Over 100 to lose and getting very frustrated by lack of prog

mrjason Posts: 61 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
The subject says it all. I've stuck to this thing for almost a month, have built up my exercise, but haven't lost anything in the last two weeks. People tell me I'm not eating enough calories but nutritionist says at my weight starvation mode doesn't come into play. I exercise for 45 minutes, it gives me 800 more calories. I know I consume too much sodium but even so, the weight still has to come off sometime. Is it possible that MFP is actually giving me TOO MANY calories. Last time I tried to lose weight it was all protien, now I try to do something sustainable and balanced..and nothing? Any other extra heavy people run into this issue? Losing weight should not be this hard when following a plan.


  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    I seem to be in that same rut. But my sister keeps reminding me that i am building muscle and muscle weighs more then fat and to concentrate more on how I feel and how my clothes fit... but really I would LOVE to see that scale move.... I am bigger so my thinking that the weight should come off fast at the beggining???
  • crystaltrejo
    crystaltrejo Posts: 263 Member
    would love to help you....could either of you please make your diary public so I can take a peek and offer advice? thanks.
  • mickey03babz
    mickey03babz Posts: 18 Member
    I have been seeing a doctor for my weight loss and she says not to consume the exercise calories only consume you allowed amount. I have seen loss since going to see her it has been three weeks and I am now down 9lbs. Don't give up in my class she says "You didn't gain it over night it is not going to go way over night." Keep working hard and you will start to see the changes. Good Luck!
    LBATL Posts: 76 Member
    I am not sure how many calories MFP has allocated that you eat but for me, the number is much lower than my dietician recommended. I have stuck to my dieticians recommendation and I have been losing weight at a faster pace than MFP suggests I should be. Also, in my experience it takes time for your body to adjust to your new lifestyle and it can go into a little bit of shock if you start making drastic changes. Be patient with your body. Weight loss is so much more than just losing pounds and seeing it on the scale. For me its been a chance to reanalyze my relationship with food and the people around me. It takes work - mentally, physiaclly, and emotionally - but it is totally worth it. Hang in there. Try not to be discouraged. Focus on something positive like the fact that you have been committed to your exercise program. You will get there!!! :)
  • astronima
    astronima Posts: 35
    I'm in the same boat too. I have found that I have hit a plateau and actually gained 7lbs in the past two weeks. My eating habits haven't changed, I have good days and bad days, but we all do I'm sure. I know my body gets used to certain exercises and foods, so I have to switch it up every few months and add/change an exercise routine. I hear the same thing don't go by the scale, muscle weighs more than fat, etc. etc. but I would love to see the scale move again in the down direction! I rarely eat back my workout calories because most of the time, I'm not hungry or it is too late at night for me to eat and then go to bed. I do try to keep my intake at my original daily alotment even when I workout. MFP may be giving some people too many calories, but when I went to the weight wise doctor/program they said I should be consuming 1600 calories a day! I am not that active and sit at a desk all day, so that seemed really high to lose weight with. MFP says I should have 1340 to lose ~1lb a week.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Are you using a digital food scale? Depending on the ingredient, you might be over-portioning by hundreds of calories!

    This is a short FoodWishes video meant for bakers but the principle applies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rvz0WKanGU

    The video illustrates that even a slight packing results in an extra ounce of flour. Now, imagine that with butter or cheese or some other high-calorie food! If you're not measuring by weight, I suggest you start. :)

    Also, you're right...sodium is pretty bad. Cut it out where ever you can. Water retention is a b!tch for losing lbs.

    Also, do you use a HRM? You might be WAY overestimating calories burned.


    Here's an example of what I was doing:

    Eating (what I thought was) 1700 calories/day. Burning (what I thought was) 500 calories/day in exercise. Netting (what I thought was) 1200 calories/day.

    In actuality, I was eating 2400 calories/day and burning 240. That made my net 2160. That would keep me at a weight of over 200 lbs. forever. And I GENUINELY thought I was being meticulous!


    In summary, I hate to say you need to go out and spend money but those two tools, the digital food scale and HRM, are invaluable to weight loss.


    Also noteworthy: Sometimes our bodies just get stubborn and pick up the weight loss later. Keep up the great work and you'll see results. :)
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    I didn't eat every single calorie in the beginning- but now as I have lost weight I eat them all plus exercise cals. If I don't, I will not lose weight. Really watch the sodium....that effects my weight loss the most for me. DRINK that water. I drink a minimum of 2-3 liters a day and that really helps. Stick with it- it doesn't happen over night......and make sure you are eating an appropriate amount. On my nearly 332 lb body- 1200 calories a day would have never worked. Being over 120 lbs lighter- I still eat over that on a daily basis. You can do it......believe in yourself, push yourself in the gym, get a heart rate monitor to really see how many calories you are burning, and just keep fighting.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    You've lost 10lbs...that's not nothing that's really good for a month. Remember it took you over a month to get to your weight so it's going to take you as long of not a bit longer to get it off.
  • jrt9999
    jrt9999 Posts: 114
    I only had 50 or so pounds to lose but my wife has around 100. We both lose at the same rate and we both eat the same things through-out the day. You can look at my diary for ideas.

