Miltary Spouses :)



  • sueceeq
    sueceeq Posts: 61 Member
    I am an Air Force mom! My son is stationed at Andrews in D.C. I just wanted to pop in and say thank you! thank you! to all of the military and their families. I am so proud of all who serve and the sacrifices they make!
  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
    Katie ~ Wow!! That's a lot of moves! were you a 'brat' before? ;-P

    Yes I was... My dad was Navy for 26 years, so majority of the moves I have are from him. Only one with the Army so far. I love being around the military! I actually lead remedial PT for my husbands platoon and they all call me "the Devil" because I make them work so hard- LOVE IT!

    To all the Germany folks, we were stationed in Stuttgart for three years and then we also did a year in England while my dad attended the Royal War College- Take advantage of EVERYTHING you can while overseas, because so many Americans don't!
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    My husband has been in the Navy for 16 1/2 years. We're currently stationed in San Diego. He goes to shore duty in august and I was hoping we'd get to go to WA but he got orders to stay here. We've been married for 15 years. Together for 18 though so I've been with him through this whole Navy thing. Not fun but I absolutely adore that man so I deal with it. Lol
  • Hi All!
    I am an AD USAF spouse and 101/2 year veteran myself. Currently we are in Germany (i was at Stuttgart, but now we are together at Ramstein). I have been in AZ, Korea, TX and WA. I got out to spend more time with my daughter, so I substitute teach now and recently started working as a Beachbody Coach due to my love for fitness. I also have my Personal Training Certification and Specialist in Fitness Nutrition Cert.

    Glad to meet you all!
  • kingkimi1213
    kingkimi1213 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi everyone it seems we have a good bit in common =]

    I am a proud wife of a US Marine, who has my whole heart. He is currently an instructor. I am also a daughter of a US Marine. My dad spent 23 years in and has kept the attitude to this day! My sister is also married to a Marine and their daughter was born on the USMC birthday =]

    So as you can see it runs deep LMAO

    When DH deployed for the second time I was down to 187, but gained like 10lbs by the time he got home. Right now I weigh 191 which is over 20 lbs lost since the begining of this year. My weight loss has slowed down and I feel discouraged. Actually Sat was my birthday party and yesterday was my actual birthday so Ive been eating like a little piggy those two days, but I learned self control so I dont feel so so bad... But still not seeing the scale move even though Im excersising and eating good is disheartning.

    My next goal is to be smaller than I was when he deployed. So ladies feel free to add me so we can support each other!!!

    Oh btw since we all have access to gyms, try talking to the front desk people about a trainer, you might be wait listed, but its free!!! Both bases we have been to (one marine base one navy base) offer this service!

    Thanks and God bless!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I am a military spouse too. We will be on our way to Germany in June. Thanks for the post!

    Where in Germany are you going? We're currently in Stuttgart, Germany. My husband is active duty Air Force. I am an Air Force veteran.
  • Morning Ladies,
    Hubby is off doing his final out processing as I sit here and type. He leaves bright and early Friday morning. It seems like it just snuck right up on us. We knew it was coming then bam here it is. I think that even though our 3rd boy is only 1 1/2 he really knows that something is going on with daddy cause he won't let him out of his sight for a moment & has a complete meltdown everytime he walks out the door. I think between him and our 3 year old who are both major daddy's boys that will be the hardest part. I know that all 4 of them will keep me so busy that I won't have to much time to think about it. That and the fact that I have met some really great ladies here and made some good friends since we moved here so that will help. I have been so bad about eatting & haven't worked out at all this last week. Figured it was more important to spend time with hubby and out boys and just enjoy ourselves. I will get back on track once he is gone, I know I will be looking forward to those workouts for the stress release! And so glad I will have support from some ladies who will understand what I am going through!
  • grankimd
    grankimd Posts: 1
    Hello, I will be an Army spouse in 45 days! I am giving up a 6 year career, selling my house, and moving 2 states over for the love of my life and his kids. We are old highschool sweethearts and hadn't spoke in 18 years. I found him on facebook in May and we're getting married 11 months to the day later.

    Wish me luck cause all this stress is making me want to eat all the time!
  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
    I am a military spouse too. We will be on our way to Germany in June. Thanks for the post!

