Help… Motivation and Commitment missing.

I think my Motivation and Commitment (Dynamic Duo) have flown the coop…..Please help me find them.
A little background first….I was cruising along, losing weight, working out, eating right. Then I got sick with a terrible, terrible head cold/flu….you know the drill, coughing, aching, runny nose, congestion, sinus headache, etc, etc, etc. So, of course, the first thing out the window is working out….too achy, too tired, can’t breathe…all the reasons (excuses) to just curl up on the couch under a blanket until time to go to bed. The second escapee was eating right, I didn’t feel like eating “right”, I just wanted something that was “easy” and “soft” on the stomach, you know, like toast, lots and lots of toast, and oatmeal, lots and lots of oatmeal. So, when those two left, of course, so did losing weight, after all, it couldn’t be around all by itself. Losing weight is NOT a loner.
Now, I feel better…off the sinus meds, even taking the dog for our nightly walk (weather permitting). So where have Motivation and Commitment gone??? I just can’t seem to get “back on the wagon”. Whenever I see that phrase, “back on the wagon”, I get a mental picture of a hay wagon, you know, the kind you take hay rides on (or if you are like me the one that you get a load of hay on to put in the barn) no side rails and about waist high. It is rolling along next to me with the Dynamic Duo riding right there in the middle. It’s not going too fast to jump on….it is keeping pace with me as I walk along… wouldn’t be too hard to jump back on, of course, it would take some effort on my part but I just don’t know if I have it in me to do it.
I think Self Pity and Over Indulgence (Apathetic Pair) have replaced my Dynamic Duo. First Self Pity because I have a new granddaughter (born March 1st) that I have not seen yet because she is in Georgia and I’m in Michigan and work is REALLY busy right now. I can’t get away until next month and then only for a couple of days. Second Over Indulgence started when I was sick and is VERY hard to kick out the door. I am an emotional eater so this is a very real issue for me ……I really want to get read of my Apathetic Pair and replace them with my Dynamic Duo…….
So the question is…..How do I find my Dynamic Duo again????


  • Michelle_J
    Michelle_J Posts: 362 Member
    honey, you're the only one that can "find" your motivation and commitment. You can add friends and we'll keep you going, cheering you on, celebrating your victories w/ you...
    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    well firstly congratulation on your 34 lbs lost! i have lost about the same amount! i had my 50th birthday yesterday!

    As I can't read your diary can i suggest you read this they may help! read , review and reassess!

    Good luck on your journey
  • xojox
    xojox Posts: 187 Member
    i'm going through a similar thing at the moment.

    I was not sick just had some knocks in my 'real' life recently, i even stopped logging for a week after almost 300days of straight logging!!!!

    I'm concentrating on getting my eating right 1st and foremost, then i'm hoping coming back on here regularly will help me getting the motivation back. This site is great for looking at how well others have done and wanting to copy.

    Just remember, your friends on here (including me) will help you along all we can :flowerforyou:
  • mommacool
    mommacool Posts: 138 Member
    One day at a time, one meal at a time.... Do it for the next meal, make it to the end of the day doing well. Then commit for the morning, then the afternoon. Sometimes it IS just putting one foot in front of the other and plodding along next to the wagon, but the faster you get back to eating right and exercising the faster you will find your Dynamic Duo. A trip window shopping to look at what I really want to be able to wear always helps me too! :))) Good Luck!