I really hate weekends like this!

I went away with my hubby on Friday morning - for our 17th wedding anniversary, supposed to be coming back today, but we ended up coming home a day early. :cry:
We went camping, hubby told me I was not allowed to take anything to cook on, as I always do the cooking, so we went to a chinese takeaway on Friday evening, bought snacks - I had chocolate :sad: :blushing:
It was lovely and wrm and sunny all day, but...come 8pm, I was shivering despite being fully clothed and under the duvet. We both missed the boys and dgos - Boys are 17 & 10, and the dogs are 1yr & 3months.
So, we went for breakfast in a cafe - I had toast with margarine and a pot of tea - I was beign good :happy:
We had a chat, decided we both missed our boys and girls (dogs) too much, and were too cold the night before and unable to bear another cold night, so we came home.
Now, I feel so deflated it's unreal, we'd planned to go out to a fancy restaurant, so I had the suits dry cleaned especially, now my hubby wants to stay at home and do nothing.
The house looked like a tip when we got home, but that's boys for you!
I'm so sad I could cry at the moment, all that preparation for nothing - am I being selfish???


  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    I went away with my hubby on Friday morning - for our 17th wedding anniversary, supposed to be coming back today, but we ended up coming home a day early. :cry:
    We went camping, hubby told me I was not allowed to take anything to cook on, as I always do the cooking, so we went to a chinese takeaway on Friday evening, bought snacks - I had chocolate :sad: :blushing:
    It was lovely and wrm and sunny all day, but...come 8pm, I was shivering despite being fully clothed and under the duvet. We both missed the boys and dgos - Boys are 17 & 10, and the dogs are 1yr & 3months.
    So, we went for breakfast in a cafe - I had toast with margarine and a pot of tea - I was beign good :happy:
    We had a chat, decided we both missed our boys and girls (dogs) too much, and were too cold the night before and unable to bear another cold night, so we came home.
    Now, I feel so deflated it's unreal, we'd planned to go out to a fancy restaurant, so I had the suits dry cleaned especially, now my hubby wants to stay at home and do nothing.
    The house looked like a tip when we got home, but that's boys for you!
    I'm so sad I could cry at the moment, all that preparation for nothing - am I being selfish???
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    .... and on top of all that, I jumped on the scales this morning, and they nearly kicked me back off them!
    I've gained 2lbs!!! :sad:
  • kirstenkohn
    OH i'm so sorry, I totally understand! Sometime's men are such dorks:grumble:
    Don't put away those dry cleaned clothes yet, even though it's a day late, you should force yourselves to go out to your fancy dinner! you deserve it and so does he! Once you get dressed up and get there you'll be so glad you did! CONGRATS on 17 years!!:drinker: :heart: :drinker: While you two are gone force your boys to clean up their mess...lol maybe that's wishful thinking:laugh:
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Thanks, but unfortunately, he's found something he'd rather do.
    That's the prob with being married to a computer technician, he lives and breaths computers!
    I'm going to walk the dogs instead - burn up some calories whilst I'm at it! :laugh:
  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    Sparkle Kilt hugz derlin! :flowerforyou: Sometimes, for no apparent reason that we can figure out, life just has this way of turning our plans into mush :grumble: :noway: :sick: Maybe you could suggest that you finish your celebration by going to a nice, 5 star restaurant locally? :drinker: Or even, maybe just do a whole night on the town, complete with a suite at the Waldorf (or whatever is near you, you get the idea), just sumpn to bring a bit of romance back. :heart: