low carb

I'm thinking of going low carb.........any suggestions, advice??????


  • 2flower4
    2flower4 Posts: 10 Member
    Instead of low carb how about changing carbs? I have noticed that my weight changes differently with different foods. As Americans we eat way too much refined wheat. Wheat is one of the carbs that packs the pounds on for me. However, other grains like barley, quinoa, oatmeal and wild rice do not effect my weight. I learned this when I was experimenting:smile: with the South Beach heart diet. For 2 weeks there are no carbs and then you add them back one by one. It was very clear that some carbs were dangerous for me.:smile:
  • barberella
    barberella Posts: 199
    I'm currently doing that. A friend told me about the Maximized Living Makeover diet. ONe of the stages is to basically cut out sugar and carbs. Basically, high in protein eating lean meats, low sugars including cutting out fruit (only for awhile though), and no grains. The plan is much more deeper than that such as implementing eating organic products such as uncured meats, grass fed beef, and free range chicken, etc. The basic logic behind all of this is if you have less sugar in your body, your body is reduced to just burning the fat. But i think you get the gist. I know that bread has always been a weakness for me, but I found within two days, I didn't crave it all. I was able to look right past it. And I don't think that I feel that limited in my menu options. I eat a lot of turkey burgers, chicken breasts, Boca Burgers, etc. I stockpile on vegetables, even some dairy products like cottage cheese, cheese, etc. I drink a whey protein shake every day for breakfast with Soy milk so I feel pretty full for breakfast. Plus, since I've been doing this, I do not feel very hungry at all. It's a struggle to get my recommended 1200 calories. So with all this energy, I work out 6 days a week.
    I will admit I have cheated here and there. Don't get me wrong. It is hard especially being around everyone who is eating crap especially when I go out to the bar or a restaurant. and they're eating deep fried appetizers, but you just learn to accept what you can eat and move on!
  • cmflaf
    cmflaf Posts: 10 Member
    I've been doing atkins i limit my carbs to those allowed on the diet which are mostly from vegetables. If u go to the atkins site and download the recipes its easier to follow. I haven't noticed any of the side effects from going low carb. I stuck to the 20 max carbs for the first week but then fell off a little but i got lazy and didn't make my food ahead of time for the next day at work. I'm back on it again and i feel so much better!!