Day 6 and zero loss

tamiller93 Posts: 195
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
This weight loss thing seems so simple... Eat less & move more. So that's what I've been doing for 6 days now and I see zero results on the scale. I have to wonder if I'm doing this right, but how could I screw up something as simple as just eating less and moving (exercising) more??


  • crlujan
    crlujan Posts: 59
    At only 6 days in, your body is probably saying, "Hey, what's going on here? I better hang onto whatever fat and water weight I've got to keep me sustained." Don't worry. It takes a little time for your body to kick in to your new way of life. It'll happen. Just give it some time. =)
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    Have you taken your measurements? It may be that you've lost a little bit in inches but not pound wise. Don't beat yourself up- you did not put on weight overnight so it won't come off overnight, either. Give your body time to start will happen!
  • I am having the same problem, except instead of mine not moving at all it's going up and down every day. One day I'm 152 the next day I'm 150 today I'm 151 and last week I was 149. Its so frustrating, but I'm not going to get too discouraged and give up so you can't either!!

    Cassie :)
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I agree with the first responder. I got really frustrated the first week but now that I've gotten into a routine things are going a whole lot smoother. Sometimes it takes a little bit for your body to realize all the efforts you are putting in. But it will come!! :smile:
  • xoCaseyox
    xoCaseyox Posts: 19
    Yeaa same here, I've been doing it for 4 days and still no change. I've exercised every day and stuck to my calorie limit but still nothing! Maybe its too soon, I just dont know, maybe I was expecting too much too soon x
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I see that you have been skipping meals. Try eating every 2-3 hours, just smaller amounts each time. spread your calories out somewhat evenly instead of 1 large meal.
  • Lisa076
    Lisa076 Posts: 78
    Don't be discouraged, I am on day 11 and am not seeing any results as of yet other then how I am feeling. Results will come...we just have to be patient:wink:
  • rav52
    rav52 Posts: 495
    Dont give up on it!! Trust me I was in the same place when I first started. The weight loss will come just keep up with counting your calories and working out!!!!!!!!!
  • This might seem silly, but how much water are you drinking? My first week on weight watchers I lost almost 5 lbs but I was drinking at least 70oz of water a day. It will help flush some of that water weight out as well. The first several weeks are going to be water weight loss mostly. Also make sure you try to get your Goal and Net calories close to each other, you don't want a HUGE deficit because MFP already works in the 500 per day need to lose 1 lb a week.
    Don't get discouraged, it takes work and patience. I had weeks where I'd only lose a few oz and get frustrated. I went 3 weeks without losing even an oz. Now I am down almost 2lbs!
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    When a fat cell is emptied it is, for a short time replaced with water. Your body decides when this water is released(it is not known when or why). Stay consistent and your weight loss will come. Sometimes you can go 2 weeks or more without seeing a loss and then you have a 3lb loss whenever the water decides to leave the fat cell.
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Hi! I took a second to review your diary, and I agree with a previous poster. It looks like you may need to eat more frequently. Another consdiration is to start tracking your sodium (it's an easy setting change in your diary). Some of the low cal foods like Lean Cuisines, deli meat, etc are loaded with salt and that can really show up on the scale.

    Try not to be discouraged. It will come with consistent effort. You're doing great, and it WILL begin to show!
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    the actual formula should be: eat less + move more + time. You have to keep at it for a while, not weeks, but months! Eventually it will become part of your lifestyle.
  • smota
    smota Posts: 62
    I am having the same problem, except instead of mine not moving at all it's going up and down every day. One day I'm 152 the next day I'm 150 today I'm 151 and last week I was 149. Its so frustrating, but I'm not going to get too discouraged and give up so you can't either!!

    Cassie :)

    There's a reason why you have a weekly weigh-in day: your weight fluctuates day to day! More water or less, toilet or not, etc.. Don't jump on the scale everyday!
  • jackalope28
    jackalope28 Posts: 38 Member
    Don't despair!

    When I start counting calories and working out, my body freaks out. It takes me nearly six weeks to see anything show up on the scale (I did this ten years ago with WW, and now again in 2011!). Everyone's body is different, you can't compare your loss to anyone else's.

