I can tell that we are gonna be friends

Hi everyone! I hope you all are having a great day (rainy one here, but i somehow got out of the house and onto a treadmill). Anyway I was wondering if anyone wanted to add me :)

I'm 25 and looking to get into shape to better my future. I recently started 30DS and plan on attacking the C25K in May. (My new runner's shoes are my goal gift!)

This is basically my new facebook and was looking for friends to share our goals together :)


  • shells9973
    Hello! I'm fairly new to MFP too. It's been raining here all day as well. In just a short time, I've really enjoyed making the effort to get to the gym every day and really do feel better about the choices I've been making to eat less (and healthier) and exercise more. My 6yo son and I are going to walk our first 5K this Sat. and we're pretty excited. It's very important for my children to see my husband and I making better decisions in our lives, which will keep us around longer to enjoy them!
  • AllisonMarisa
    AllisonMarisa Posts: 74 Member

    i'd love to add you. i'm also 25 and looking to get into better shape. i've been on MFP for a few months now, and could always use some new friends on here -

  • alliedwyer
    Hey. I will add yoU! I am 25 as well. I need to lose about 20 pounds. I just joined myfitnesspal and dont know how to add people yet though! lol! I definately need some motivation. I am finding this hard. and I am finding getting off my butt hard! add me if you can!:smile::smile:
  • kerryannk
    kerryannk Posts: 148
    My 6yo son and I are going to walk our first 5K this Sat. and we're pretty excited. It's very important for my children to see my husband and I making better decisions in our lives, which will keep us around longer to enjoy them!

    You're such a great example! As much as love my mother she was a little harsh when it came to my struggles with health. When I lost weight it was like we were competing instead of being supportive. That's so great you're including your children in your new lifestyle, and you MUST tell me how the 5k went!
  • kerryannk
    kerryannk Posts: 148
    Hey. I will add yoU! I am 25 as well. I need to lose about 20 pounds. I just joined myfitnesspal and dont know how to add people yet though! lol! I definately need some motivation. I am finding this hard. and I am finding getting off my butt hard! add me if you can!:smile::smile:

    My goal is 28.7 lbs but I think it'll end up being closer to 20. I'm more focused now on my feeling better, looking better, fitting better into my clothes than just a silly number a scale gives me. I try to only weigh in once a week. They advise not to do it more than that, because you're weight fluctuates with water intake.

    But here we are, and we are doing it! This might not be easy to start, but it really does get easier. You'll find yourself acheiving goals and setting higher goals :) Stick with it, and I'm def here for you!