Needs Support :0

As with most times I lose weight, I do really well with my eating and exercise, and then I start to lose motivation or am overwhelmed with stress, ect. and gain it all back by overeating and eating unhealthy foods and neglecting exercise. I need some advice and some support because I can sense it starting to happen again. I'm not looking forward to going to the gym, I'm wanting to snack constantly on junk, and I'm stressed about a few things that are going on right now. Tips from people who have overcome this dilemma are greatly appreciated!


  • bkhorton
    bkhorton Posts: 8
    I'm in the same boat as you right now and also am not sure how to handle it..........
  • kaylarozon
    Continue to track your progress and see how far you've come. Also try to set daily and weekly goals to keep you motiviated. Don't give up. Try post-it notes around the house or on your desk at work with something encouraging you to get fit or a picture of you when you were slimmer.

    Don't give up Jhenry0925! You can do it!:happy:
  • femouse
    femouse Posts: 10 Member
    I would say that prayer helps me. Forcing myself to workout especially when i feel that I don't want to helps also, by the end of my workout I feel much better. Be encouraged, your doing a great job and don't be too hard on yourself.
  • femouse
    femouse Posts: 10 Member
    I would say that prayer helps me. Forcing myself to workout especially when i feel that I don't want to helps also, by the end of my workout I feel much better. Be encouraged, your doing a great job and don't be too hard on yourself.
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    Keep reminding yourself you are beautiful and you are worth it!! Concentrate on how good you feel after a good work out. Sit down and read some of these threads, they can be so motivating. Hang in there ladies!!
  • Wakx
    Wakx Posts: 105 Member
    If it's not the healthy lifestyle that motivates you to keep going then, quite simply, there is something in the background that keeps pulling you back to some comfort zone. You need to find out why you want to be there, in that comfort zone. What is it that you think that zone brings you that you do not have when you're in healthy mode? What are the reasons that this little voice is giving you when it tries to lure you back? Write them up, these "reasons", and ask a good friend to discuss these with you, to analyze them rationally. Are they true, or are they really untrue? Whatever the answer, what does the answer mean?

    You already give one answer: stress. What is the cause of the stress? That's more important to look at than your standard response to stress: eating junk.

    Collect the courage to dig deeper and challenge the so-called truths that this voice comes up with. Only then can you cut off the chains of addiction.

    Worked for me.

    It's actually very nice to be free.
  • zenfocus
    zenfocus Posts: 106 Member
    I don't know where this quote comes from but I love it "nothing tastes as good as thin feels."
  • elizwelshman
    If it's not the healthy lifestyle that motivates you to keep going then, quite simply, there is something in the background that keeps pulling you back to some comfort zone. You need to find out why you want to be there, in that comfort zone. What is it that you think that zone brings you that you do not have when you're in healthy mode? What are the reasons that this little voice is giving you when it tries to lure you back? Write them up, these "reasons", and ask a good friend to discuss these with you, to analyze them rationally. Are they true, or are they really untrue? Whatever the answer, what does the answer mean?

    You already give one answer: stress. What is the cause of the stress? That's more important to look at than your standard response to stress: eating junk.

    Collect the courage to dig deeper and challenge the so-called truths that this voice comes up with. Only then can you cut off the chains of addiction.

    Worked for me.

    It's actually very nice to be free.

    Wonderful answer!!! It's very true.
    Making positive changes in life for yourself can help with your motivation & will power to stay on a healthy track.
    Just remember, if you have a bad day - you never failed yourself. Learn from that day & push towards
    tomorrow. All the yesterdays aren't worth being upset about. Looking forward to your tomorrow, making it a better day for you, is something worth smiling about. :smile:

    Best wishes & Good luck!!
  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
    I got a trainer .I see him every week and he keeps me accountable for my workout. Also , he is very good with positive feedback,( which I love:))

    Try to go to the gym at the same time, every day. I get there at 7.00 am, 4 times /week .Even if I am tired or sick, I will go and do whatever I can. Even 100 cal on bike is worth the effort.

    Take a break from your diet when you feel like it and be ok with it. Sometimes we just need to get away for a while.
    This is what is working for me, and I hope is going to help you too.