
Hello everyone!

I just started myfitnesspal last week to start tracking my food intake, but I've been reading everyones stories and posts and it's been great!

I'm training for a 10K at the end of April, but also want to look good for swimsuit season :-), so I looking for some more motivation and inspiring stories.


  • Kristen713
    Good luck with your 10K!! If you think it's possible then you can make it possible!!!
  • MelissaSosa2
    MelissaSosa2 Posts: 10 Member
    What is your training schedule? I thought about training for one and/or a half marathon - but I recently got tendonitis on my left ankle from doing too much and stretching too little. When and where is the race?!
  • christinal83
    christinal83 Posts: 84 Member
    I would love to do a race, it would feel so rewarding. What are you doing to prepare for this?