    Our keys to success:

    Get your mind on the same bandwagon. I know I will lose weight steadily.
    Up at 04:30 AM
    Breakfast every morning
    1 cup of coffee with real cream each morning and sometimes a glass of milk. The rest of the day water only.
    Eat a wide variety each day
    Eat six times a day
    Eat all my calories each day. My daily goal is 1,500 calories. Some days go over by 100 or so.
    Each Friday at at my goal maintenance calories. This is 2,200 to 2,400 calories.
    Eat back all exercise calories.
    Get a chest strap HRM and accurately estimate calorie burn. This is a big one.
    Don't eat anything that says low fat or non fat. Only good tasting food for me and definitely include the foods you love.
    Never deprive myself.
    Read all these post and listen from a point of curiosity, not judgment. That way I can change my mind when I learn something.

    Good luck to you!
  • Keep your head up sweetie and never forget your goal. There are plateaus and you hit them every now and then. It's hard to deal with it when you don't see the scale move, but then it will and you'll be motivated again. Keep up the good work and you will get there! :D
    LBATL Posts: 76 Member
    I'm in the same boat too. I have found that I have hit a plateau and actually gained 7lbs in the past two weeks. My eating habits haven't changed, I have good days and bad days, but we all do I'm sure. I know my body gets used to certain exercises and foods, so I have to switch it up every few months and add/change an exercise routine. I hear the same thing don't go by the scale, muscle weighs more than fat, etc. etc. but I would love to see the scale move again in the down direction! I rarely eat back my workout calories because most of the time, I'm not hungry or it is too late at night for me to eat and then go to bed. I do try to keep my intake at my original daily alotment even when I workout. MFP may be giving some people too many calories, but when I went to the weight wise doctor/program they said I should be consuming 1600 calories a day! I am not that active and sit at a desk all day, so that seemed really high to lose weight with. MFP says I should have 1340 to lose ~1lb a week.

    That is the same number of calories MFP said I should eat - 1340 - and my dietician said to never go below 1500. She said that 1500 should get me down to a weight of around 150 and I should be able to maintain it eating the same number of calories. So far the plan has been working :) Definitely keep with what your doctor is telling you. Also, you NEED to eat after you workout especially if it's high intensity. It's the only way to keep your metabolism up, up, up! :) Try eating greek yogurt or something else that is small and packed with protein. I used to be hardcore about not eating "X" hours before bed but I have giving myself a little slack with this and the pounds are still coming off.
  • choley222
    choley222 Posts: 57
    Don't give up yet! It happens to all of us. I myself will go 2-3 months without a single change on the scale then I will lose big numbers for the next two months. Everybody's body is completely different. Maybe change up your workout routine a little that might help. Just remember the end result is worth every tear, frustration and stressful moment you go through. :flowerforyou:
  • astronima
    astronima Posts: 35
    That is the same number of calories MFP said I should eat - 1340 - and my dietician said to never go below 1500. She said that 1500 should get me down to a weight of around 150 and I should be able to maintain it eating the same number of calories. So far the plan has been working :) Definitely keep with what your doctor is telling you. Also, you NEED to eat after you workout especially if it's high intensity. It's the only way to keep your metabolism up, up, up! :) Try eating greek yogurt or something else that is small and packed with protein. I used to be hardcore about not eating "X" hours before bed but I have giving myself a little slack with this and the pounds are still coming off.

    Thanks for the advice. I showed them what MFP said, and the doctor said if I was seeing results, to keep it where I am at. Saturday's and Sunday's are my only high intensity days with swimming. I do that in the AM so I always eat afterwards. :smile: I will have to try the protein, I normally don't eat 2 hrs before bed because it makes me sick to sleep with food in my stomach. (normally waking me up in the middle of the night) I will have to try something light and with protein on the days I work out at night. Thanks for the advice :smile:
  • lep_623
    lep_623 Posts: 193 Member
    I am in the same boat, but I actually gained 1.8 lbs in the past two weeks and i have worked out very hard and watched what I ate... I can see myself toning up so i just keep telling myself that I am gaining muscle and getting tighter which is why i am not losing weight... just keep trying! I know I can do this, no matter what the scale s ays... I have also been telling myself that it is not so much about losing the weight as it is about getting healthy... if you focus on getting healthy and fit then the weight will follow!! I know it can be upsetting but just keep sticking to it!!
  • lep_623
    lep_623 Posts: 193 Member
    thanks for the tip... i have been eating about 6 or 7 and then have been working out bout 9 or 10 for an hour and go straight to bed as not to eat anymore, but i think i will try the yogurt after working out for the protein and bc it's not heavy... thanks :D
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