HELP Calories

emmaflom Posts: 3
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello, i'm on day 2 of my lifestyle change and have been allowed 1200 calories, not sure if this is same for everyone but im not eating all my calories and i look at my food diary and i think that im eating quite alot. I do workout every other day so i know i get extra calories there but today was a day off and i have calories left over. Do i need to eat the full 1200 to lose weight or will i lose more because im not fulfilling my daily allowance? Help much appreciated xxxxx


  • erikblock
    erikblock Posts: 230 Member
    You should definitely eat your full 1200. Obviously, everyone's body is different, but 1200 calories/day is sort of the generally accepted "magic number" that you should not go under. (Doing so can risk putting your body into "starvation mode," where it becomes reluctant to give up stored fat for energy).
  • dababers
    dababers Posts: 135
    We don't know, from your post, how much weight you're trying to lose. How is your diet? Are you exercising? This is critical...exercising buys you more calories that you can eat. I would not make a habit of going below 1200 calories too many days. Check your settings again. Wishing you luck on your journey!
  • I'm having the same problem. Yes, we do need to consume that many calories to sustain normal body function. Your body burns about 1400 calories a day, just by functioning. You can actually send your body into starvation mode, and make it harder to lose weight by consuming too few calories.

    Now, if anybody has any good ideas for adding healthy calories to a diet when you're not hungry, I'm open to suggestions. . :)
  • pilotgirl2007
    pilotgirl2007 Posts: 368 Member
    You need to be careful about how many calories short you are of 1200, while it isn't set in stone that everyone will enter starvation mode at less than 1200 cals it is the generic number that people use. If you continue to eat too few calories your weight loss efforts could slow/stop. Your body needs those calories to do it's daily functions so why not eat them.
  • pilotgirl2007
    pilotgirl2007 Posts: 368 Member
    I'm having the same problem. Yes, we do need to consume that many calories to sustain normal body function. Your body burns about 1400 calories a day, just by functioning. You can actually send your body into starvation mode, and make it harder to lose weight by consuming too few calories.

    Now, if anybody has any good ideas for adding healthy calories to a diet when you're not hungry, I'm open to suggestions. . :)

    Eating just a few almonds or other type of nuts will fill those calories and they are great for your body in moderation
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    You should be eating all you calories. Your daily calorie goal is not a maximum. While it's not entirely perfect and isn't exactly right for every single person, MFP uses a formula to figure out the optimal amount of calories for your weight loss. Eating less than your goal won't necessarily make you lose weight faster, or in a more healthy way.
  • mamacath
    mamacath Posts: 51
    I am having the same problem .. I am not a breakfast eater and on the go all day and do my daily workouts. I too am suppose to eat 1200 calories a day but find myself only taking in 800 or less .. after meeting with my personal trainer and got some advice to add an extra snack in during the day and to at least grab a banana for breakfast ,, I feel as though I am eating alot for I dont get hungry until late in the afternoon ... was told to take in as close to 1200 a day as possible ... so as of tomorrow I will TRY to eat 5 smaller meals a day and add an extra snack ,, this may be difficult but I will try .. dont know if this helps you or not but I am going through the same thing ... would like to add you as friend and maybe we can work on this together :)
  • Peanut butter, chocolate, nuts, fruit juices!!

    When I was still having trouble sticking to my 1200 a day I cut out ALL drinks except water. I now have been struggling to meet my 1200/day and I have started adding back drinks. =] Good luck!
  • emmaflom
    emmaflom Posts: 3
    Well im 28, 5'5" currently weigh 163 and goal weight is around the 133 mark maybe less. I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner and have snacks as and when... is there a way you can see my food diary????? I struggle to consume my 1200 let alone the extra i burn through exercise.... maybe im eating the wrong foods? I dunno but could really do with all your help as I have never had to diet before and dont want to fall at the first hurdle. Thanks all x
  • tracybarnes1
    tracybarnes1 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm not sure that I agree on the starvation mode thing...I never and have never eaten all my calories (1200) and I have an average weight loss of 2.4 lbs every 10 days (thats my weigh-ins). I have never been a big eater, so I'm not sure how your body works...but for me (and I can only speak for myself) I try not to worry to much about being under my calories, I only worry on days where i forget to eat and have only taken in 550 cal (thats not enough). Hope this helps.
  • emmaflom
    emmaflom Posts: 3
    Thanks for all the advice and keep it coming - i have no friends on here so if any one wishes to add me then please do as im unsure how to go about it lol x

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • sarabellum
    sarabellum Posts: 88 Member
    Everyone's body is different - just try to make sure that the calories that you ARE consuming (whether you get to 1200 or not) are good, healthy, satisfying calories and that you're getting the nutrients that you NEED. If you are under and you don't FEEL hungry, you should be fine. But if you're restricting your calories and feel like you want to eat more, do it. Your body will let you know when you're hungry and when you're not!!!
    Just listen to your body :)
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