Good morning everyone!

I came across myfitnesspal through the app store on my phone. I loved it immediately! What an amazing database of foods and exercise!
I'm on my second attempt at losing weight. A year or so ago I tried... started out weighing 225... got down to 175. And I was so happy with my weight loss I slowly started exercising less... eating more. I didn't even notice I was packing the pounds back on until I weighed myself at Christmas time 2010. 204lbs. I gained 29 lbs in a matter of months! I decided that I was doing it the wrong way. Fad diets.. killing myself in the gym. I lost weight fast that way, but I didn't do anything to change my life. So that's my goal this year, exercise regularly and change what I eat instead of starving myself. I started my lifestyle change on Jan 1st (of course lol!) and I'm at 21lbs lost.
I'm looking forward to getting to know y'all and making some new friends and diet buddies!
