In need of some friends :(

I'm relatively young, and I'm also already pretty thin. I've gotten down to the last 10 lbs I have to lose and I just feel like it's never going to happen :/ I've been fluctuating between 123 and 124 for what feels like AGES now.

I just feel like I'm NEVER going to get where i want to be, and it's really discouraging :(


  • ckehoe89
    ckehoe89 Posts: 144 Member
    Hey hun! I feel ya, I've been stuck at 125-130 range forever now. I think partially because I start to do good, then get discouraged when I don't see results, binge, get mad at myself and start all over. Just know you aren't alone!
  • jacolyncoker123
    Hey hun! I feel ya, I've been stuck at 125-130 range forever now. I think partially because I start to do good, then get discouraged when I don't see results, binge, get mad at myself and start all over. Just know you aren't alone!

    But that's just it! I have not really 'binged' ONCE this entire journey! Sure, I might have gone a little over on my calories once in a while, but I ALWAYS make up for it in exercise! I just want to be thin already D:
  • ckehoe89
    ckehoe89 Posts: 144 Member
    Have you done body measurements? Alot of time people plateau at a weight but they're losing inches off their body without ever noticing, when muscle replaces fat you may even gain weight since muscle weighs more than fat, but you'll tone up. I went to a dietitian today who said that's what I should be focusing on
  • debbysatit
    debbysatit Posts: 125 Member
    Perhaps you are not eating enough and your body is plateau. Shake it up a little with a few days on track with calories a few days over calories. Also try varying your exercise. If on treadmill one day do random, one day do manuel, one day do increased elevation. These things may shake your body up and go into a response with weight loss.
    Also maybe thisweight is a normal for you! And you are trying to go to thin on your weight range. Have you checked what your normal range is for your age and height?
  • jacolyncoker123
    Perhaps you are not eating enough and your body is plateau. Shake it up a little with a few days on track with calories a few days over calories. Also try varying your exercise. If on treadmill one day do random, one day do manuel, one day do increased elevation. These things may shake your body up and go into a response with weight loss.
    Also maybe thisweight is a normal for you! And you are trying to go to thin on your weight range. Have you checked what your normal range is for your age and height?

    Yes the range for my frame size, and height is 110-130 or 140. My goal is 115, because I have a TINY frame and anything higher than that looks funky on me :P But I want to be 115lbs of lean muscle, not skinny-fat...
  • debbysatit
    debbysatit Posts: 125 Member
    Are you doing resistance training? I think that will give you the lean, firm, muscle you are looking for! Or Yoga, that too can give you a lean long look.