Getting to grips with binge eating / overeating disorder

poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
New member, signed up this week, was on another tracker site but find this one much easier to use. Lost 8 lbs so far this year, my weight day is a Monday :)

Struggle with binge eating / overeating disorder, but had some excellent solo / group therapy last year where I managed to maintain my weight for six months so the next step is trying to shift some. The therapy made such an amazing impact on me and helped changed the way I look at eating and dieting completely.

I don't agree with 'fat shaming' and like to promote body acceptance, if you are happy with the way you look then more power to you, you should be losing weight and getting healthy because you want to do it for yourself, not because you are trying to aspire to what society tells you that you should look like.

Hope to find lots of support on here and would especially like to hear from people who struggle with or have struggled with binge eating / over eating disorder.


  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    Discovered after much internet research that I am a food addict. Nightly binges, hiding food, eating in secret... you know the drill. As of 12/28/10 I started the abstinence food plan from Food addicts annonymous (little cheats here and there but I'm getting better) and I have had great results. I don't eat late at night anymore(9:00 used to be my witching hour) sometimes I don't eat anything after dinner, or if I do, a snack of about 100 cals. I'm not hungry, I plan all my meals weeks in advance, and track on paper and on here everything I eat. The change is amazing. I still find myself being suprised that I am not as tempted by the stuff the normally woulda sent me into a complete uncontrallable eating frenzy. now i'm like "eh, take it or leave it." Good luck to you on your journey, feel free to friend me if you would like support.
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Hi there,

    I too struggle with binge eating and I went to my doctors last week and he was no help at all. I have binged for a very long time now but I realised I had a problem two weeks ago and since coming clean about it, I haven't binged. I would love to speak to someone who understands what I am going through. Feel free to add me as a friend :)

  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    I have been struggling with binge eating for a while....i don't think it is as extreme as some other people struggle with but i defininately recognise some of the symptoms in myself. I've put a stone on (14lbs) in 6 months after i lost weight! So annoyed with myself,always find myself right back where i started because of my secret eating.

    Add me if you want some support :) x
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    I have also struggled with a binge eating/ emotional eating disorder- mostly in my late teens thru my 20's. It's taken me a long time to get to where I am now- still not fully over it, but learning to deal much better.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Hi there, welcome and good luck on your weight loss journey. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like, beware that I swear n cuss quite liberally if this does not offend you add me!
  • Hi everyone!

    I just have to say that I appreciate your guys' honesty with your struggles. I too have dealt with bingeing/disordered eating. I haven't had a binge in a few months, but I used to really struggle with bingeing and then using exercise to "purge" myself.

    I have been slowly making the conscious effort to develop a healthy attitude towards food as well as my body. It's a slow process, but worth it!

    What has helped me, is to not think of my worth as being solely comprised of how small I am. Instead, I try to remember that my body is strong and deserves the proper nutrition it needs in order to stay nourished. When I start to feel bad or out of control( usually due to life circumstances) I try not to "eat" my feelings. Instead, I think about what I am feeling (even if it is bad) and I choose to let it go. IMO, every type of emotion is valid; it is what we do with them that matters. Yoga and meditation have helped me as well.

    Best wishes to you all.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Hi everyone, I will add you all, thank you, its nice to know there are others there going through the same thing and if I can help transfer some of the knowledge and techniques I have learnt from my therapy I'd be glad to share, feel free to message me!
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    It's so nice to hear that others struggle with the same as I do. Well, not nice that you struggle, but nice to know that I'm not alone.

    I too struggle with bingeing and hiding food. It's usually fast food or sugary food like cookies, cake, etc... I try to keep it from my husband because I don't want to disgust him.

    I can definitely use some support in this area, I've never talked to my doctor about it, she's not really very supportive, always trying to give me another pill for something and I just want to be healthy and not on any pills.
  • It is really great to hear how you have been making improvements and changes in your life. Congratulations.
  • 4Matt
    4Matt Posts: 26
    I don't have a huge problem with binge/overeating anymore. I used to hide food, buy more than I needed, etc. I'm getting really good at stopping when I feel full- so now I'm pleasantly full & content & not overly stuffed. I like that feeling much better!
    My one vice in this area is I'm an emotional eater. Knowing that I'm finding other ways of dealing- exercising, talking with my fiance, recognizing my feelings & dealing with them in a healthier way.
    I've learned you may be the only one that feels a certain way or does certain things but if you look you'll see there are others around you that understand because they are going through the same thing & can support you.
  • Jane1320
    Jane1320 Posts: 20 Member

    Someone I've been connecting with on MFP passed you on to me when she realized I have food addiction issues. I was in and out of overeaters annonymous for about 15 years, from 28 years old to 43. I left seven years ago after it just wasn't working for me any more., but it did help. I learned planning my food for the day (I wrote it in a notebook) and committing it was helpful, to someone else or just yourself. Also, don't set yourself up for failure, beware of people , places and things that may trigger you to eat. For example whenever I visit my mom I have to be really careful because she is an enabler and will offer me all types of food I shouldn't be eating. Between OA and counselling I don't have any "sick" binges anymore where I put myself in pain, I do overeat from time to time and make poor choices, sugar and flour are my addictions, so I'm working on making a list of healthy snacks that I enjoy, but are safe. Good Luck and I'd love to be your friend.

    Jane B.
  • I have a terrible binge eating disorder. How did you go about finding help? I don't think there is anything around where I live for it. I've been using websites that deal with binging but when I read something & try it out when I feel a binge coming on, it always fails.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Hello to both of you, will friend you now!

    I got the help from my GP and that eventually led to counselling. The biggest thing I can recommend is to keep a food diary for a whole week and write down the emotions you felt before, during and after every binge to see if you can find a pattern. We didn't even track food or calories while we did this. When you find your main emotional trigger, it makes it easier to try and work with it.
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    Since I've started using this site I have only binged once, that is great for me! I was on WW for a long time and binged constantly. With MFP I seen I was just eating way to low of calories for me and my activity level so upped my calories to lose less per week but I don't feel the need to binge. I feel so much more in control!

    I love how you can change things to fit your needs and goals, still see results and not feel like you *failed* yet again.

  • BrownSuccess
    BrownSuccess Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there,
    I just joined yesterday. I need to lose 140 pounds. I know that I have gotten to this point through binge/compulsive eating. Where I live, there is no support group. I'm wondering if there is a message board here specifically for binge eaters? If so, I'd like to join. Please add me if you would like.
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    I'm there you (all) too! Feel free to add me :smile:
  • Sharbysyd
    Sharbysyd Posts: 39 Member
    I've struggled with binge eating for many years. I believe it started when I started my health quest and things like white flour and sugar became "bad." When I would eat them, I would binge on them thinking that was the last time I would have them. But of course, it wasn't.

    One thing that has helped me is the principals of Normal Eating or Intuitive Eating, which is allowing those things but only having them when I REALLY want them. I've also discovered Eating Clean over the last few months so I've been enjoying eating 5-6 small meals a day.

    I still have trouble with portions sometimes - particularly if I eat pizza because I only like it on the first day when it's fresh and hot but I've been getting much better.

    I wish you the best of luck and feel free to add me if you'd like.

  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    i have BED. i'm glad to hear your therapy went well for you!
  • tak123
    tak123 Posts: 32 Member
    I've also had a problem with binge eating for years now. I can honestly say that it's gotten better the last two years or so. It used to be really bad. The last time I binged I didn't feel pain, just full. The other times it would feel painful I was so full. I binge eat when I'm sad or bored. I have an urge right now because I had a bad day, but I'm going to go home and call a friend or do something fun. Good luck to everyone else out there!
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