30 Day Shred-starting 3/14/11! Anyone else?

My DVD of 30 Day Shred is in transit and should hopefully have it by the weekend! So, I'm putting it up here that I will be starting it on the 14th to keep me accountable!

I tried a search for 30 Day Shred on the message boards, but it was giving me results from 3 months ago. Looking for other people that are going to be starting the program around the same time as me to keep each other motivated.



  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    got my video in last night! I am bumping my post to see if there is any interest again! Hope to find a workout buddy!:smile:
  • trinang
    trinang Posts: 7
    I just started the 30 day shred today,you can add me if you like. Goodluck :)
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    ok, thanks! will do!
  • mjmills2
    mjmills2 Posts: 4
    I would like to give the 30 Day Shred a try as well. Where can I order my dvd from?
  • lke031000
    I bought mine at Walmart. $10. I did it on Monday, the 7th and my legs are still killing me. I haven't done it in 2 days. I have to start over again.