I've been lurking, but I'll come forward and say "hi!"...

Chica650 Posts: 14 Member
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Just thought I'd introduce myself. This board has been amazing and I've learned a LOT from the forums, here! I've been trying to lose weight since...the birth of my first child 11 years ago!! I've had 3 girls since then and with every pregnancy, I gained more and more weight. I topped out at 180 and pretty much gave up on EVER being small again. I'm only 5 feet tall, so being 180 has been a HUGE pain for a long time now. My fitness level was really low and I've always hated exercise. Finally, with the start of this year I just decided to make this MY YEAR to lose this weight once and for all and make a lifestyle change. I started out with just making sure I did SOME sort of exercise, three times/week. Then I stepped it up to 4x/week and so on. Then about a month ago I got serious about the eating and started tracking every morsel I put into my mouth. I've had pretty good success in the last two months. I've lost about 13 lbs. and am down a pant size. I have days that I totally fall off the wagon and eat everything in sight, but I try not to beat myself up about it. I'm currently at 163-ish. I've lost weight before, but didn't keep it up and gained it all back. I've not been below 160 in 11 years. Anyway, I'm just looking to finally lose it all and be the woman my husband married 12 years ago! (130...wow!) Glad to be here and can't wait to be on this weight-loss journey w/all of you!


  • nikkinikki113
    nikkinikki113 Posts: 279 Member
    Welcome to the community!! You'll soon find yourself addicted!!

    Feel free to add me to your friends for support and motivation : )
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    IT definitely does require getting the mindset to do this, but you CAN do this, as you are proving already! Small changes over time can make a big difference. Just tackle each day, one meal at a time! Keep focused on your long term goals and remember that it took a while to gain it, it will take a while to lose it! Good luck to you!
  • Sj20fame
    Sj20fame Posts: 205 Member
    Oh wow, amazing!! I say your doing great!! :) I helped my sister make that change last year in the summer, she is now a brand new women, and now goes to the gym all on her own, and moderates her eating all on her own.....when I started helping her, omygosh it was hard, had to drag her out to the gym, had to drag her to the park, but now she calls me ready to go go go! I'm so proud of her, and I'm proud of you for making that change....your definitly right, we will all have our days where we just want to eat everything and anything....one day at a time;)
  • debi2400
    debi2400 Posts: 2 Member
    My daughters' story is the very same. She is trying again too. She lost her's after years of struggling and gained it all back after her second child. She has been struggling another 6 years. I feel for ya'll. I didn't have a weight problem until after 40. I'm certain the entire expierence is harder when your younger. She is just starting the south beach diet along w/ myfitnesspal and I have lost 6 pounds on the 17 day diet.com and keep track with myfitnesspal. You can do it! Hang in there. Here's a quote for you "nothing taste as good as thin feels"--unknown (I try to remember this when an urge overwhelms me) I am a recovering sugar addict LOL feel free to friend me and my daughter ABCVfamily. Good luck
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