
After losing about 20 lbs by watching what I was eating, I decided to add exercise to boost my weight loss. I'm hoping that this site will help keep me motivated so I can reach my goal. I hope to lose another 60 lbs.


  • jeromy75
    jeromy75 Posts: 112
    I believe you will lose the 60lbs. Speak it into existence. You'll do it. I look forward to seeing your success on here. :happy:
  • Smoodysmom
    Congratulations on your success thus far! looking forward to seeing your success stories in the near future...keep up the great work! Feel free to add me if you'd like :-)
  • Ballmom22
    Ballmom22 Posts: 27
    I have also lost some weight but need to tone up BIG time, have been overweight most of my life and never been much on exercise but I am trying and being pretty consistant with it too....good luck, just make yourself a manageable routine and do you best to keep up with it.
  • dsev78
    dsev78 Posts: 11 Member
    I am hoping this App will motivate me to loose my extra lbs. If you would like to add me as a friend to keep motivated go ahead.
  • Kelsey214
    Kelsey214 Posts: 24 Member
    I believe my awesome sister can go it, that bollywood work out tonight was awesome... caridokie......not so much