Encouraging, energetic people apply here!

Hi! I'm new to the site and excited to meet new people! As stated in my profile I'm not overweight but not in shape. It's actually quite frustrating when people look at you and say, "oh you're thin you don't need to exercise." I may not be looking to lose any weight but I definitely want to get in shape. Hoping to start running again soon and to find strength from people when I need it the most.


  • deannarey13
    deannarey13 Posts: 452
    Sending you an invite! Thre more friends for encouragement, the better!

    I love new friends too!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Pick me Pick me! I am overweight (ok obese) but I am working on it... I run ... I love it .. and I never thought I would be THAT person. If you wanna know more about me, read my profile... or my blog I post alot of my thoughts on there too!
  • clwasmer
    clwasmer Posts: 57 Member
    I love walking, running, ZUMBA!!!!!!Yoga, I like to move it move it lol.
  • stlchic7
    stlchic7 Posts: 6 Member
    I joined a year ago but slacked off and am trying to stick to it this time around. I also looove zumba!! And I hope to be one of those skinny people who others question why they work out!! I'm also looking to encourage and to receive some encouragaement:D
  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    I'm like you, not really fat, but I know if I lost 20 pounds I would be much more confident in a bikini! I'll send you a friend invite!
  • hyoung3
    hyoung3 Posts: 85 Member
    You came to the right place for motivation and support.

    You're right.... it's not always about what you weigh, but how you feel.

    Being in better health as a result of moving more is definitely a good thing !!
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    You def came to the right place! This site is about so much more than just losing weight! Add me if you like :)