Help! Night Snacker!

MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I need support from anyone one is a reformed night snacker! I grew up in a family who always snacked at night before bed. I have gotten better over the years, but some nights are harder than others. Tonight was a struggle for me, because I think my lunch and dinner were just not quite filling enough. My diary is open, take a look and see if you have any suggestions for ways I could have made both my lunch or dinner more substantial to keep me going. I wanted to eat everything in sight tonight, but did my best to stay away by having a piece of swiss cheese and a wasa crispbread!


  • egoplast
    egoplast Posts: 41 Member
    You stayed with-in your caloric limit, so I do not see the problem.

    I too like the after dinner snacks and have to really watch myself.
    A lot of time I have plenty of calories and can indulge, but I have been limiting the times I indulge. I just think that I would rather have the surplus calories than a snack.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I was here all night poking around the kitchen...I am thankful that I stopped myself from binging, but it could have gone horribly wrong if I hadn't been busy cleaning up and doing laundry tonight!
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    if you tend to always feel hungry at night, leave enough calories for the end of the day to have a mini-meal or a snack before bed. As long as you earned those calories and you choose a healthy snack, it won't temper with your weight loss.
  • clarreb
    clarreb Posts: 18
    I am a huge night-time snacker! I used to have a bowl of ice cream almost every night before bed but now if I am really hungry I will have a greek yogurt or small bowl of healthy cereal. I agree if you have left over calories then you can always use them for a small meal or a night-time snack. I generally go for something with a good deal of protein that way you feel full quicker & longer.
  • coachligia
    coachligia Posts: 10 Member
    Girl, I have the same problem and have done a lot of hoarding most of my calories for at night time. What I have done to get it under control a bit is, to make sure throughout the day I am eating every 3 hours and that there is always protein involved in every meal. I usually have dinner around 6ish, which I try to keep to a big colorful salad or roasted veggie and a grilled or baked protein. After supper I ALWAYS have a sweet tooth, it does not matter how much I try, and I don't even eat sugar or sugar added foods, but I NEED something sweet, so my solution is a berry fruit salad with greek yogurt, or just greek yogurt. When mother nature is around and I am about to turn into a cookie monster, I use some of the hungry girl recipes for an occasional indulgence.

    I believe night snacking is mostly in our minds, making sure you eat protein and veggies for supper will get you full and satisfied, then if you have the need for something sweet or munchie, berries are usually low in sugar, yogurt is not a bad choice either, a protein shake/smoothie.

    I am not sure if this is going to help much, this is how I deal with it :flowerforyou:
  • amydcarlson
    amydcarlson Posts: 136 Member
    I eat at night, too. It has not hindered my weight loss so far. I think you will be fine as long as you make sure to log everything, and stay within your calorie goals. I don't know about you, but I cannot fall asleep when I'm hungry. I've been on MFP for about 2 months, and I have lost 12 lbs. I eat pretty much every night. Chow down. :wink:
  • laruhh
    laruhh Posts: 3
    Drink water!! Water always helps me after meals, it may not be the same for night time though. I know some of my friends like to brush their teeth after their last meal so they don't eat any more. If you think to yourself "Oh, I'll just brush them again later after this snack." then do more than just brushing, floss and use mouthwash too so it's a longer procedure that you don't wanna repeat. You won't eat and you'll teeth will be in great shape if they aren't already. Good Luck!! :)
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hi I was having the same problem as you and this is what helped me. I have 3 meals (300-400 cal) and at least 2 snacks (200-300 cal) Trying to add protein and/or fiber in every meal meal or snack. Unsalted almonds are a great in between meal and greek yogurt is good too. I usually have a small bowl of kashi pro lean at night if I'm hungry. This really feels you up too with all the protein and fiber combination. Eat all the fresh veggies you want and plenty of salads. Oh and drink lots and lots of water. This also curbs hunger. Good luck....hope this helps you:)
  • Cathy92
    Cathy92 Posts: 312 Member
    I'm a night snacker too and probably always will be. If you are really hungry, try heating up a Soup at Hand (Campbells) chicken with pasta only 70 calories! YOu'll feel full and it's fairly healthy and not a lot of calories. I find filling up with a liquid like soup or low cal hot chocolate really helps.
  • zenfocus
    zenfocus Posts: 106 Member
    Snacking at night in moderation is okay. Maybe keep it under 200 calories and I doubt you'll still be hungry later.
  • I actually follow a different strategy. I stay 500 cal lower every day, then one day of the week free for all but don't forget to update your diary that day LOL. There is always that dinner at you friends family and you need a break. I see calories as money, so I save in the week and i spend on the weekend. Starvation mode happens after a week so no worries there. Vitamin supplements and amino acids will help your body get trough it.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Thanks everyone! Great tips! I will be trying them out soon!
  • jheat1122
    jheat1122 Posts: 7 Member
    i have the same habit/night hunger...bed time snacks since i was little. im actually giving u eating after 10pm for lent and its not gonna be easy!! but they as say since your metabolism wont burn off as much when youre sleeping... i figure its okay to have a bedtime snack if necessary after dinner, just as long as youre gonna be up a couple of more hours to burn at it. but i think making it through these 40 days will help! ive been drinking water like a feine (sp??) when i get hungry, and it really can help get you through til morning. (i have woken up a couple nights to pee though, which i normally never do). the bonus is, by morning you're starving and are ready for a nice filling breakfast to start off your day :)
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