Thyroid Problems..Anyone else??



  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I was also diagnosed with Hypothyroidisms about 6 years ago and it took me almost 2 years to get my hormones balance. Not only TSH but also T3 and T4 need to be looked at since these enzymes are the precursors of TSH. I am now in two medications which I also take early in the morning on an empty stomach. So far so good. I did gain weight and had trouble loosing, it but I am now on wt. maintenance and with normal energy levels.

    Please be aware that calcium also interferes with Synthroid and with any or all genetic forms of this medication. We should not take any calcium supplement for at least 4 hours after taking the medication ( I take mine at night)

    . Read the package insert that you receive from the pharmacy for more information or talk to the pharmacist, which I sometimes trust more that the doctors in reference to interactions. Proper and healthy diet and exercise is very important to control weight gain.
  • runracer11
    runracer11 Posts: 45 Member
    The other thing I've learned is that it is important to find an understanding and compassionate endocrinologist who listens to how you say you feel, not only the number on the blood test report. I have found that I am very sensitive to small changes in my TSH level. My previous endo (from about 5 years ago) would not test me often and felt that anything within a wide range was okay, even if I felt awful. My new endo is willing to tweak the level of synthroid until I tell her I'm feeling good (as long as it isn't out of the range, as both extremes can cause health problems -- like your racing heart when hyper, Blondie).
  • The other thing I've learned is that it is important to find an understanding and compassionate endocrinologist who listens to how you say you feel, not only the number on the blood test report. I have found that I am very sensitive to small changes in my TSH level. My previous endo (from about 5 years ago) would not test me often and felt that anything within a wide range was okay, even if I felt awful. My new endo is willing to tweak the level of synthroid until I tell her I'm feeling good (as long as it isn't out of the range, as both extremes can cause health problems -- like your racing heart when hyper, Blondie).

    Yes, I totally understand that. Right now, I'm just going to a regular doctor for mine, because I don't have medical insurance, so I can't afford to see a endocrinologist at the moment! But my doctor usually checks mine every 3 to 4 weeks to see changes in my levels and changes my medication as needed.
  • I was just diagnosed last week as hypo. I have had symptoms for years and finally someone listened to me. A week ago I was put on synthroid and feel better but even with dieting and working out an hour a day ( running) I have not been able to move the scale. So frustrating and so much so I am considering the HCG diet.
  • kimiel
    kimiel Posts: 108
    I was diagnosed in 2006 with both hashimotos disease and papillary thyroid cancer. I also gained weight while being kept hyperthyroid after the surgery. The doctor is adjusting my meds now to bring me back down to a normal level. I also have the heart palpitations, anxious feelings, hair loss, etc. I can't get the scale to budge either. It's so frustrating!!!:grumble:
  • carfam07
    carfam07 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, I read the posts and I too have struggled to find the right medicine from time to time. It's like just as soon as I think everything is going great, I find that something isn't quite right with my meds, hair, weight, and the list goes on. However, I recently lost 20 pounds with my Hashimotos by using this site and logging my food and exercise EVERYDAY, jogging 3 times a week and exercising daily to the Couch to 5K program (google this-it is wonderful!), and by strictly watching my sugar intake to no more than 20-25 grams daily. I had never lost that much weight EVER! Maybe this might help you too. Best of luck to you!
  • I was just diagnosed last week as hypo. I have had symptoms for years and finally someone listened to me. A week ago I was put on synthroid and feel better but even with dieting and working out an hour a day ( running) I have not been able to move the scale. So frustrating and so much so I am considering the HCG diet.

    I, myself, tried the HCG diet last summer, and I lost 15 pounds, and I didn't really keep up with the diet plan of it. But then I stopped it and my thyroid was still messed up, so I gained a little bit of it back. But I just bought some more, so I am starting it back up! I would recommend it! :) It's worth a shot!! Good luck!!
  • runracer11
    runracer11 Posts: 45 Member
    I was just diagnosed last week as hypo. I have had symptoms for years and finally someone listened to me. A week ago I was put on synthroid and feel better but even with dieting and working out an hour a day ( running) I have not been able to move the scale. So frustrating and so much so I am considering the HCG diet.

