by wearing a heart rate monitor.
  • nmain
    nmain Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome! I am pretty sure most of the exercise's are put in by other users and going by what they got out of the work out. Some things seem really high in calories burned,..just my thought though.
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    I now use a HRM, and learned that I am actually burning more than MFP says!!
  • SheehyCFC
    SheehyCFC Posts: 529 Member
    You really don't want to have a HRM strapped to your chest for BJJ.

    The 875 is pretty close to accurate, but realize that is for "intense sparring time" - which is usually only about 15 minutes of a 1 hour BJJ workout (15 minute warmup, 30 minutes of instruction/rest in between sparring). I am only doing BJJ intermittently, but when I do, I log 15-20 min of light cardio, and 15-20 min of BJJ (depending on intensity).
  • jace_pad
    jace_pad Posts: 3 Member
    You really don't want to have a HRM strapped to your chest for BJJ.

    The 875 is pretty close to accurate, but realize that is for "intense sparring time" - which is usually only about 15 minutes of a 1 hour BJJ workout (15 minute warmup, 30 minutes of instruction/rest in between sparring). I am only doing BJJ intermittently, but when I do, I log 15-20 min of light cardio, and 15-20 min of BJJ (depending on intensity).

    Thanks I only logged the sparring time as well but I will also be adding the 15-20min light cardio also it should average out near enough
  • Yzfdude1
    Yzfdude1 Posts: 23 Member
    It's pretty accurate for me.
    I put in 90 minutes in one class from start to finish and my HRM calculated about 2100 calories, MFP says 2116.

    I use a Garmin FR-60 HRM, I put the chest strap on and then tape the watch to my upper arm out of the way and I haven't had any problem. I'm looking into a bluetooth enabled HRM monitor that won't require me to wear a watch it will transmit to my phone on the side of the mat in a safe place.
  • FitFeden
    FitFeden Posts: 33 Member
    I also, only use the sparring portion of the workout for bjj calculations. Usually that's around 20-30 minutes at my school discounted for rests. We do a 15-20 minute warmup/circuit which I may count, but usually forget to, then instructions for 30-40 minutes which I don't count at all, then the sparring which is usually 4-5 5 minute rounds.
  • utamore
    utamore Posts: 53
    Bump. I have been thinking about this too. Seems like if you put 30 mins in there that should be about right for a 1 hour class (taking into account warm-up and rolling). But I think it's silly--who is going to be using this and not counting the class as a unit? While I'll feel a bit silly wearing an HRM to class I may just have to do it on Wednesday to get a more accurate count. If I do, I'll post a BJJ Class number or something like that.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I don't doubt that 875 is accurate, but I would argue it is near impssible to go all out in BJJ for a full hour.

    I wrestled in HS and was very lean and very conditioned, considered elite at my weight. I can tell you after a 6 minute match going full tilt you are exhausted. I would say 10-15 minutes would be tops even fore elite guys. Look at the UFC and how drained they are at the end.

    So if you are logging an hour or BJJ, I would say you are over estimating the intensity of your work.
  • DonPendergraft
    DonPendergraft Posts: 520 Member
    I would say that's accurate when you are rolling, but not so for drills, etc. So average it out.
  • if your rolling or doing really high intensity, high speed drills, then i'd say that is probably close to accurate because you are using your whole body when doing bjj. i usually average my drilling to about 1 minute for every 5 depending on various factors, and then just put in my sparring time.
  • If you're not using a HRM just count your total rolls.

    My classes usually work like this:

    Warmup: 5-10 min (jogging, pushups, rolls etc)

    Technique/drilling: 30 min-40 min

    Live rolling: 30-40 min

    So if we do x5 5 minute rounds I log it as 25 minutes and then tack on 5 minutes for warm-ups and technique combined.
  • patsully98
    patsully98 Posts: 40 Member
    I log it as BJJ for rounds of rolling, and "calisthenics, light/moderate effort" for warmup and drilling.
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