100 Day Challenge

kesteele Posts: 127
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
SO My cousin is starting this 100 day challenge and I am joining her because both of us have been motivated by this show "I used to be Fat on MTV" Anyone wanna join??? We have a facebook page called "On The Hard Road to Skinny" PLEASE join or like it whatever it says!!!! Everyone is motivational. Take a post-it pad of 100 sticky notes and count DOWN from 100 ALL the way down, put it somewhere you will see it every day whether it will be in your office, at home, in the bathroom, wherever. And be sure to peel one off EVERY day. Do something different every day so you wont get bored. If you haven't seen that show look it up on MTV.com it's incredibly motivational and moving. The challenge for us will start March 7th, YOU can start it whenever you want to. Just PLEASE stick with it, If I can do it --->the boredom and procrastination queen <--- then YOU can too!!!

WHO IS IN??????????????????


  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    What do you count down on the sticky pads? This sounds kinda interesting but I've never seen the show so I'm not sure what this is about, entirely...
  • im in! can you post the details? (:
  • CarbAvor
    CarbAvor Posts: 45
    Pick me! Pick me! lol I'll try to do it with my husband and sister! :) I don't know what day we'll start but I'll let you know!
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    ahhh i love that show! and you count on sticky pads because no one wants that huge thing they hang on the show nailed into there wall and making permident holes so you dont get your security deposit back ;]
  • kesteele
    kesteele Posts: 127
    Hey there! It's a 100 day challenge so it's a total of 100 days.....all of the sticky notes represent each a day, so each day that comes by you peel off a sticky so you're counting down to your goal of the last day. You set a goal to achieve at the end of the 100 days whether it be to lose weight, get in better shape, run a mile whatever.

    The show is about teens losing 50+ lbs before they go to college by working hard every day, that's the challenge part to work HARD every day!

    I hope this helped :)
  • kesteele
    kesteele Posts: 127
    OMGAHHH Yall have no idea how happy I was to see 3 comments.

    100 days of working your *kitten* HARD pardon my french, but pushing yourself to reach a goal. For me, it will be to lose as much weight as I can by the 100 days, see what exactly I'm capable of. You can do this!!!! Eat right all 100 days, everyone slips up every now and then but PLEASE try not to. Exercise EVERY DAY and do something different so you wont get into a routine!
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    Sounds great!!! Count me in!!!
  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    I'm in. Joined the FB page.
  • kesteele
    kesteele Posts: 127
    YAYYY Good for you!!!!
  • kesteele
    kesteele Posts: 127
    YAYYY:) all the comments and wanting to join make me happy!!!! I will not be able to come into this space EVERY DAY cause I'm a college student and My nose is in the books....except when it's gym time, cause I MAKE time for that mess. But I know Everyone that is TRUELY in this challenge wants to do it for themselves! The sticky pad will help you keep on track cause you'll have something to look forward to every day taking a new note off and being that much closer to your goal! :) Good LUCK to every one and enjoy your last week "off" if you're starting when we start otherwise Good luck when you start yourself, and if you want you can post motivational tools and what you've been doing and general help!!!! :) people will need motivation and information! Good LUCK!!!! I know EVERYONE can do it!
  • kesteele
    kesteele Posts: 127
    DAY 98 of the 100 day challenge for everyone that started Monday. I hope yall are sticking to it!!!! GOOD LUCK!
  • RLC1
    RLC1 Posts: 5 Member
    haha, i kinda did that myself, my sister wants to go to the beach for Mother's Day and I wrote out 63 days so I could mark one off everyday! I'm in!!!!!!!
  • kesteele
    kesteele Posts: 127
    YAY great job!!! never know what you can do in 63 days till you work your butt off! And see after that time has passed!
  • ksk2011
    ksk2011 Posts: 3
    I'm In! i started on the 7th on my own but I am def going to do the 100 days! Since it is about a little less than 100 days til i go to the beach! Thanks for the idea about the sticky notes.. was really thinking how was i going to do the big poster and have 100 sheets! Glad I don't have to now. :smile:
  • kesteele
    kesteele Posts: 127
    haha yeah the big poster is cool....but Don't think I can handle alllll those papers haha. Good luck to you!!!!
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