Feeding baby without feeding my face

rfcollins33 Posts: 630
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I can not seem to go into the kitchen and fix my son's meals without munching the whole time. We are on different schedules and foods for our meals, so I don't fix our breakfast and lunch together, only dinner. I weighed this week and only lost .4 lbs ugh. I know it's not a gain, but the snacking has to stop. I have my house filled with healthy snacks, but there is such thing as TOO MUCH of a good thing. Besides pasting pics of my fatter days or mirrors all over my kitchen, I don't know what to do!!


  • Macacadopai
    Macacadopai Posts: 183 Member
    I think 4lbs is a lot for a week! :)
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    I wish it was 4, it's .4. Like less than a pound. That little . makes all the difference, huh?
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    why are you on different feeding schedules and foods? I'd start eating at the same time and the same foods...

    1, it takes away eating when its your turn AND when its his turn

    2, its far better for him to be seeing his mummy eating the same foods as him at the same time Ok i know there may be a few variations, hot curries etc but he is learning from example and if he sees that youre not eating his food he will begin to wonder why.
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    yes, that is very good advice. The main reason is that I am not hungry when he is and he does not share a weight struggle with me. He's a small boy, like my husband is a small man. But, it would be wiser to try to align meals more. Thanks!
  • I have twin toddlers and a school age child and I can totally relate. When I first started, the hardest part about dieting was not to grab a piece of cheese or a cracker off the afternoon snack plate.

    Once I started logging every single thing I ate (every goldfish, pretzel, cube of cheese) it got a little easier, because I saw what I was eating and how many calories it cost me. I also started making a snack for myself when they ate (a plate of fruit or veggies) so that I wasn't just watching them eat.

    I hope this helps! Good luck!
  • Macacadopai
    Macacadopai Posts: 183 Member
    ahaa! Sorry my bad :P listen loosing weight is just mathematics, count ur BMI (if u haven't already u can do it here http://lowcarbdiets.about.com/library/blbmicalculator.htm) and just remember:

    -Set your weight loss goal. How much do you want to lose? Before setting a weight loss goal, estimate your ideal weight. You can look up your ideal weight using any number of calculators on the web. This is a good place to start. You do not have to choose your ideal weight as your goal, but it does give you an idea of how much weight you could lose.
    The magic number: 500. Understand that losing weight is a simple process of consuming fewer calories than your body burns. In other words, it is simple mathematics: 3500 calories equals one pound. If you eat 500 fewer calories per day than you do now, you can lose one pound per week (500 calories x 7 days per week = 3500 fewer calories per week). It's that simple. If you lose one pound per week, you can lose 24 pounds in six months. Not to shabby!
    -Determine how many calories your body needs per day. Your daily caloric needs can be estimated using online calculators.
    Know your daily maximum. Once you have your estimated daily need, subtract 500 calories to get the maximum amount of calories you can consume in a day, if you want to lose one pound per week. This number is your daily maximum. For example, if your body requires 2,000 calories a day to maintain your existing weight, subtract 500 from 2,000, and your daily maximum is 1,500 calories per day. If you want to lose one pound per week, simply eat no more than 1,500 calories per day.

    If you want to lose weight less quickly, you may choose the subtract 250 calories from your daily estimated caloric need. With this lower number, you could lose one pound every two weeks. This is also, not too shabby.
    Know the calorie count of everything you eat. Everyone knows that fruits and vegetables are healthier than candy and chips. We all know that a Subway sandwich or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is healthier than a Big Mac. Or do we? A six inch Cold Cut Combo has 540 calories. A Big Mac has 540 calories. A PB&J at the Atlanta Bread Company is 600 calories. Hmmm.

    Look up the calorie count of everything you eat, I do that on MFP.
    Write down everything you eat and add up the amount of calories consumed each day. When you write down everything you eat and the calorie count, you will begin to make lower calorie food choices. Instead of that Snickers bar (280 calories) from the vending machine, you will eat a Chocolate and Peanut Butter Zone Bar (210 calories). Instead of Cheetos (340 calories) you will snack on a bag of grapes (20 grapes - 68 calories). Try eating 20 grapes. You feel quite full.
    Each day, as you add up the calories you consumed, make sure you stop eating when you reach your new daily maximum. When those two pieces of pizza at lunch blows your entire day because you reach your daily maximum, you will think twice about your future food choices.

    If you slip and exceed your daily maximum (we all do), don't beat yourself up, and do not try to make it up by consuming fewer than your next day's daily maximum calories. Give yourself a break and resume the system tomorrow. Tell yourself, "Stick to the system; being thinner and healthier feels better than two pieces of pizza or three bags of Cheetos."
    If you exercise, your daily caloric needs will increase. That means you can eat more. Now that you know the magic number (500), you will know exactly how much more you can eat. All you have to do is continue to subtract 500 from your daily caloric need to get the deficit you need.
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    I don't alway eat the same thing as my little girl but I do my best to eat at the same time. Breakfast is hard since I get up at 5ish am to workout and my baby is still asleep. But yes if u can eat at the same time and most of your meals should be the same to.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    yes, that is very good advice. The main reason is that I am not hungry when he is and he does not share a weight struggle with me. He's a small boy, like my husband is a small man. But, it would be wiser to try to align meals more. Thanks!

    I know the "not hungry" one I was the same but I also saw how it affected my oldest, she felt greedy eating when mummy wasnt (she was only 3) that was quite a shock!

    He may not have a weight struggle but depending on what foods you are serving i cant see why you cant have the same, you fill your plate with less of the higher calorie foods and heaps of the lower cal things, he will still see it as you eating the same foods at the same time.

    Also got to think that if he has his lunch then later sees you having something that he likes the look of he may want some...that could lead to him overeating and whilst as a toddler it seems to all get burned off its not the healthiest attitude to develop. Meet in the middle food wise..Lets say lunch is at 12, if you are simply not hungry at 12 then give your son a small snack, piece of fruit etc and eat an hour later together.
  • britneybowen
    britneybowen Posts: 26 Member
    I go through the same thing here. I JUST started this but they usually eat pretty healthy so I am eating what they eat. For example... the snack on fruit or crackers... so I do the same.... they eat PB&J's on wheat bread for lunch.... I will too. I don't want them to end up like me constantly wanting chips and such but I need to set a good example too. If you are snacking on fruit then it isn't bad. Just always have fruit nearby. At the commissary you can order a small fruit tray (it lasts us about 1.5 weeks) everything is all cut up and you can put it in a Tupperware bowl. Or just buy apples and cut them up and snack on those.
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    I am going to try those trays. Kandace says they don't mark the produce up there either, that they aren't allowed to. That's a good idea. Thanks!! I am going to try to align our meals a little more, but I simply can't eat a lot of the foods he and Colby eat (all the carbs, pizza, fries, etc). Of course, he doesn't get fries everyday, but even his healthy snacks (whole grain crackers) can add up the cals and carbs for me!
    oh, and @catcrazy, I agree about the adding up on veggies and healthier options and give them the heavy stuff. I do that with dinner (which is our big meal). It works so well. My husband tries to gain and my son is only like 6% in weight, so I make wild rice, pasta, or potatoes. They get huge servings of that and I make an extra veggie for myself. My husband has actually been able to gain during my loss.
  • britneybowen
    britneybowen Posts: 26 Member
    Yeah, I just bought a tray for the first time last week. I usually buy all kinds of fruit and cut it up but it is actually cheaper buying the tray! And they are GOOD!
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