Weight loss and getting pregnant



  • I do not have children, but part of my motivation to lose weight is so that I will have a healthy pregnancy when the time comes!!! Best of luck!!
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    You are not at all crazy. I have my first appointment for infertility treatment on November 2 and am trying to lose weight ahead of that. One of the biggest inhibitors to getting pregnant before the age of 35 is weight (PCOS is a very common fertility problem) and increased weight can cause an increase in the risk of miscarriage and complications. I am not saying this to scare you, just to let you know the facts about extra weight and fertility. You said you have only been trying for 4 months, so its most likely that nothing is wrong. The average is 6 months, and if you are under the age of 35 you have nothing to worry about until you get to a year. Good luck on the weight loss and TTC.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You're not crazy. One of the books I read during my pregnancy (I'm another one kid wonder) commented that if you don't loose the baby fat before getting pregnant, you can no longer call it baby fat- its just plain your fat. I tend to agree with that. My Mom had 3 kids in 6 years and didn't loose the combined weight until a few years ago (I'm the baby of that 3 and I'm 25).

    I don't care what you say. I still blame my pregnancy for my fat. I don't care that it was 16 years ago and I was 20 pounds thinner within six months than I am now. I still say it's baby fat!

    (Denial is my permanent state.) :-)
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    darcibean, I am sort of in the same boat as you......not yet trying, but planning to TTC soon. I am also overweight. My opinion is that you shouldn't wait to TTC until you get to a certain weight goal, but rather why not try to lose weight *while* TTC (there is nothing wrong with (and in fact plenty good about) losing weight at any time except while actually pregnant (save for some very specific circumstances). That's what I am doing.....trying to lose weight now, and when I get a BFP I will stop losing and do whatever my doc says to do.
  • sherry_80
    sherry_80 Posts: 86 Member
    i have 3 kids. i am overweight, and when i was preggo with the 1st, i lost 40 ILBS.
  • sherry_80
    sherry_80 Posts: 86 Member
    I didnt lose it due to morning sickness, i was working and my job consisted of a lot of walking. but i started overweight.
    My doctor didnt want me to stop working or being active. it makes labor easier and its less stress on you carrying the baby.
    with the other 2 kids i forced my self to stay active and i watched what i ate. since i didnt have mfp, i ate alot of salads.
  • Thanks for this website. I'm going to check it out. Getting pregnant has been so frustrating for us. It has been a year and a half and still no baby. I did finally get pregnant 9 months ago but then miscarried but haven't been able to since then. I'm overweight and have irregular cycles so my husband and I are hoping losing weight helps. It is our last resort before having to get help.
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    interesting perspective. I am totally gonna check out fit for future families because that's my goal! thanks for posting this or I never would have known about that! it is bad news to be overweight while pregnant yet nobody seems concerned about it, but it (can) results in small babies, large babies, babies with low blood sugar, babies who don't develop properly...I mean most people are nutrient deficient and overweight the result of eating all these crappy foods and that really causes problem. Yes, losing weight while pregnant is not a good idea, and generally, they encourage you to just gain less weight than thinner counterparts, but if it happens, it happens, and ask your doctor. Just make sure you're eating balanced, sufficient nutrition and exercising because unbalanced blood sugars = not good, and lack of exercise=unfit for labor. I'm totally with you on being overweight and that being a cause of lack of fertility/libido, shoot these things go hand-in-hand for a reason, don't you think?
  • bettertracie
    bettertracie Posts: 196 Member
    My sister in law was in the middle of a multiple hundre pound drop the first time she got pregnant. She gave up her dieting during the pregnancy, then got right back on it as soon as my niece was born... Fast forward to 5 years later, she'd lost her 'baby fat' and continued on her body sculpting when she got pregnant again. This time, she kept her main ideals the same with her diet and was super serious about keeping up on the cardio, she would even run 2 miles during her lunch breaks.

