Does everyone get 1200 calories????



  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I too, think that 1200 is too low. I started on here at 237lbs, sedentary lifestyle, workout 5 days a week for 30 minutes, 1 pound lost recommended and it gave 1570 or something like that.

    What do you have your weight loss set too per week? That might have something to do with it.
  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    It manually sets everyone at 1200 because MFP generalizes it.

    Not true. It's completely based on height, weight, and activity level. You weigh a lot less than me, so you get fewer calories.
  • eandrus
    eandrus Posts: 45 Member
    When you click Complete This Entry at the end of the day, and you are eating too few calories, a message will appear that says, "Based on your total colories consumed for today, you are eating too few calories..." and goes on to talk about metabolism. I'm not sure if this is a fixed number or based on your profile, but on mine, it seems to pop up if I get under 1000 calories that day.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    If you are afraid of bumping up your calories because of weight gain. know this.... I bumped mine up and within a week I noticed weight loss.... so give it a week and you will know... pretty harmless test.

    Gotta figure out whats right for your body. bumping it up for me was what I needed because I had been lifting weights, so my muscles were requiring more food!
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    A lot of people, when they first sign up (myself included) set their weight loss goal at a very aggressive 2lb per week. In order to do that, you have to create a 1000 calorie per day deficit. But if, like me, your maintenance calories (the amount you'd need to eat to maintain your weight as-is) are less than 2300 per day, then MFP will set your goal at 1200, because it won't recommend that you eat less than 1200 calories per day. For example, when I started, my maintenance calories were about 1950 per day. I put in that I wanted to lose 2 lb per week, and it set my goal at 1200 calories because it doesn't go lower than that.

    The thing is, only people with a significant amount of weight to lose can safely create a 1000 calorie deficit without going under 1200 (below 1200 calories per day, it's hard to eat a balanced diet and get essential nutrients, which is why MFP stops there). The closer you are to your goal, the less weight you can lose each week while still maintaining a healthy diet. 1 lb per week worked better for me. I have reached a point now where I may have to back it down to 1/2 lb per week, because it's hard for me to make the 500 calorie deficit each day.

  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    It manually sets everyone at 1200 because MFP generalizes it.

    Not true. It's completely based on height, weight, and activity level. You weigh a lot less than me, so you get fewer calories.

    Its true for a lot of people.... the reason there are TONS of people set at 1200 especially those under about 160lbs is because 1. they are set to lose more than one pound a week, or two that is what their deficit is.....Yes the heavier you are the more calories you are allowed. Im aware of that.
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    I get 1350 and I weigh 180. That is for a 1 pound a week weight loss. If I set mine to 1 1/2 or 2 pound weight loss it drops to 1200, but then says my average weight loss would be 1.3 pounds. I'll take the extra calories and stick with 1 pound if that is all the difference it is going to make.
  • audbbgirl
    audbbgirl Posts: 83
    Mine put me at 1310 and I weighted 168 when I started.
    My mom and sister weigh more than me and theirs were set even higher.
    My husband is about 250 and 6ft and his was like 2000
  • mamacath
    mamacath Posts: 51
    MFP gave me 1200 a day plus I work out and get extra .. my problem is that I dont take in enough .. I usually end up with 900 or less a day .. so with the help of my personal trainer to kick myself in gear again I am trying to eat 5 small meals a day with an extra snack ..
  • ifiwasurvampire
    ifiwasurvampire Posts: 181 Member
    Mfp gave me 1200 when I started at 220lbs. I've lost 9lbs so I'm not messing with it. But I also tend to get full and am not able to consume all the net cals needed.
  • AngieMMc
    AngieMMc Posts: 152 Member
    Great info everyone - thanks for all the replies and helpful tips. I didn't realize you could manually input your calorie consumption. Someone tell me how to do that?
    For now I am going to leave it at 1200 because I have been able to achieve it or get very very close. I did set my weight loss to be 2 lbs per week and eat all my exercise calories so as long as I meet or just go slightly over 1200 I should be able to reach my goal of being in ONE-der-land in 10 weeks! Yes yes I know that's 3 lbs a week but with a BMI as high as mine, I am told by my Dr. that it is still in a healthy range.
  • maurita17
    maurita17 Posts: 11
    How do you determine what works best for you? how did you decide on 1480?
    i am wondering what my proper number should be. i am 155 lbs 5'4 wanting to drop to like 125

    1480 was my BMR... which is the minimal amount of calories needed to survive if I were in a coma... or sleeping all day... its your survival calories.... you can go to tools and click on the BMR and then figure out yours. and adjust it up to your BMR levels... this is still below your maintenece... and any deficit below your maintenece will make you lose wieght...

