lavparedes Posts: 24
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I started MFP 2 weeks ago. My daily cal is 1200 daily. I started walking or just 15 minutes exercise like leslie sansone every day. In 2 week i just lost 5 lbs. Currently Im 165 lbs. Questions are:
1.) How can I speed up my weightloss? is 5 lbs in 2 weeks just right?
2.) Should I increase my exercise to 30 minutes to 1 hour to speed up result?
3.) Is 1200 just enough? Sometimes i want to eat less so i weigh less too but, it said that it will lower my metabolism. Should i supplement like fat burners or something?

THANKS!!! I need to lost at least 40 lbs.. Is it attainable in just 6 months? thanks!


  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    Increase calories and exercise.
    Your body's metabolism is faster if you eat more often. Don't wait to eat till the afternoon or until lunch. If you eat too little, and your body will freak out and stop burning because it thinks its being starved and turn down your metabolism to conserve energy.
    So exercise more to increase your metabolism and then eat what you burned to balance. Then you are still having a calorie deficit and lose weight, but your body will respond better because it will know its will be receiving a steady supply of energy. No need to hold on to the fat.
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    I started MFP 2 weeks ago. My daily cal is 1200 daily. I started walking or just 15 minutes exercise like leslie sansone every day. In 2 week i just lost 5 lbs. Currently Im 165 lbs. Questions are:
    1.) How can I speed up my weightloss? is 5 lbs in 2 weeks just right?
    2.) Should I increase my exercise to 30 minutes to 1 hour to speed up result?
    3.) Is 1200 just enough? Sometimes i want to eat less so i weigh less too but, it said that it will lower my metabolism. Should i supplement like fat burners or something?

    THANKS!!! I need to lost at least 40 lbs.. Is it attainable in just 6 months? thanks!

    5lbs in 2 weeks is amazing! Average weight lost is 1-2 lbs per week, so you are doing just fine.
    If you feel like you can increase your exercise do it, it will make you feel better.
    Don't worry about speeding things up, losing weight too rapidly is not good for you. Remember, it took a long time to put it on, it will take a while to take it off.
    And 1200 calories is enough. Try to stay right around there.
    There is no quick fix with weight loss, it takes hard work and dedication. You can get there!
    Good luck!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    5 lbs in 2 weeks is just right. Stay at 1200 calories (or more) or your body might go into starvation mode and that is no good at all.

    You can increase your workouts if you like, but you are on a great start. Keep it up! 40lbs in 6 months is pretty do-able, but don't be discouraged if it doesn't happen. The closer you get the harder it will be to shed those last few pounds.

    Best of luck to you! Feel free to add me if you want =)
    EDBENAGLIO Posts: 424
    I started MFP 2 weeks ago. My daily cal is 1200 daily. I started walking or just 15 minutes exercise like leslie sansone every day. In 2 week i just lost 5 lbs. Currently Im 165 lbs. Questions are:
    1.) How can I speed up my weightloss? is 5 lbs in 2 weeks just right?
    2.) Should I increase my exercise to 30 minutes to 1 hour to speed up result?
    3.) Is 1200 just enough? Sometimes i want to eat less so i weigh less too but, it said that it will lower my metabolism. Should i supplement like fat burners or something?

    THANKS!!! I need to lost at least 40 lbs.. Is it attainable in just 6 months? thanks!

    okay heere is what i do

    1. i loss about 5 lbs a week but most say 2 lbs a week is just right i however like burnning more
    2. i found that you need to be in you fat burring heart rate for over 30 min and you burn lots more for each min over 30 min so yes jack the time up but watch your heart rate
    3. 1200 is the least you should eat now there are certin tiomes to eat that could help. and please stay away from pills do this right please.

    friend me if you need more info on what i do
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    Never go for pills. Also 1200 calories are like borderline starving. You should NOT eat less. You can healthily lose 2 pounds of fat a week. If you lose more, it will be combined muscle loss and body mass (like bone too lol) as a guy that is the worst thing that can happen to me is lose muscle.
  • Increase calories and exercise.
    Your body's metabolism is faster if you eat more often. Don't wait to eat till the afternoon or until lunch. If you eat too little, and your body will freak out and stop burning because it thinks its being starved and turn down your metabolism to conserve energy.
    So exercise more to increase your metabolism and then eat what you burned to balance. Then you are still having a calorie deficit and lose weight, but your body will respond better because it will know its will be receiving a steady supply of energy. No need to hold on to the fat.