    Give it a few more weeks. Synthroid has a long half-life, meaning it takes a while for it to have an effect on your system. You should start feeling better and better over the coming weeks, and hopefully you'll find that it becomes less difficult to move the scale in the right direction. Keep up with the healthy eating and exercise too!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Ok, are you on Synthroid (aka Levothyroxine)???

    If you are, ask your doctor for a NATURAL Thyroid supplement, which is Armour Thyroid.

    The reason you may be having problems with getting your levels straight is because Levothyroxine is a T4 only drug and Armour Thyroid will supply you with TSH, T3 and T4 - which your body needs.

    The problem is that your body probably needs more T3 and since Levothyroxine (Synthroid) is a T4 only drug your body is lacking, hence the reason you are exhausted all the time.

    My doctor made the switch for me from Synthetic to the natural thyroid and I have made HUGE improvements over the last few months.

    PM me if you would like more information.
  • wises5
    wises5 Posts: 53
    Hypo is a horrible thing, I know people think you can't blame it on your thyroid. well ya can, I was under 100 before this & now i was up to 122 or 23 I lost 5.5 pounds this week. I have had my thyroid problem for about six years! yup im only 19 & i believe i had it longer before doctors found out. Sooo I just had it out in july. Good luck! stay positive My first week seriously trying to lose weight & take control i lost over 5 pounds!! & my thyroid level are not balanced STILL
    good luck
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    I was diagnosed with an under-active thyroid about 10 years ago but I personally think I'd had thyroid problems a few years before they eventually tested for it. I can't blame all my weight gain onto my thyroid problem but I know it has played it's part. At times I have felt so unbelievably knackered all I want to do is sleep and have had cravings for carbs & sweet things, I'd get home from work, sit down and nod off in an instant. I stopped going out so much because I felt depressed and stopped exercising, spent many a night in front of the tv with a choc bar - just letting myself get fat because I didn't feel healthy enough to do anything about it. My medication has never balanced my hormones sufficiently, just as it begins to work my thyroid function will crank down another notch and has done this for years. My doctors try and leave the blood testing a year between tests which is terrible management of it when I think about it. I've just got myself a new doctor so will see how it goes. Meanwhile I have been taking thyroid vitamin tablets (I didn't know there was such a thing until I read about it on the internet) and have been forcing myself to exercise more and eat healthier. As the weight is starting to come off, I'm feeling determined to keep at it.

    What I do wonder about, however, is WHY so many of us women develop this awful problem???
  • I have Hashimotos and I am trying to get my doctor to go the Armor route....I heard it's wonderful. I have an appointment with a new and supposedly very informed endo next month.....I am trying to figure out though, what kind of affect my thyroid has on my base metabolism and if I should adjust my calorie intake accordingly. Have you thought about that?
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    It really takes time, I think is the best answer. I am hypothyroid ever since having my first baby almost 15 years ago. I was stable for a long time, then last summer, I got very, very tired suddenly and gained about 15 lbs. in the span of about four weeks before they realized my thyroid was off again and they upped my meds.

    Insofar as exercise, I would highly recommend sprints, interval training, and weights. That's what is really helping me right now. Good luck!
  • cjudesaenz
    cjudesaenz Posts: 67 Member
    I was diagnosed with HYPOthyroidism when i was in 8th grade and it took the Doctors almost 10yrs of fine adjustments to my meds to get me under control... I know the feeling believe me... I was having storms and losing tons of weight... then it just switch off and the lethargy and the weight would come back... it was horrible but now I am pretty controlled.... the trick is to make sure that you are taking your med everyday and at the same time everyday if possible and that you take it on an empty stomach at least one hour before or two hours after eating that helps with absorption... I even do that with my patients I pass out their Synthroid an hour before breakfast at the hospital
  • lisa4kids
    lisa4kids Posts: 54 Member
    I have Hashi's too...since 2001 (dx'ed in 2002) and it is such a struggle. I am here to chat with about it if you want!!!
  • lisa4kids
    lisa4kids Posts: 54 Member
    Ok, are you on Synthroid (aka Levothyroxine)???

    If you are, ask your doctor for a NATURAL Thyroid supplement, which is Armour Thyroid.

    The reason you may be having problems with getting your levels straight is because Levothyroxine is a T4 only drug and Armour Thyroid will supply you with TSH, T3 and T4 - which your body needs.

    The problem is that your body probably needs more T3 and since Levothyroxine (Synthroid) is a T4 only drug your body is lacking, hence the reason you are exhausted all the time.