    When she had the baby this time, all the doctors and nurses said they'd never seen a mothers blood pressure and heart rate stay under such control during labor, ever... She had the baby in October and was back to pre pregnancy skinny jeans by Thanksgiving.

    She said the best thing she did for herself was kep diligent on her health, she ended up having a pretty easy pregnancy, birth, recovery, and her mental well being stayed very consistent the whole time.

    So ultimately, the better our bodies are for us, the better they are for future generations too!!!
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    I am trying not to get pregnant until I get to goal weight and maintain, even though I desperately want a family already. I just want to give my baby the best start possible, and I think that's a common thread here. I hope your prayers come true and that you are able to conceive, I think this is an excellent step and applaud everyone here because proper nutrition and fitness are so important. Good job!
  • You are NOT crazy. If anything it will make getting pregnant a little easier. AND.... if you lose it now, you won't have to lose as much after you give birth. I think it's a great idea! The healthier you are the healthier your unborn baby will be too....

    i have no children but i agree with what she said...it will make the pregnancy a lot easier on you since you aren't carrying the baby AND the extra weight ya know? plus like she said you won't have as much to lose afterwards
  • ♡MyCurves
    ♡MyCurves Posts: 103 Member
    I guess that some ppl are just really fertile, like myself. This is my 4th pregnancy, and the heaviest, sadly that i've ever been. But I haven't gained any weight and I'm 4mths pregnant. So far, I have lost around 15lbs in this pregnancy and I eat what I want..this has happened with all of my pregnancies. I just wish that I could lose weight like this while i wasn't knocked up! :)
  • msartishia
    msartishia Posts: 123 Member
    I do not think you are crazy. My doctor has been telling me that when I decided to lose weight that I would be successful in carrying a baby full term, so that is what I am doing. I know some people that have difficulties and once they lose weight its like they take a lets get prego pill. But you do what makes you happy. If you want to be lighter so that you can be healthy then you do that. I have learned that I will do what makes me happy. I want a baby, and I want to lose weight. So I am losing weight so that I have have my babies (yes that means more than one hopefully). :smile:
  • ♡MyCurves
    ♡MyCurves Posts: 103 Member
    I do not think you are crazy. My doctor has been telling me that when I decided to lose weight that I would be successful in carrying a baby full term, so that is what I am doing. I know some people that have difficulties and once they lose weight its like they take a lets get prego pill. But you do what makes you happy. If you want to be lighter so that you can be healthy then you do that. I have learned that I will do what makes me happy. I want a baby, and I want to lose weight. So I am losing weight so that I have have my babies (yes that means more than one hopefully). :smile:

    It will happen mama! :) sending baby dust your way..and lots of it! :))
  • I never had fertility issues, but have heard that weight definitely is a factor. So when I got married, I wanted to give myself and my future child the best chance possible. I lost 70 pounds and got to my goal weight and found out I was pregnant. I did gain the weight back in my pregnancy, but I think getting fit before made the labor SO much easier. Don't let people tell you that you are crazy for wanting the best for yourself and family.
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    I do not think you should put anything on hold because you might become pregnant. It could take a while to get pregnant, and that time could be spent losing weight and getting your body to a healthier place.

    It took my husband and I a year to conceive, even using temps and charting. I am glad I didn't put anything on hold in that year because having kids slows you down enough!!
  • I was on my way to a healthier me. I am 5'1 and was 168lbs. I wanted to get halfway to my goal weight before having another baby.. I went down to 157, and we decided it was time to have another baby. I was so worried, thinking I'm still overweight, I didn't want to be so unhealthy when having the next one (with my first who turned 2 in january, i went from 132lbs to 195lbs, and then got stuck in the high 160s every since)... So, I started eating differently, knowing that I didnt want that 'starving' feeling when I'm supposed to be trying to have a baby. And well, plans went as we wanted (for when we wanted due date to be). I was 160lbs when I conceived and am now 164lbs at 17 weeks pregnant. I'm not counting calories or sticking to my MFP diet from before, I am just eating lots of fruit and veggies as its all I'm craving. Sure I slip sometimes, I eat ice cream or chocolate. I also have been having to sit around and have my feet up alot of the time, and I worry this will make me gain toooo much. But so far so good. When I looked it up, it said at my BMI, a healthy gain for me is 11-20lbs for this pregnancy. I really hope I just gain just baby and not extra like last time. But to make sure I keep me and baby healthy, I just make sure I'm getting lots of healthy stuff into my stomach and I'm not starving myself or limiting myself when I'm hungry as I know baby needs all the good stuff too.

