For those of you that have hit plateaus...

jenlayport Posts: 154 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
How long before you got over the dreaded hump? What did you do to get past it? Ive been stuck at the same weight for almost a month and it sucks. I changed my workout routine, I tried eating more, and I've tried eating less. Nothing seems to be helping. My measurments did go down some, but not much. I did start weight training this month so Im hoping that has to do with it (since muscle weighs more than fat I hear)... but it is still very discouraging. =\


  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    HIIT training got me over the hump and also fasting one day a week. If you want a good read get the book eat fast eat.
  • gnlglory
    gnlglory Posts: 10
    I am stuck now too. It's been three weeks now. I'd like to know also. Ugh!
  • barberella
    barberella Posts: 199
    I hear ya. I am at the same point and it's hard for the morale especially since I think I'm doing really well. For the last two weeks, I am trying to eat a low carb, low sugar diet. So, we'll see if that changes anything..Good luck!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    How close are you to your goal? This may not the answer for everyone, but I would try switching to maintaince for a little while. Last year I had lost 50 pounds and platued, I had 15 pounds left to my goal. It was so frustrating and the pressure to lose got to me, and I ended up gaining weight. Now a year later, I am 15 pounds away.....from my original starting weight! :sad:

    If I could go back in time, I would have switched to maintenaince for a while and be happpy with what I lost instead of pushing myself so hard to keep losing.
  • becave8
    becave8 Posts: 2
    I just got over a plateau...I didn't lose any weight for a month!!!! So demoralizing...But I reached out for help rather than the tub of ice cream...I logged on everyday and my network of friends were super supportive and helpful and inspiring...Then I went out and bought Jillian Michaels 30 day shred...Yikes the first time I did it I felt like crying and it is only 20 minutes long...I think by staying focused and really wanting this totally helped so I am watching my personalized ticker go down again...Yeah! I believe that anyone can do this if I can...Truly you can just stay with it!!!
  • I was stuck for about a month, maybe two! I just broke through the plateau last week:) What really helped me was zig-zagging my calories daily and upping my exercise by a lot.
  • twistygirl
    twistygirl Posts: 517 Member
    I was stuck for three weeks, found out it was the devil sodium and my lack of water. I started drinking water and lowering my sodium and I am unstuck. I went to the Doctor last Tuesday figured out it was my sodium intake I can hold a lot of water. by Friday I had dropped 6lbs. I only weigh in here once a month I will be happy when I weigh in. Don't get frustrated I was told to all ways give your new habits at least 6-8 weeks before you try something different.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    HIIT training got me over the hump and also fasting one day a week. If you want a good read get the book eat fast eat.

    I personally would not fast....our bodies need fuel to function so it just doesn't make sense to me to deprive it of fuel. Not to mention not eating all day would make me cranky as hell! To the OP, if you want to shake up your metabolism, I would try zig zagging instead. So say you normally eat 1500 calories a would one day eat 1300, another day eat 1700, etc but make sure it all adds up to what you would normally eat in a week. I think there are some websites with info about exactly how to do it, rather than make up what number to eat each day.
  • nsueflorence
    nsueflorence Posts: 295 Member
    I am at a plateau as well. I think the end of January I got down to 183. I have not been back there since. Today I weighed in at 184.4. Most weigh ins have been higher then that. I have been having alot of problems with my lower back and hips so its hard for me to up my fitness while I am trying not to over do it. Still just trying to sick with it. Some days are harder then others but I am hoping to pull through it soon!
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    The most likely culprit is diet. Sodium and water are easy to get to, but you need to look further. If you are still snacking on a lot of highly processed foods, get rid of them and swap them out for healthier choices like veggies and hummus or turkey w/ a slice of grain slice of whole grain bread or crackers. Some easy substituions can make your regular meals much healthier. I wrote a blog about this a few weeks ago.

    Completely agree about shaking up your exercise and adding in some HIIT. But sorry to say @ this stage in the game, building muscle doesn't have much to do with it. If you are tyring to lose weight you are probably at a caloric deficit, but you actually need an excess of the right calories to build muscle. Additionallly, the type of weight routine that you need to be doing to make any significant impact is usually far beyond what most of us do on a regular basis.

    I've been on a plateau too, but the reality is, my diet just hasn't been what it should be. I cleaned things up a bit and immediately dropped 2 pounds.
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