    My doctor made the switch for me from Synthetic to the natural thyroid and I have made HUGE improvements over the last few months.

    PM me if you would like more information.

    My mom has had wonderful success with being on Armour....and feels very energetic. I, on the other hand, went through about 3 weeks of sheer misery when I tried it. I couldn't sleep, I would sweat profusely and I felt like I was going insane. Everyone's levels are very different, so it really depends on the individual as to whether they do well on it or not. After I went off it, it took several months before I could get the Levoxyl regulated and to this day I am only on about half what I was taking before that. It was the craziest experience!!!
  • kimiel
    kimiel Posts: 108
  • Hello everyone
    I am new here and just found this thyroid post. I have had a thryoid problem for a while now in December last year i had to drink the radio active idoine to shock it into working agin now my thyroid is underactive i hope got more blood tests in a few weeks to see and then the specialist. On top of this I have a pitutary adenoma which I am on medication for.
    I have ballooned in weight which has been so down on myself. I have very little energy and when i do exercise I feel so faint for hours later on so its little at a time. I am wonderin what sort of food you all eat? My body craves carbo's and if I dont eat at least 5 times a day I feel so yuck I get hot and cold sweats feel really faint and the list goes on. So I need ideas on what food helps you to maintain you daily,am hoping once I see specialist he will put me on some medication or something to 1.ease the sypmtoms and 2. to help get my body on track.
    Any help would be really appreciated
  • dianelk
    dianelk Posts: 1
    I have been diagnosed with hypothyroid about 9 years ago. I put on over 30
    lb. and it will not come off. I eat between 500-1000 calories a day, I own 4
    horses which I care for- ride/ stalls/ groom. I'm fairly active and have always
    been thin up until I started to gain and it took 3 years and 5 doctors to find
    my problem! Doctors do not help, they thru me in Synthroid and tell me I'm cheating
    on my diet. Really makes me mad! I write everything I eat down and when in doubt
    I always add the calories so I'm not missing anything. I only eat 1-2 1/2 meals a day.
    I do not eat out and if I do it's may be on average if 1x every month. I eat nothing
    Pre-packaged, I eat venison and chicken and everything is homemade.
    I'm at the end of my rope, I have completely list myself and the depression at this
    point is so bad I do not want to leave the house. I'm so fat and its not even like I have
    enjoyed getting this way- NO I have gained a little over 30 lbs dieting, eating in a day what
    most people get to eat in one meal, and exercise. DONE AND DEPRESSED!
    At the end of my rope, sure my husband doesn't even find me attractive.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I have been diagnosed with hypothyroid about 9 years ago. I put on over 30
    lb. and it will not come off. I eat between 500-1000 calories a day, I own 4
    horses which I care for- ride/ stalls/ groom. I'm fairly active and have always
    been thin up until I started to gain and it took 3 years and 5 doctors to find
    my problem! Doctors do not help, they thru me in Synthroid and tell me I'm cheating
    on my diet. Really makes me mad! I write everything I eat down and when in doubt
    I always add the calories so I'm not missing anything. I only eat 1-2 1/2 meals a day.
    I do not eat out and if I do it's may be on average if 1x every month. I eat nothing
    Pre-packaged, I eat venison and chicken and everything is homemade.
    I'm at the end of my rope, I have completely list myself and the depression at this
    point is so bad I do not want to leave the house. I'm so fat and its not even like I have
    enjoyed getting this way- NO I have gained a little over 30 lbs dieting, eating in a day what
    most people get to eat in one meal, and exercise. DONE AND DEPRESSED!
    At the end of my rope, sure my husband doesn't even find me attractive.

    If you eat between 500 and 100 calories a day, then you are not eating enough. Thyroid problems or not eating below 1200 calories a day is not good for you or anybody else. If your doctor does not see that, then he needs to go back to medical school. Maybe you should get a second opinion or see a dietitian.

    Your body is holding to those few calories for dear life due to severe calories restriction, and that is probably the reason for also gaining weight.

    I have been on medication for about 4 years, and I also gained about 15 lbs, and I managed to loose all the extra weight but I keep my calories between 1200 and 1400 a day, and I also exercise 6 days a week.

    Up your daily calories, give it a try. You don't have anything too loose, except weight.

    Best of luck!
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