How do you get motivated in the morning

I used to work out 6 days a week in the afternoon and I would like to try and do it in the morning. How do you get motivated to do so? When I get up I am in such a sleep fog all I can think about is my cup of java and watching the news


  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I pack everything I need the next day right before I go to sleep so that when I wake up i dont have anything to think about. I just get up and go. I also put my phone (alarm) in the bathroom rather than by my bed so that I am already "up" to turn off the alarm. After about 2 weeks, your body gets "used" to this and its not so painful to get up!
  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    good piece of advice AggieCass09 the phone alarm in the bathroom. I'm going to try that one. I'm not a morning person and I know this would work for me.
  • bhonniered
    bhonniered Posts: 228
    Like Aggie - I get everything ready to go in the morning. For me I set my alarm 30 minutes earlier than I need to get up so - gives me time to become human. Good luck!
  • stingrayinfl
    stingrayinfl Posts: 284 Member
    Everyone is different. Some folks like working out in the morning and some at night. To change one's routine can sometimes take an time for you to mentally and physically adapt.

    Used to be that way when I was young. I could not run in the morning. Hate it. Now, I do not like working out after work. I get up between 3:30 and 4:00 am. Grab a water and coffee and drive the 10 minutes to the gym. By the time I get there, I am ready to go. I always do 10,000 steps either on the treadmill or elliptical stairmaster. Three to 4 days a week, I follow up with lifting weights. Saturday or Sunday, I usually run and or go for a bike ride.

    If I feel like I am going to binge when I get home, I sometimes get in another cardio workout after supper. I do notice that I have more energy and can go at a faster pace in the am. The one thing I do most nights are push ups and work my abs.

    As Aggie does, I always get my stuff out the night before. Furthermore, my wife locks the bed room door and does not let me back in if I get up after 3 am to go to the bath room (lol). I Good luck and you can do it.
  • LisaLN
    LisaLN Posts: 54
    Having everything ready to go is definitely key. I put everything together in a neat stack on my dresser and all I have to do is grab it and head to the bathroom to get dressed (so I don't wake my hubby). If I don't have everything ready I struggle with the thought of trying to pick out what to wear, etc. and it's easier to just go back to sleep. But it's definitely true that after the first week is gets so much easier! It becomes a "habit".
  • pkpzp228
    pkpzp228 Posts: 146 Member
    I get up at 6am to workout 5-6 days a week and for me the motivation is the thought that if I get it done, I'm done, before my day has even began. That means any additional exercise I choose to do in the PM, like yoga or cycling or whatever is just playtime and bonus not required for my program. Some days I just go home after work and don't feel like I'm flaking on my workout.

    As for the fog, that will go right out the window once you get your heart rate up. Am workouts also make me great for the rest of the day.
  • Flexman
    Flexman Posts: 6
    Thanks to all and great advice, I have to get by the mental part and your right....just do it. I know I will feel better after I do this!
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    Once the alarm goes, don't think about it just get up. If you start to think about it, your brain will try to talk you out of it. I get up at 5.30 x 3 times a week to ride my bike and it is pitch black at the moment at that time. However, I know friends will be waiting to see me, and I allow myself a coffee afterwards, which is another motivator.

  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    I just started getting up at 5:40 so I could go to the gym at 6:00 (I'm in college so it's an easy walking distance). The things that have been helping me through it are: getting enough sleep the night before, packing everything the night before, and immediately jumping out of bed when I first hear the alarm. If I pause for one second to go back to bed there is no chance for me haha.
  • Flexman
    Flexman Posts: 6
    Thanks to everyone for the great ideas and tools to work with! You guys are great...
  • Shua456
    Shua456 Posts: 211
    I also pack my workout bag and my breakfast the night before. This is a must for me so that I don't actually have to think in the mornings.

    I set my alarm 10 minutes before I have to actually get up so that I have a little time to wake up. If I'm tempted to say forget it I repeat two things to myself: #1 I promised myself there would be no excuses and #2 working out later in the day is harder (for me) because I don't have the time and then I have to talk myself into it.

    For me working out in the mornings is key because then I simply can't make excuses for not doing it AND I can go through the rest of the day knowing that my workout for the day is over with. it also gives me so much more energy to get through the day.
  • Shua456
    Shua456 Posts: 211
    Oh, one more very important thing about getting up in the mornings - probably THE most important thing. Get to bed early enough that you can get up! If you're exhausted because you've stayed up late you'll never stick to getting up early.

    I get up at 5:15 so I'm in bed by about 10:00 most nights, never later than 11:00.