My new goal: 60 by 60

Hi comrades,
I am a 57 year old therapist who needs to begin taking care of my self better. I am in a happy loving relationship, have three awesome grown children but somehow have managed to gain 40 pounds over the last six years. SInce the age of 15 my middle name should have been "yo-yo" because of all of the episodes of dieting and weight gain I have put myself through. I am tired of this being such a central issue in my life and I am tired of not wanting to look at myself in the mirror. I counsel people everyday about making changes in their lives yet here I am unable to get this together so far. My confidence in my ability to achieve my goal of losing 60 pounds by the time I'm sixty AND KEEPING IT OFF is not very high. Thanks for any support anyone can offer.

My new motto is: "don't try, just DO".

Here's to surrounding yourselves in the white light of eating healthily and taking care of your SELF when negativity creeps in.


  • DoneWithTheFatGirl
    Love the new motto!! You can do it!!!
  • mapinkerton
    mapinkerton Posts: 147
    Ya gotta believe!
  • DJM063
    DJM063 Posts: 1
    We are the same age and want the same goal. We can do this.
    I thought you were writing my story. LOL
  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    You can do it! Changing into a healthy lifestyle is not hard by any means, you just have to want to get healthier to do it! The thing that helped me on finally going all healthy is to accept myself the way that I am. I have learned alot about myself over the past 2 years and have finally accepted who I am and how my body is, that was the main key for me to go healthy and start exercising. :)
  • melodious2878
    Good luck! You can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  • Denimgirl
    Denimgirl Posts: 87 Member
    You can do it! I love your motto. I think I'll adopt that one too. :)