Very bad today, i was to hungry

I was very bad today when it came to eating food and i just kept eating without knowing how much calories i was putting into myself, apart from trying to lose the calories i put on in the gym tomorrow, is there any hints or tips of how to not eat so much during the day?


  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    Plan your meals and snacks. This will keep you in control of what goes into your mouth. I find if I have a plan, I eat better. You will not eat extra snacks or high calorie foods because you will know whether you have room for it or not.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    Start out with a good breakfast, eggs and fruit is what works best for me.
  • dspearsb
    dspearsb Posts: 186
    Try more filing foods like nuts or whole grains (anything with lots of fiber). Also, anything with healthy fats helps you stay satisfied. For example, try using olive oil and vinegar on salad instead of dressing and topping with some sliced almonds or other nuts.
  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    Drink water!!!!
    everytime you are hungry take a big long sip!
  • glenna221
    glenna221 Posts: 46
    Plan, plan, plan. And if you live with someone share the plans for dinner the day before - it helps keep you honest. Today I really wanted a chocolate bar. I tried to satisfy the craving with carrots (failed), but substitured a fiber plus bar instead. A little less sugar, a LOT less fat, and half the calories. Glad I kept one of those bars in my desk drawer.
  • DuckieGirl
    I feel your pain....I stress eat at work. I have found that if I pack my lunch and log my food as I eat I am more aware of what I am putting in my mouth. If I eat a single piece of candy I keep track. It was very enlightening the first week I did log that food.

    I now take 100 calorie snack packs to work and granola bars that are 90 calories. Between the change in snack food and keeping track I can on most days keep my snacking contained.
  • forestdancers
    forestdancers Posts: 146 Member
    Eat many small meals that are high if fiber and lean protein. For snacks have oranges. I find them very satifying and they keep me filled till next meal. Have bigger breakfasts. I eat most of my calories for breakfast and just grab a yogurt with walnuts for dinner.
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    Some times you just can't help it. I had one of those days today too but I made myself work out because I knew I was going to be over my daily goal today! If you feel this happening, try to eat things that are higher in fiber and protein, they tend to make you feel full longer. And drink lots of water...sometimes just the feeling of fullness in your stomach can help. Not always but water won't hurt you so it's worth a shot!

    Don't let one bad day ruin the whole week! You can do this! Good Luck! :bigsmile:
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    I agree....plan ahead what you are going to eat. That way you are aware of the calories before you eat them....not finding out how many there are after its too late. Make your snacks ahead of time. If a serving of crackers is 10 cracker, then put 10 in a zip lock bag and put the box out of sight (out of mind). I don't keep snack type foods in my pantry. I keep them put away in my bedroom. I only have in the kitchen what I know I am going to eat in a day. I also chew gum. I found an article online that shows that people who chew gum lose weight faster because the chewing gives the brain the signal that you are full. It is good to eat then chew a piece of gum so you don't keep eating. Another idea is to only cook the number of servings you need. For example, if you are making whole wheat pasta, measure out a 2 oz serving for each person eating. Don't make extra so there will be nothing to be tempted to eat later. I hope some of these ideas help!
  • fontaine3b
    I completely agree that having a plan makes a huge difference!!! Although it drives my 3 sons CRAZY, I HAVE to stick to planning or I will totally blow it!!

    I usually make the dinner plans for me and my sons so it makes it easier to keep everything logged in. If I know what I'm going to eat for dinner, I log it in even before I have breakfast. For me, breakfast is more calories than lunch and most of my calories are for dinner, that way I know what I can have as snacks or I know that I have a wonderful dinner to look forward to.

    I have been using MFP for about a month now, and logging EVERYTHING I eat or drink if it has calories, has made a HUGE difference in my food choices. Although the scale has only moved 6 lbs. (maybe more after tomorrow's weigh-in) I have been exercising at least 40 mins. everyday and my clothes fit better but most of all I feel better and so much more in control of my life. I have also found that being in control of my diet has seeped its way into other parts of my life, I feel more control over everything than I was before, I have more energy and get more done. Grocery shopping is even easier!! I know what I went in for and that's all I am getting!!

    I have also found that it gets easier as you go for portion sizes. Once you start to pay attention to how much of something you are eating and how many servings are in a package, its eye opening and also enlightening!!

    At first I was driving EVERYONE around me crazy about measuring and counting but that stopped after about 10 days, and now I can "size it up" by eyeballing it if there is no serving information.

    Sorry for the long post, but just coming down after a great workout and brain is going 240!!

    Good Luck on your journey and best wishes for a healthy new you!
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    I have to stick to planning everything also or I will blow it.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." - Jillian Micheals
  • cindymhr
    cindymhr Posts: 1
    I buy sugar free candy. When I get the munchies I will drink some water and suck on a piece of hard candy. It helps. But mostly if I have a bad day, I just get back on track. Don't beat yourself up for one bad day. Just don't let it me many bad days.
  • Jenlynphi
    Jenlynphi Posts: 183 Member
    What is that saying that Jillian Michaels always says on BL? Fail to plan is a plan that will fail? I truly believe it. I plan my day out the night before. I am a teacher so I keep back up snacks in my classroom to have when I get tempted to snack. I love the laughing cow wedges, 100 calorie snacks, almonds, fruit...... I love the mini bagels in the morning or a soft boiled egg. I tend to stay fuller longer when I eat the bagels or egg. I hope this helps! Oh, and I never deny myself anything. I may have a taste of something instead of eating the entire thing. If I denied myself, I would binge big time. :)
  • Jenlynphi
    Jenlynphi Posts: 183 Member
    "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." - Jillian Micheals

    Sorry, I did get it wrong. lol
  • Focusonfifty
    Focusonfifty Posts: 105 Member
    I know this may sound redundant, but plan plan plan, and eat healthy filling foods; therefore, you'll stay fuller longer. Empty calories will only leave you feeling EMPTY. Eat lots of whole/multi grains, and fiber rich foods in addition to drinking lots of h2o, and dont forget your fruits and veggies. I too do not deprive myself, should I feel for something, I wait it out, if the feeling does not subside then I have it, but I have 1 serving. Portion control is also very important. All the best! View food diaries for ideas.
  • bigassloser
    im a carb addict... i had to start out slow and just eliminate one thing at a time. I started with alcohol. No more beer or wine or champagne. (I was the new designated driver) After about a month i felt i didnt need that any more then i focused on coffee. (i wanted to eliminate caffeine) after kicking the coffee habit (headaches for two weeks) i stopped all sodas and carbonated drinks. All of this was gradual and took several months. I now only drink water and herbal tea... No sweetner. It helped in my weight loss but not much. Now im working on the foods i eat. Im slowly working on eliminating the breads and tortillas. I want to eventually be able to live on a high protein diet and not crave so many carbs. Im becoming stronger and having more will power as i go along. I do want to start practicing fasting. Everynow and then i well skip a meal or not eat for 24 hours. I found that after challenging myself with these slow gradual dietary changes that im becoming more and more stronger in avoiding the bad foods. (im losing my cravings) Watching tv is the worst trigger for me in wanting to cheat !!! all those fast food commercials!!!! I well change the channel if one comes on or i try to sit very far away from the kitchen. I do not eat anything after dinner!!!!

    Just challenge yourself with one change at a time. Once you achieve a goal then set another one. take your time and for myself i try to call it a life style change because if i tell myself im on a diet then i well binge eat for sure!!! for some reason just the word diet is a trigger for me too!!!