Newbie :)

shggygrl Posts: 8
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
I am a newly engaged twenty something. It seems that I have found someone who loves me for who I am, but I have decided that to be completely happy, I need to love myself as well. Plus, who doesn't want to look amazing in a wedding dress? :P

I certainly am not new to dieting or counting my calories. I was actually very successful at one point about two years ago, but school and life brought me right back to square one. :-/ Dieting now is the first step to being healthy for the rest of my life. I have a goal to lose 50lbs at about 3lbs per week. I will see as I go if I will reach that. I am more concerned with being healthy and happy... not a number.

A little over one week down and just switched from fatsecret "calorie counter" to myfitnesspal on my android. :) Love both aps and am on track with -3.5lbs already. I log every single thing that enters my pie hole, so I hope to make a few buddies because I will be on here quite a bit!

Nice to meet you!


  • bhakt01
    bhakt01 Posts: 4 Member
    That is really impressive! 3lbs a week is a tough goal! I too am trying to lose 50lbs. I'm starting with the 1 pound a week. I have literally just started as well so I hope it goes well. Any tips or advice on how the 3lbs a week is working??
  • shggygrl
    shggygrl Posts: 8
    Well, as I've said, I've lost all this weight once before, so I'm sure I can do it again. To be completely honest, the first go around, I was not being very healthy and losing about 5lbs per week eating as little as possible and working out as much as possible. This time around, I'm a little older and a little wiser... A little bit more hungry and little less flexible. haha

    I have my go to snacks and meals... One of the newest are those Special K cracker chips. So delicious and when you count out 27-30 of them (1 serving) it won't fit in your hands. You have to trick your mind into thinking you are eating more than you actually are, or else, at least for me, my brain yells at me that I am not a bird... I am a person. :P Eat all your meals on small plates... Any type of bread I eat is brown and loaded with fiber... You have to switch it up and eat different things every day or else you will get bored and want to quit. There are so many things... But also I make it a point to try my very hardest to wake up in the morning and just walk for as long as I have time to. I used to jog, and walking doesn't even feel like exercise most of the time. Take someone with you, or like I do, take your dog. Both of you will have a good start to your day. :)
  • Lystudly
    Lystudly Posts: 2
    Welcome! :drinker:
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    Welcome!!! I think you will find this is a great site with lots of great people and motivators. We are all here for the same reason, to lose some of those stubborn pounds. My wife and I love this site and it has helped us lose 13 and 9 pounds respectively.

    My only comment is I think a target of 3 pounds loss a week is pretty high. 1-2 a week is a safe goal, and a life changing goal. Initially those pounds can come off easily, sometimes 5 a week for some people, but then your body will adjust and it will be harder. But, as long as you dont get discouraged and you keep pushing through week by week, by your wedding day you will look smashing!! If it takes you 10 weeks or 20 weeks to lose that 50 pounds, he will love you no matter what and thats awesome in itself!

    Best of luck to you with your weight loss and with your upcoming wedding!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. We can use all the encouragement we can get.
  • smileymc
    smileymc Posts: 2
    Im in a similar boat to CJ
    Newly engaged and have previously tried and succeeded and tried and failed diets.

    Now I'm the heaviest I have ever been and decided I can't put any more 'will fit me again one day' clothes away in the attic.
    I read in the news about a girl counting her calories on her BlackBerry and that the app only cost £1.99. But I didn't think it would be as motivated as she made out. I found this website on my iPhone apps (for free) :) and decided to give it ago. (Why not, when Weight Watchers cost £19.99 a month)

    I'm only on my 3rd day, and was a bit naughty last night so I'm really annoyed with myself already. I've never had any will power, but reading all the posts on here about normal people and not like some of the magazines I read and some of the girls complaining on TV how overwieght they are when they arent! I'm feeling really positive about losing weight this time round.

    Sorry for rambling on
    Good luck everyone
  • shggygrl
    shggygrl Posts: 8
    Lystudly- Thank you! :)

    Cwdanley- What a great way to begin this journey with myfitnesspal to meet such nice people. I realize that it is recommended to lose 1-2lbs, but I have always been an athlete and pushed myself. I certainly am not going to starve myself as you can see from my food journal. If I lose 3 lbs I'll be very happy, but 1-2lbs would be ok too. And you're very right. He does love me just as I am. My real goal is to love myself just as much. :) I hope to be chatting again with you soon.

    Smileymc- We are in similar boats! I was also at my heaviest a few weeks ago. :( Stay motivated! You should know, if you lost the weight before, you can do it again. Sometimes is is discouraging putting in so much effort for one measly pound, but they will add up if you keep going. Don't say "I never had any will power, " because you have succeeded before! Say "I can do this!" Hope to also follow up on your progress. :)
  • havi7
    havi7 Posts: 80 Member

    This is a great site to help be accountable and to gain support when you need it. Feel free to add me if you're looking for support.

    Good luck!
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