
How do you log each of the p90x workouts? There are so many different workouts, should I just use circuit, aerobics, or what? I have a HRM but it doesnt tell me calories burned.


  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    I find that circuit or calisthenics seem to be pretty dead on for P90X workouts.
  • goofykgirl
    When you find out, let me know :) I have a heart rate monitor though, but I don't know where to log it at. I have just been logging it as cardio because then I can log the calories I burned.
  • gburkhart2
    gburkhart2 Posts: 72 Member
    I've seen estimates on various sites from 600 to 700 calories per hour. I err on the side of caution and go with the 600 calories.
  • jmecale72
    jmecale72 Posts: 214
    I usually customize my workouts using the "My Exercise" tab. You can create your own exercises. This also allows you to insert how long the workout lasts and how many calories are burned in that workout. However...that's kind of hard to gauge if your HRM does not give you how many calories you burned. I would really look at getting a HRM that tells you how many calories you've burned. It is SOOOO beneficial and way more accurate.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    How do you log each of the p90x workouts? There are so many different workouts, should I just use circuit, aerobics, or what? I have a HRM but it doesnt tell me calories burned.

    If you can estimate your VO2 max you can plug in your average HR to get cals burned. Google calories burned using HR and you should find some calculators.

    Otherwise you can log the strength training as circuit training, and plyometrics as aerobics, high impact.
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    How do you log each of the p90x workouts? There are so many different workouts, should I just use circuit, aerobics, or what? I have a HRM but it doesnt tell me calories burned.

    What information does your HRM give you? You may be able to use that to calculate your caloric burn.

    Once you have your number, just click on "Add Exercise" and type in whatever. When it says that cannot be found, go to the bottom of the frame and click on "Add exercise to database". Type in whatever workout you did, along with the calories you burned, and add it. Voila. It'll always be there for you. You can change the numbers around from workout to workout dependant upon what your HRM says. Easy-peasy.
  • wcugolfr
    wcugolfr Posts: 1
    I have a heart rate moniter that tells me calories burned. I believe it to be quite high though. Most of the time it will say over 1000 calories for a workout like Plyo X. I think that isn't very accurate. I generally take what it tells me and multiply by about 65-70%, which would be more in line with what common knowledge would say is correct.
  • exercisesucks
    I input them as cardio workouts. If you try to do strength training it asks you to break it down to every little minutia.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I input them as cardio workouts. If you try to do strength training it asks you to break it down to every little minutia.

    You can enter strength training as "strength training" under the cardio tab for an estimate of calories burned. I consider P90X to be circuit training though as you go from one exercise to another.
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    I have a heart rate monitor and just put it in p90x chest and back 657 calories, p90x kenpo 811 calories...ect. So I just change the calories each day