    So as someone who was losing weight on here and then decided one day it was time for another lil one. I say just eat good and don't limit urself like u would be doing on here. It can be discouraging, trying to lose weight and then being pregnant which means ur going the opposite way of where you want to go, but for me, I feel so blessed, a lil being inside of me, growing. And in 5 months when baby arrives, if I've gained a lil more then I planned or even if I just fall back to my pre pregnancy weight, then its ok, I have MFP and all my MFP friends for encouragement to get back in the swing of things and reach my goal. I plan to reach my goal of 130lbs AFTER baby is here.

    Good luck to all who are thinking of having a baby in the middle of their MFP journey. I believe its truly worth the temporary gain :D
  • dearprudence1964
    dearprudence1964 Posts: 30 Member
    I was on my way to a healthier me. I am 5'1 and was 168lbs. I wanted to get halfway to my goal weight before having another baby.. I went down to 157, and we decided it was time to have another baby. I was so worried, thinking I'm still overweight, I didn't want to be so unhealthy when having the next one (with my first who turned 2 in january, i went from 132lbs to 195lbs, and then got stuck in the high 160s every since)... So, I started eating differently, knowing that I didnt want that 'starving' feeling when I'm supposed to be trying to have a baby. And well, plans went as we wanted (for when we wanted due date to be). I was 160lbs when I conceived and am now 164lbs at 17 weeks pregnant. I'm not counting calories or sticking to my MFP diet from before, I am just eating lots of fruit and veggies as its all I'm craving. Sure I slip sometimes, I eat ice cream or chocolate. I also have been having to sit around and have my feet up alot of the time, and I worry this will make me gain toooo much. But so far so good. When I looked it up, it said at my BMI, a healthy gain for me is 11-20lbs for this pregnancy. I really hope I just gain just baby and not extra like last time. But to make sure I keep me and baby healthy, I just make sure I'm getting lots of healthy stuff into my stomach and I'm not starving myself or limiting myself when I'm hungry as I know baby needs all the good stuff too.

    So as someone who was losing weight on here and then decided one day it was time for another lil one. I say just eat good and don't limit urself like u would be doing on here. It can be discouraging, trying to lose weight and then being pregnant which means ur going the opposite way of where you want to go, but for me, I feel so blessed, a lil being inside of me, growing. And in 5 months when baby arrives, if I've gained a lil more then I planned or even if I just fall back to my pre pregnancy weight, then its ok, I have MFP and all my MFP friends for encouragement to get back in the swing of things and reach my goal. I plan to reach my goal of 130lbs AFTER baby is here.

    Good luck to all who are thinking of having a baby in the middle of their MFP journey. I believe its truly worth the temporary gain :D

    It was so nice to read your post. I think God or fate or whatever you beleive in has an amazing sense of humor sometimes. Last weekend I bought a size 14 jeans - a size i haven't been able to wear in about 10 years. Literally, 1 week later I find out I'm pregnant. Do you beleive that?!??!!? I am feeling really weird right now because it hasn't really sunken in yet - but on top of that, I miss my weight loss obsession. This was the most dedicated I ever been to reaching my goal weight - I mean, I had the eye of the tiger! haha. And now I have to figure out the best way to switch gears. Anyway, this is my first, and we are very happy - but it's just quite an adjustment for me. Now I need to add some pregnant MF Pals to my friends list for a different kind of support.
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