Nursing mom


I had a baby boy in Dec. and really want to get rid of these extra pounds that feel like jello! I hate this feeling. I'm nursing so I'm hoping this will help me lose the weight quicker! I'm going to start working out next week. : ) If I can get out of bed! lol

Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    hi, I had a baby girl 4 weeks ago, also nursing and have just rejoined today! wELCOME!
  • kgentry1
    kgentry1 Posts: 7
    Wow you have motivation if you're on here after 4 weeks! I'm in my 2nd week back to work and I'm going to join the gym today. My first day working out will be on Tuesday with my friend who also had a baby but in Oct. She's very motivated and helps me! It's been very cold and snowy here so I've only been able to take the baby for a walk 3 times around our neighborhood. I can't wait for better weather so I can walk every evening after work! We have a park in our neighborhood that has a .05 mile track. Love it! Is this your first baby? Cole is mine. He's 13 lbs already! Was 8lbs 13oz at birth.
  • 12iz
    12iz Posts: 4 Member
    hello to both of you.
    im new also im riz:)
    i had my baby 6 months ago(boy)
    he's name is kai:)
    still nursing but he's eating solid food now..
    but it seems like im not loosing weight lol
    how are you getting on??(nursing)
  • kgentry1
    kgentry1 Posts: 7
    I love it! He took to it right away but I started overproducing so he was only getting the foremilk and not enough hindmilk so I had to do some adjusting to get my production make on course. But he's gained 5 pounds so we know he's getting enough to eat! : ) I am able to pump at work so he can continue to have breastmilk. Going back to work was sad but he's with family so it makes it easier. I'd like to give him breastmilk for a year. Next month when he's 4 months we are going to introduce solids. What did you give him first?
  • laurakrowe
    nursing mom here too!!!! our new baby is 6 months old :)
  • kgentry1
    kgentry1 Posts: 7
    I'm not sure how to track the calories for breastfeeding. I know we have to add on 500 calories for consumption, right? And we burn 500 calories everytime we breastfeed or pump? Do we track this?
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    I am motivated - but I also can't fit in any of my normal clothes at all so am currently still in maternity gear :brokenheart: I seriously need to shift at least 10 lbs so I can fit into my 'fat' clothes!!

    Re: tracking the cals for feeding I have just added a random form of exercise (swimming from when I did it last time I was on MFP) and taken the time till its roughly 500 cals per day of solely BFing by the way ie baby not yet eating at all. once they start eating you need to gradually drop how many extra cals you allow yourself). Someone wrote on my thread that there was a way to add it in your set-up/ preferences but I haven't worked out how yet!!

    This is my 3rd baby, I also have 2 boys aged 4 and 2 :bigsmile:
  • kgentry1
    kgentry1 Posts: 7
    I found this... 1 ounce of breastmilk=20 calories burned. So however much I pump I'm going to times it by 20! So I have already pumped 6 oz's today so I put I burnt 120 cal! But of course I'm not sure when he nurses. : ( So I'll just make sure it equals 500 at the end of the day. I'm still in some of my maternity clothes also. Very depressing! But I did go shopping for some work clothes so it's nice not to have the stretch band on my pants anymore! :laugh: But seeing all the clothes that I want to wear is helping give me motivation, not to mention all the clothes I have in totes waiting to be worn again!

    Shoppie - Congrats on your 3rd child! I'm exhausted with just him so you are amazing to have 3!!
  • 12iz
    12iz Posts: 4 Member
    hello again:)
    sorry for the late reply..

    oh thats great were all just given birth:)
    well the first solid i gave kai is the baby porridge then after 1 week bit by bit i introduced the ella's kitchen baby food
    and he loves it.. so now im kinda mixing formula and breastfeeding so far so good:)
    i dont pump anymore thats why im now sure how to calculate the calories i burn in each day...

    i was nearly 13 stone when i gave birth six months agot but now im 10.13 stone
    but i still feel that im not losing weight:(

    then i found this apps. hopefully it will help us to reach our goals:)
  • 12iz
    12iz Posts: 4 Member
    im not*
  • 12iz
    12iz Posts: 4 Member
    oh ic:)
    this is my first time to breastfeed my baby
    my first one i didn't ..
    my daughter is 7yrs old and my boy is going to be 7 months this march 13:)

    i know how u feel when you really really want to loose weight
    like what i said i feel like im not loosing weight:(even people said i did

    im glad i found this apps:)

    goodluck to us:happy:
  • laurakrowe
    i am counting it as 500 calories a day under cardio. whether or not that is correct, i don't know. i try to eat 500 calories of fruit, veggies and perhaps a glass of 100% juice to "make up" for breastfeeding.
    This is my 3rd and last baby :) we also have a 5.5yr old daughter and a 3 yr old daughter. our baby boy just turned 6 months on the 6th. we introduced some solids over the weekend (banana and peaches) but he really didn't care. still just loves the boob!
  • kgentry1
    kgentry1 Posts: 7
    Good morning everyone! : )

    Riz - That's awesome that you are breastfeeding your son! It's so exhausting the first month! I remember waking up from naps and being so out of it! I couldn't remember what time he last feed, which side and my own name! :laugh: I used a hair band on my wrist so I would know! Keep a positive attitude! We'll do this!! If we can have a baby we can lose a few pounds!!

    Laura - I'm counting 500 cal a day also. But I'm getting frustrated because every time I log an exercise it give me "extra" calories! lol I'll have to adjust my intake to meet these extra ones! That's funny about your son not caring for the fruit yet and only wanting the boob! We cut a slice of an orange and put it in Cole's mouth and he sucked on it. We think he liked it. : ) Next month we'll actually try some food. My husband loves to cook so he's going to make his baby food! Save some money!

    Have a good day everyone!!