    Hi thanks...
    so is it ok let say i eat 1800 calories and burn 600 calories so i just net at 1200?
    sounds crazy but im afraid of eating more:(
  • blueillusion3
    blueillusion3 Posts: 151 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss!

    Eating 1200 calories is perfect, don't go below that you might slow down your metabolism. And 2.5 lbs is pretty normal (actually more than most, I weigh more than you and my doctor told me I should try to do 2 lbs/week). Try increasing the exercise time and see what your results are in the next two weeks. But if you continue to lose 2.5 lbs/ week you should be able to reach your goal within the next 6 months! Good luck!!
  • In regards to a previous post here, I have
  • zulunery
    zulunery Posts: 22
    Hi! Congratulations on losing 5 pounds! It may not seem much to you because you are stuck on your over-all goal of 40 but you have to recognize your effort over the last 2 weeks and congratulate yourself for losing 5 pounds. Everybody is different but, to me, losing 1 pound per week is ideal. Remember that if you deprive yourself of something you are setting yourself up for failure because you will find that when you do allow yourself to have it you will most likely go overboard.
    I've found that if I drastically drop my fat intake I'm always starving; fat is not always bad for you and it's an essential nutrient that our bodies need. Remember that if you increase your workout you also need to increase your calorie intake or else you're body will think you're trying to starve it and it will desperately hold onto nutrients, like fat, that would help you live if you were starving. In my opinion, 40 pounds is 6 months is a lot but everybody's different and it may be that your body will lose what you want it to.
  • Regarding a previous post, I have a question. I'm trying to lose weight and I'm doing the TurboFire workout program in addition to tracking my food and calories. To lose one pound a week I'm MFP says to eat about 1300 calories a day. When I workout I'm buring a lot of calories. Today's workout was approx 644 calories burned. Am I supposed to eat these back? Or do I leave them as my deficit? I'm confused by this. If I am taking in 1300 calories and then they get burnt off, why would I want to eat them back?
  • 5 lbs in 2 weeks is fine for the first 2 weeks. You probably don't want to be losing weight any faster that that anyway. Give it another 2 weeks, and see how things are going then. You may find that your weight loss slows down, at which point you can make adjustments, but honestly 2.5lb / week can be a lot.

    Don't rush weight loss. All that will happen is as soon as you hit your goal you'll get back into old habits and put it back on. It's much better to lose weight slowly and adapt to the lifestyle, so that once you hit your goals you don't fall back into an unhealthy lifestyle. 1-2 lb / week is a good, healthy weight loss to aim for.

    EDIT: To reply to above, EAT YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES!!!!! To lose your goal weight per week, the net calories your body intakes should be 1300. If you burn 600, you should replace them otherwise you're body is only taking in 700 calories, and that's too few. Always always always eat your exercise calories. I find MFP sometimes gives me higher numbers than i'd expect for exercise, so sometimes I only eat 60% of them, but that's something you have to learn for yourself based on your body. I'm in decent shape for my weight, and MFP thinks I'm in worse shape than I am and thus gives me more cals than I need, but it's a bit different for eveyone..
  • I agree with most of the other ladies that 5 lbs in two weeks is great! I started on WW two weeks ago before switching to MFP and I'm only down 3 lbs but I'm happy about that. You are doing this the healthy way...remember that. You don't want to do anything that is going to harm yourself and your body. Keep up the great work!
  • thanks guys.. is should not be afraid to eat more as long as i burn it with exercise and stick to my net of 1200 at the ened of the day..
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