I love Zumba!

All I have to say is I love Zumba! I've been going to it twice a week. My husband is starting a new job in a couple of days and that will take away one of my zumba days during the week because I have to stay home with the kids :frown: I think I'll be able to go once in a while , but not all the time! At least I still have 1 day during the week. I'm missing it already!!! :sad:


  • ygrad2001
    ygrad2001 Posts: 230
    U can order the dvd's I heard the are really good! I love zumba also! I go 6 days a week!
  • kamechaf
    kamechaf Posts: 87 Member
    I did Zumba for the first time today on the kinect! It was hard but I LOVE IT TOO!
  • jsjlandy
    jsjlandy Posts: 41 Member
    Have you tried any Zumba dvds or games? I think every interactive game system has a zumba game!
  • miatavixxen
    miatavixxen Posts: 373
    Poor thing... Pretty sure even though I only get to take the class twice a week (until the new class gets more people they only offer it 2ce per week) i would totally have withdrawals. Did order the Kinect Zumba so maybe that will help. Would totally do it 7 days a week if i could!
  • irish077
    irish077 Posts: 32
    ZUMBA is awsome. I burned 773 calories in 1 hour lat night at class, I recommend a HRM to get accurate calorie count burned. you will be impressed at the results!
  • Nyirishlass
    I love me some Zumba too!!! I have the cd's and the weights at home and its a great work out! There are a couple of workouts and a live workout on there :bigsmile:
  • ser0630
    ser0630 Posts: 223
    I have the Zumba dvd's from zumbafitness.com because there are times where I'm traveling for work. They're great!
  • martilebleu
    Zumba on the Wii is pretty fun! Easy to get 20, 30 or 40 min. in here or there during a child's nap, early morning, or late at night! Keep shaking your stuff, friends! :wink:
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    I did Zumba for the first time today on the kinect! It was hard but I LOVE IT TOO!

    I do this AND take classes. Total addict, in a good way!
  • alex063287
    alex063287 Posts: 61 Member
    I LOVE Zumba, to the point where I take 5 classes of it currently until the end of April and I will be down to 3 or sometimes 4. How dare your husband work, does he understand the importance of Zumba? Totally kidding. I know what I have done is I remember the cardio/dance routine and ask my instructor what the songs are, find them on YouTube and have my own Zumba party at home! Zumba is my favorite workout!
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    Yes, I started out going to live classes, but now I do Zumba almost every day, solely on the Wii...I LOVE it!!!
    Such a great burn and workout....
    really phenomenal.
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    ive never bought anything off tv before, and everybody said they were great, i tried it, and its true, 10 days i did drop a pants size. it is soooo awesome. i highly recommend them.
  • mom2boys
    mom2boys Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks everyone! I will definitely check out ordering a Zumba dvd! If I don't, I'm going to go through withdraws, LOL.