Overeating occasionally and other questions

Hi guys, this is my first post so please be nice :) I'd just like to start off saying how much I appreciate the work that has gone into this website and the iPhone app (and the Android app :) )! I LOVE the app and I use it every single day - and it's free!! Thanks to everyone for making that possible!

OK, I was going to ask another question but after finally visiting these forums and reading the newbies' READ ME section, which in hindsight I probably should have done a month ago, I kind of have the answer to my original question - I think :)

What I was *going* to ask was whether the calculated calorie intake per day takes into account your planned exercise routine, but it looks like it doesn't - this is correct?

For instance: I've got a 1370 calorie/day intake goal, aiming to lose 2 pounds/week, exercising 3x/wk for 40 mins. I was wondering whether this means whether or not I have to do this exercise in order to reach my 2 lbs/wk goal? It looks like I *should* still lose 2 pounds/wk even if I didn't do any exercise but ate 1370 calories/day? However, the newbie threads say that I should also eat my exercise calories - which leads onto my next question...

I think I know what the answer to this will be, but I'll ask it anyway :) There are one or two days/wk where I go out with friends and a large dinner is involved. I have been attending this function for over 3 years so I'd really like to continue if possible. So what tends to happen is I eat roughly 1370 calories on mon + tues, but burn off around 500-600 calories per day for both those days, (and don't eat those extra calories either) so now I'm at a combined deficit of say 1100 calories for those two days. Then on wed I'll go and eat 1100 calories extra (so 1370 + 1100 = 2470 total) - bringing me back up to 3 x 1370 calories for mon-wed. I'm guessing this is no good?

I was hoping that it would be possible to keep a "week-by-week" running calorie count - similar to the situation above - so that by the end of the week I will have consumed a total of 7 x 1370 (9590) calories. However, after reading those newbie threads, it doesn't work like this?

Lastly, on my progress: I've been weighing myself nightly and checking this into MFP. I started at 92.5kg and after about a month I am only on 91.9kg (lowest was 90.9kg a couple of days ago, however the last checkin was on a wed, right after my "big dinner" night, which tends to put on an extra kg!). I have been trying to keep my week-by-week total to around 9590 calories but have been going over a bit, maybe by 1000 calories at most. Over the weeks I have been refining what I eat, learning what's good and bad, etc., so this 1000 calorie excess is slowly being reduced. I am looking at adding a 4th day of swimming so I am now burning an extra 500-600 calories/week. That means I'm doing mon, tues, thurs and sat night swimming for 50 mins or so. So assuming I take my lowest of 90.9kg as my "best progress", that means I've lost about 1.6kg (3.5 pounds), or less than half per week of my projected weight loss. Why is this and how can I improve?

I should also mention that I was already on a diet (no exercise routine) for about 2-3 weeks prior to starting with MFP and I had already lost around 3.5 pounds from that - which was relatively easy to do, and was probably all just fluids, which is why I suspect this next 3.5 pounds has been so much harder to lose.

As I mentioned before, I suspect my week-by-week calorie plan just doesn't work like I think it does, but could someone please confirm this and possibly suggest an alternative?

Oh, and I'm not doing any weight training just yet. I will leave that until a bit later, as I have previously tried to diet AND do weights at the same time and it almost killed me :) All my exercise so far has consisted of mostly swimming and a bit of walking at lunch time (office job), so I'm guessing there won't be much muscle build up there?

Anyway, sorry for the long post but thanks in advance for all the help!


  • gaeljo
    gaeljo Posts: 223 Member
    Sure go out to dinner but eat differently. You can't consume an extra 1000 calories and hit your goals. What you are asking is something like is like to make a new dress but I don't want to use scissors and thread. If you want to change you have to eat differently. This us a lifestyle not a diet. Sounds like you are approaching ready. Have salad at your dinners out no wine no dessert. Or choose chicken or grilled fish or suggest a new restaurant.3500 calories is a pound. Calories add up fast. Good luck.
  • sarahenagy
    sarahenagy Posts: 66 Member
    I'm not sure about the weekly calorie count thing, but my intuition would be to try to make some healthier choices at restaurants in order to not go so far over on one day. I LOVE to eat out and do it often as well and managed to loose 25 lbs last year without feeling like I gave up too much. I just started being more conscious of what was going in my mouth when I ate out. I limited myself to one beer or glass of wine instead of 3-5, took a portion of the appetizer on a plate and only had that instead of just eating as much as I wanted, had the waiter bring a box with my dinner and boxed up half of it before the first bite (out of sight, out of mind, plus the bonus of lunch the next day), shared dessert with my husband instead of getting my own (he was trying to loose weight too).

    Also, I would definitely recommend adding some strength training to your routine, it will really help amp up your metabolism and calorie burn. If you just do cardio you won't be building new muscle (in fact your body might start using it as fuel for your cardio) and muscle burns A LOT more calories than fat. Obviously you will need to start slowly, but something is better than nothing. Even if you just start with pushups, squats and lunges using your body weight that will help! Then eventually you can start adding some weight lifting.
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hi there, I'll just address the going out part....

    I go out to dinner w/my husband on a date night every 2 weeks and eat practically everything--from sharing a bottle of wine, to full appetizer, entree and dessert. I try to log this in and estimate my dinners tend to run 1300-1500 calories, but it's so hard to know what exactly you are eating. The one thing I try to do is eat fish for entree, and then at least I feel better about eating everything else. I am on maintenance now, and do use that weekly report on the iphone app to make sure the weeks calorie goals stay in line. If I'm up that day, I try to skim a bit from the other days so it all evens out by end of week. So far, so good. Even if I have 2 big meals in one week, it's tough, I may need to exercise more to make it up, but it usually averages out to be ok and I don't gain weight.

    I have one of those nights tonight so am gearing up for the big feast today!