    Thanks, i changed mine to 1430..
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    If you set your weight loss goal at 2 pounds a week, your calories allowd are 1200. If you set your weight loss goal at 1 pound a week your calorie amount goes up.

    Not the same for everyone.. I set mine to 2 and was at 1660 per day.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Great info everyone - thanks for all the replies and helpful tips. I didn't realize you could manually input your calorie consumption. Someone tell me how to do that?
    For now I am going to leave it at 1200 because I have been able to achieve it or get very very close. I did set my weight loss to be 2 lbs per week and eat all my exercise calories so as long as I meet or just go slightly over 1200 I should be able to reach my goal of being in ONE-der-land in 10 weeks! Yes yes I know that's 3 lbs a week but with a BMI as high as mine, I am told by my Dr. that it is still in a healthy range.

    go to GOALS, CHANGE GOALS... MANUALLY ENTER... then change your net calories consumed. then click save!
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    What is MFP telling you your NET calorie goal should be? And are you choosing to lose 1 or 2 lbs per week (I'm guessing 2)? (Go under "my home", "goals"). Most people eat 1200 NET calories (clearly identified on your home page at the top) as a MINIMUM even when their MFP goal is higher. I am 190, sedentary, and want to lose 1 lb/wk so my MFP goal is 1340 but I try to stay between 1200 & 1340 NET. Hope that helps!
  • cjnorman
    cjnorman Posts: 93
    My BMR is 1270 calories and my maintanence is 1590. Which means 1200 is only a 390 calorie deficit, so I don't always eat back all my excercise calories. As I understand it both calorie totals drop as I lose weight, so this also means when I decide to switch from "lose 1 lb a week" to "maintain my weight" I won't get to eat much more :frown: Guess I can't just stop execising and coast for the rest of my life. :ohwell:
  • kalebsmama07
  • misslo718
    misslo718 Posts: 14 Member
    I manually set mine to 1300, which i lowered from 1400 for the month of march. (trying to meet a goal) . I am 52, and burn less calories than a 25 year old overall.

    I could NEVER stick to 1200. To be honest, 1300 is next to impossible unless i exercise daily. I have been losing 1 - 1.5 lbs a week.

    I think a lot of people try to lose as much as possible as quickly as possible, and set their calories as low as MFP will allow them. For me, this doesn't work, simply because I can't stick to it.

    One of the hardest things for me to is to use others as inspiration, not as competition. I drive myself crazy seeing people getting in 2 workouts a day, an hour each time, and losing 4 lbs a week. I just can't do that - i have a business and kids and ailing inlaws.

    Do what feels the most comfortable for you. The only thing that will work is whatever you can stick with.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    My BMR is 1270 calories and my maintanence is 1590. Which means 1200 is only a 390 calorie deficit, so I don't always eat back all my excercise calories. As I understand it both calorie totals drop as I lose weight, so this also means when I decide to switch from "lose 1 lb a week" to "maintain my weight" I won't get to eat much more :frown: Guess I can't just stop execising and coast for the rest of my life. :ohwell:

    I am curious how much you weigh.... 1590 just seems sooooo low to me.. do you strength train at all? or just cardio?. are you sure your not confusing your maintenece and your BMR calories?
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Like a lot of things in life you have to worry about what you are doing, and let other people do their thing. Yes. it's a good idea to take suggestions from other people that have been successful at this. But after the trial and error you have to do what works for you. And what works for you for a little while may stop working. It's a fluid situation.

    1200 calories is essentially the min MFP sets. If you're setting yourself up for a 1000 daily deficit, and your maintanence is less than 2200, you're going to get 1200 calories. It's all in a mathimatical equation. 1200 calories comes up a lot based on the formula.

    Me? Right now I'm set to 2350 and have been debating on weather that's enough. I seem to be awfully hungry on non-workout days.