Jillian Michaels Detox and Cleanse?



  • redwngs13
    redwngs13 Posts: 194 Member
    (Just stating my opinion)- I don't like the idea of any kind of diet supplements, period. But isn't it funny how JM claims to be the toughest trainer (she is in my book) but then promotoes this kind of stuff. It just doesn't make sense to me. I definitely agree with all of the other suggestions of natural cleansing and also as a Massage Therapist, I highly recommend getting regular massages and drinking plenty of water so it flushes everything out!
    Simple enough. She is paid to promote these kinds of things.
  • vauleese
    vauleese Posts: 75
    Nutritional Cleansing unlocks the miracle of the human body
    Nutritional Cleansing increases the health benefits you’ll receive from the ancient health practice of cleansing. The herbs, vitamins and minerals that aid cleansing do two things:

    - Accelerate the removal of impurities from the body.

    - Nourish the body with vital nutrients to rapidly revive health.

    A cleansed and revitalized body is stronger, resists illness better, is more efficient and performs at a higher level than one that is filled with impurities. Many people notice an ability to reach and maintain their ideal weight.

    Check it out!!!

    Isnt there a rule on here about advertising?
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