
ari_27 Posts: 88 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I'm back using MFP after almost a week went by completely avoiding being on here and binging on everything imaginable in my house.
Spring Break started for me so I'm back home, back to where it is I make most of my mistakes.
I'm so tired of the same routine of losing weight and then gaining it all quickly back after going on my binging cycles. I hate this relationship I have with food and yet every time I feel like I've finally made some improvements SOMETHING happens that puts me right back to start (and sometimes even sets me back even worse than before).
I see all of these people that are so determined to lose weight and stay in shape and I'm jealous of them, I truly do admire them, but I have to wonder, what is wrong with me?
Why is it that some people are able to keep themselves motivated and achieve their goals, and I struggle to lose a measly 20-30 pounds?
I'm just venting here, I'm so tired of there being no balance in my life. It's either me eating extremely healthy or me eating extremely unhealthy. No in between.
Anyways, for whatever's worth, I'm back here and I'm gonna try this once again, hoping that eventually my unhealthy habits stop.


  • amaried621
    amaried621 Posts: 260 Member
    I will start off with saying that 20-30lbs is not measly! To lose that type of weight takes commitment for months and continues on even after you have lost it. Do you think you are truly committed to losing the weight and keeping it off? That is the first and biggest step. If you are only sort of into it then of course you will go off track. This has to be something that you decide is a lifestyle change and you stick with every day. You said that you'll either eat well or eat unhealthy, how long does this last? I have found that once I get into the habit of eating healthier I get used to the food and how I and my body feels eating things that are good / better for me than I was eating before.
  • Hi!
    Believe me, you are not alone!! I struggle every day and have lost, gained over and over a lot of my life. I am 51 and need to do it for real this time. I am struggling too. I need to lose 20 pounds, which to some doesn't seem like much, but to me it is. If I don't exercise, the weight does not come off.
    So, please don't be discouraged, we can do this...Remember to think before sticking any food in your mouth..Is it good for me? will it ruin what I have accomplished today?? ask yourself these questions..

    Good luck, I know you can do it!!!

  • I have never lost weight successfully unless I had something major to aim for. Last time it was my wedding, and this time, its for medical reasons. Perhaps think of something in a few months that would be MUCH better if you had lost some weight. Then try and keep focused on that date. When that date comes, think of another date. Or what about signing up for a 5k run? That way, you'd have to keep on track if people were sponsoring you. It is hard - I sympathise. Good Luck!
  • You think 20-30 lbs is measly? No way! haha I have been struggling to lose only 10 pounds for about 3 months! It's a process for sure. I know you'll make it! :)
  • I have to agree with amaried621, 20-30 lbs is no measly amount of weight to lose. I wonder if you are anything like me and get discouraged because you want immediate results. For the longest time I went back and forth as you have described yourself as doing until I finally realized that what I wanted was truly achievable but only if I worked for it and had the patients to put the time in to earn it.
    I used to think (without even realizing it) that since I had decided I wanted to work out and lose the weight, since I could imagine myself thin it should just happen, when the truth is IT TAKES TIME. I finally learned to stop expecting instant gratification and to appreciate 1 pound at a time (literally). Those little steps that I make towards success are what keep me going. Just remember, YOU CAN DO IT!!! This is something that is completely up to you and if you put your mind to it, YOU WILL SUCCEED!!. I wish you all the success that you deserve and hope to see you around here for a while. : ' )
  • lclarius
    lclarius Posts: 34 Member
    vent away! i could start going on and on about how you could improve and what not but i dont think thats why you posted or what you need. I think some people are just more disciplined. I am not one of those people haha. The minute i lose focus the weight comes back. so its not just you. I guess we just need to find a balance between very healthy and fried food and pints of ice cream.
    I do tend to find when things are balanced in my life (work, relationship, friends, money etc) I tend to be more balanced with eating. So i guess my only advice would be find whats making your life unbalanced and work on that and the food should fall into place.

    Good luck and stick with it!
  • Rejsharp
    Rejsharp Posts: 1
    Phew! I know how you feel. It is so easy to sneak a nibble at home - thinking I'll just have one biscuit. Five minutes later - What a surprise - however did the whole packet get empty so fast?

    My new policy is:- I cannot eat what I don't buy - so the fridge and cupboards are empty of all such temptations. Never before has a can of crushed tomatoes turned into an emergency snack!

    I try and divert my energy into being totally obsessed by my calorie control and weight graph, Can I actually wear out my trainers in a year?

    Best of luck .... R
  • ari_27
    ari_27 Posts: 88 Member
    Thank you everyone for the replies! You guys are right 20-30 pounds is not measly, I guess I just meant that I see so many others trying to lose even more and actually succeeding and I just wonder why it is such a struggle for me. But I know I'm not alone. Usually I'll be healthy for a while, maybe even a couple of weeks, and then I'll have that weekend where I binge eat and that weekend might turn into a full week (like this week). I want to be truly committed to this because I do want to make those changes in my life, not only to lose weight, but also to take good care of my body. It is frustrating because I'm one of those people that want immediate results, which then causes me to yo-yo diet and lose weight quickly then gain it all back. So in short- I have to work in my patience and just stick through it until I see the results and make life-style changes. Thanks all for the support
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