    Where in Germany are you going? We're currently in Stuttgart, Germany. My husband is active duty Air Force. I am an Air Force veteran.

    What post do you live on in Stuttgart? I used to live on RB and went to Patch High School!
  • I am a military spouse too. We will be on our way to Germany in June. Thanks for the post!

    Where in Germany are you going? We're currently in Stuttgart, Germany. My husband is active duty Air Force. I am an Air Force veteran.

    Wow, lots of Stuttgart on here! I just left there in June of last year. I worked at EUCOM and lived on Patch.
  • savannahgur
    savannahgur Posts: 235 Member
    Hi there, I'm a spouse to an AD Air Force member and I'm an AD Air Force member as well. Currently stationed in Louisiana, hubby has 14 years in and I have 8 this month. We have been married 3 years together for 4 and being in the military is DEFINATELY tough but I think pro's outweigh the con's

    I'm still trying to lose my last 10 pounds, they are rough little suckers to disappear. Add me if you like :)

  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Welcome to the board everyone!

    Katie ~ Ha, awesome!! Show them how it's done ;-P

    Sabrina ~ bummer on not getting orders to WA! That's where we want to retire :)

    imsostarstuck ~ wow, you guys are a total Marine family! LOL Happy belated birthday! Not seeing the scale move is so so hard, I've been pretty much in the same spot for a YEAR. But, even though my weight has stayed the same, I have gone from a 12 to an 8. Take measurements, you will see the difference there!

    Christi ~ gosh, that seemed to come so fast, I'm sure even faster for you! Keeping you guys in my prayers!

    Grankimd ~ wow!! Congrats on everything!! Best wishes to the move and getting settled!

    It's been a busy day and I've made some bad food choices :/...but dinner will be healthy and I have lots of cleaning to do to keep me busy :)
  • vauleese
    vauleese Posts: 75
    Army wife of almost 11 years here ( We hit that mark in July). We've been from TX to Germany and from Germany to NY (I REALLY hate Drum!). DH deployed in Oct and I started to diet and do MFP in Feb since then I've lost a total of 7lbs! I am hoping to loose 23 more before he comes home for R&R leave in July. That's not the end of me loosing weight tho, that just puts me within 5lbs on my pre pregnancy weight from my first DD (we have 3 in total). I get to enroll my youngest DD in the CDC on post soon so I can start going to the gym in the mornings to work out. Being cooped up in the house and relying on my Wii and work out DVD's is getting really old really fast lol
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I am a military spouse too. We will be on our way to Germany in June. Thanks for the post!

    Where in Germany are you going? We're currently in Stuttgart, Germany. My husband is active duty Air Force. I am an Air Force veteran.

    What post do you live on in Stuttgart? I used to live on RB and went to Patch High School!

    We live in a little village south of the Air Port. The Hubbs works on Kelley.
  • hofficoffi
    hofficoffi Posts: 88 Member
    Hey everyone,

    British Army wife here, been married 2 years, together 7 with a 22month old beautiful daughter. He's done so many tours of Iraq and Afghanistan, he came back from Afghan in October last year so we've had him home for a few months now. He's in bomb disposal so he's always out there it feels like!
    I'm just packing up my house at the minute as he's just been given a new posting (obviously the UK is ALOT smaller than the US so we're only moving about 3hrs away). I'm super excited as we're moving closer to my family and his so that will be nice!
    With this new posting he shouldn't be deploying for another 2 years so i'm so happy about that!!! I lose 56lbs on my own whilst he was on tour and i've got 20 odd lbs to go which I want to lose on MFP!

    Nice to meet you all!
  • kimmi12
    kimmi12 Posts: 28 Member
    We were stationed at Bentwaters RAF for a couple of years. I even had one of my sons in Ipswich. We are now heading back to Germany this summer to Ramstein AFB. I would love to get back to the UK for a visit!! Welcome!!
  • and he's gone :cry:
    I am going to just relax with the boys this weekend then get back to it full force come Monday. I haven't lost anything, didn't expect to but I haven't gained either, so that is good.
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    To all the ones stationed in Germany or about to PCS there.... I'M JEALOUS! Lol. We're awaiting orders right now & we're hoping it's Germany. I'm from there & half of my family (my mother's side) lives there
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Sorry Christie!! (((hugs))))
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