Distorted Body Image

nmccabe33 Posts: 35
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
It's my TOM and I've felt very low the past couple of days. I know, logically, that I'm not fat but I feel fat, bloated, and gross. All I'm thinking about is food and chocolate. Can somebody give me some positive words of encouragement. I'm in a rut and feel exhausted.


  • crrc78
    crrc78 Posts: 207 Member
    I'm right there with you after 6 days of horrible cramps and craving, but I think I'm on the mend. I think the most important thing is to know it's ok to give in to SOME cravings and to know that tomorrow is another day and just move forward with no guilt. Just stick with it, and try not to be so hard on yourself. We all have our rough days and we all have our great days.
  • Diya13
    Diya13 Posts: 24
    a few more days and it'll pass...then you'll feel lighter than ever!
  • JenUB
    JenUB Posts: 84
    Go shopping and buy yourself something fun. That always takes my mind off things, and makes me feel better. (Sorry....maybe I'm not such a good influence. :ohwell: )
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. A few days before TOM (and during it too) I feel like a HUGE marshmellow Woman! Metally, I know that I'm not any fatter that I was beforehand but you just can't help how you feel.

    That said, just remember, how you feel today is NOT permanent. You are beautiful - fact. You are doing as much as you can to change your lifestyle by eating right and exercising.

    Also, the great thing is that after TOM you can look forward to that wonderful svelt feeling, as one it's gone you feel super skinny. Stay strong, work out as much as you can during TOM and the results will be even better once it's passed. I tend to eat a little more during TOM but just try your best to plan for your extra's. Remember, in a week or so it will have passed.
  • Just remind yourself - "I'm a girl." I'm surrounded by males at my house (even the pets are boys), and they all understand that when I say "I'm having a girl day" that I'm not going to be quite up to my normal self. Like it or not, it comes with being female. So give yourself a day or two, splurge a teensy bit, and hang in there!

    From one girl to another - been there! You're just normal.
  • nmccabe33
    nmccabe33 Posts: 35
    Thank you, thank you, thank you. That is why I love this site. I'm down and everyone picks me back up. I'll get back on that horse tomorrow.
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    Tonite at dinner, husband says "ugh, what's wrong with your nose?" I reply in angry sarcastic voice " they are pimples because I have my period!" shut him up real quick! You will feel better tomorrow. Even better if you don't completely go overboard!
  • Nicole, You look fabulous! I think many of us (at school) are on the same cycle so your in good company. I hate that bloated feeling. No matter what your size that just feels yucky. Hang in there. Remember if you really want it go ahead and have a little. :) Chocolate I mean!
  • nmccabe33
    nmccabe33 Posts: 35
    I had a little peanut butter which is just as good. Thanks for the support!
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