    As other posters have said, take your measurements. Those can move before the scale does, but take them once every 2-4 weeks. And also, you don't need to weigh every day - when I was first starting out, I sometimes went two weeks between weigh ins but counted calories and logged everything.

    Feel free to add me as a friend - the more you have, the more support you get and you can see others and how they deal with the same issue(s)!
  • naebear99
    naebear99 Posts: 73
    I've been treating the whole thing as an experiment - especially the first week or two. If I didn't see loss, I analyzed what was going on, and made adjustments accordingly. Make sure you are being really dilligent about logging your food and that you are measuring how much you are actually eating. Reviewing your diary - especially the nutrition stats - can help you learn what works for your body. It also helps you figure out whether the exercise calories burned estimates are accurate for you; I've learned I have to understate my exercise, because it seems like the estimates run pretty high. I'll usually understate by half any "light" exercises like house cleaning or a slow walk, and by about 10-20% more vigorous exercises. I learned that because as I exercised more, I realized I was eating more (but not all my exercise calories), and my weight loss slowed. I also learned I eat way too much sugar, a little too much fat, and too much salt. You'll also learn if you are having cyclic weight gain, whether you have days you tend to binge, and lots more you never thought about.

    If you focus more on what you are learning about nutrition, you will find weight loss easier, but you'll also find some other victories along the way - like cutting your salt intake, increasing your calcium, or whatever flaws you find in your current system. That and the improvements in how I look and feel keep me going when the scale isn't moving as I'd wish, and so far, the scale always moves again eventually.
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    i looked at your diary and i would like for you to track your sugar & sodium intakes also. you are consuming more sugar than you realize and processed foods will not help either because of the chemicals they use as preservatives. try and eat more fresh foods that you prepare.

    also don't weigh yourself every day. this will drive you crazy. pick a day and weigh on the same day every week at the same time every week (usually 1st thing in the morning after you have gone to the restroom) and before you do anything else. make sure you take your measurements. even if your scales don't more the tape measure may and it may move a lot which can be even better than the scales moving every week. if you are replacing fat with muscle your body will become smaller while the scales don't move. muscle takes up less space than fat. the scales will move just give it time. you didn't gain this weight over night so it is not going to come off over night. just be patient.

    hope this helps with your journey. best wishes.

    vicky jo
  • As hard as it is to do, I find it is best to only weight myself once a week, the same time on the same day. That's because weight does fluctuate daily. First thing on a Monday morning for me. Good luck! :-)
  • your going to hate this, but it takes about three weeks for your body to adapt. no joke.
    just keep doing what your doing. maybe put the scale in the back of the closet and come back in another two weeks.

    good luck with everything.
  • tamiller93
    tamiller93 Posts: 195
    When a fat cell is emptied it is, for a short time replaced with water. Your body decides when this water is released(it is not known when or why). Stay consistent and your weight loss will come. Sometimes you can go 2 weeks or more without seeing a loss and then you have a 3lb loss whenever the water decides to leave the fat cell.

    This is very interesting. I have always wondered how this worked.

    And thank you to everyone who has responded here. My worst day is Wednesday, because my work schedule is pretty much non-stop from 6am until 2 or sometimes 3 pm. We aren't allowed to take lunch on this day, and my job on this day will only let me step away long enough to use the restroom. I really, really HATE Wednesdays!!! So every Wednesday my diary will look like hell... unfortunately. :(

    I am trying to drink loads of water, and for the most part I get in my required amount of water each day with no problem. I am seeing this is going to take some practice and patience. I just felt like I had been doing so good, then when I weighed today I was so let down.

    I just came from the grocery store and was quite frustrated, because I am looking at every single label on everything and all the things I pick up are loaded with sodium or sugar or carbs, etc etc etc. .. I am beginning to wonder if ANYTHING pre-packaged and convenient is health friendly? Even the items that seemed to be healthy were really bad when I read their labels. I need to view some of your diaries to get some idea of what all of you are eating so maybe I can use that as a guide.

    Sorry, it's just been a frustrating day for me. Thank you all again for your input.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    It will take at least 3-4 weeks at a sensible program to really notice something.

    Eat right, keep within your calories, work out as much as possible and eat as natural as possible and it WILL come off.
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