

  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    It may be frustrating to answer what you consider a dumb question. However, I'm sure you ask what other people consider to be dumb questions sometimes too. If you don't want to respond to the posts, just don't. It is a difficult concept. In fact, many other diet plans, very popular and successful diet plans, do not have you eat your workout calories. So, don't be down on people for asking the question and just not getting it. There are people that don't know how to search the boards and sometimes just one term will make a search come up empty. So, please don't be a hater.

    Searching the previous posts is actually how I learned what it was. I am not being a "hater." I'm not saying it is not a GOOD question, I was saying that when 99999999999 people clog the forum asking the same question back to back it needs to be addressed. Sometimes I will see two people ask back to back instead of reading the answers to someone else's question. If I thought it wasn't a good question, I would not have answered it in detail. I wanted to answer the question without 99999999 people posting different threads asking the same question.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member

    Now maybe if we keep bumping this up to the top, people will see it before they make a new post asking the same question. :laugh:
  • kbloodworth
    kbloodworth Posts: 107 Member
    Yep, I made this mistake the first time I lost quite a bit of weight. I limited my calories to 1400 per day even when burning 400-600 cals 6 days a week. My weight loss slowed to a stop, and then I started gaining all of it back. It wasn't until I had my metabolic rate tested that I learned I was eating way too little and doing more harm than good.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    Although you may feel great and think I don't need these calories.... There is a muscle dying to feed your energy depleted body. ;)
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    Although you may feel great and think I don't need these calories.... There is a muscle dying to feed your energy depleted body. ;)

    EXACTLY. Muscle loss can = Weight loss but not the kind we want. People want FAT loss!
  • slaos07
    slaos07 Posts: 53 Member
    I think its dangerous to post something like this that generalizes everyone. I know that for me, I don't need to eat back my exercise calories. I still have energy, still losing weight, and am definitely not in starvation mode. I checked with my Dr about 2 weeks ago because I was worried after reading all of the posts and she said that 1200 calories total (eating only that no matter what I exercise) is not unhealthy unless I start to feel unhealthy. There are so many different studies on this and there is a post at least 2 or 3 times a week regarding the same thing. To lump everyone into one category is not smart. Everyone's body is different. What people need to know is that you need to listen to your body (and your doctor).
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I think its dangerous to post something like this that generalizes everyone. I know that for me, I don't need to eat back my exercise calories. I still have energy, still losing weight, and am definitely not in starvation mode. I checked with my Dr about 2 weeks ago because I was worried after reading all of the posts and she said that 1200 calories total (eating only that no matter what I exercise) is not unhealthy unless I start to feel unhealthy. There are so many different studies on this and there is a post at least 2 or 3 times a week regarding the same thing. To lump everyone into one category is not smart. Everyone's body is different. What people need to know is that you need to listen to your body (and your doctor).

    I am interesting in knowing what your doctor would say if you said that you are eating 1200 calories total and then burning 1200 calories during the day. What is left for your body to function on?
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I think its dangerous to post something like this that generalizes everyone. I know that for me, I don't need to eat back my exercise calories. I still have energy, still losing weight, and am definitely not in starvation mode. I checked with my Dr about 2 weeks ago because I was worried after reading all of the posts and she said that 1200 calories total (eating only that no matter what I exercise) is not unhealthy unless I start to feel unhealthy. There are so many different studies on this and there is a post at least 2 or 3 times a week regarding the same thing. To lump everyone into one category is not smart. Everyone's body is different. What people need to know is that you need to listen to your body (and your doctor).

    your doctor is an idiot.
  • slaos07
    slaos07 Posts: 53 Member
    Funny...but since she's been to medical school and you haven't...I think I'm going to go with her recommendations over what a website says. And I'm not burning 1200 calories a day. I tend to average between 300 and 600. I was just posting what I had been told and what I think. You can't generalize on something like a diet...everyone is different. No need to be rude about it.

    Edited to add: In response to the eat 1200 burn 1200 question...I'm sure if I was going to that extreme I wouldn't feel healthy or still have energy. Hence her feeling unhealthy recommendation.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Funny...but since she's been to medical school and you haven't...I think I'm going to go with her recommendations over what a website says. And I'm not burning 1200 calories a day. I tend to average between 300 and 600. I was just posting what I had been told and what I think. You can't generalize on something like a diet...everyone is different. No need to be rude about it.

    Edited to add: In response to the eat 1200 burn 1200 question...I'm sure if I was going to that extreme I wouldn't feel healthy or still have energy. Hence her feeling unhealthy recommendation.

    I guess that would be true long term but I am curious if you "felt" ok does that still make it safe? I mean people can do 800 calorie diets and feel ok/healthy at first but long term it can do damage.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Funny...but since she's been to medical school and you haven't...I think I'm going to go with her recommendations over what a website says. And I'm not burning 1200 calories a day. I tend to average between 300 and 600. I was just posting what I had been told and what I think. You can't generalize on something like a diet...everyone is different. No need to be rude about it.

    Edited to add: In response to the eat 1200 burn 1200 question...I'm sure if I was going to that extreme I wouldn't feel healthy or still have energy. Hence her feeling unhealthy recommendation.

    Didn't think I was being rude. It's not like I called you an idiot. Doctors know bupkus. Put your health in their hands at your own risk.

    My doctor told me I had miscarried and needed an emergency DNC immediately because my body would not expel the dead fetus, and I needed to begin my emotional and physical healing.

    My son will be 16 in April.

    They're idiots.
  • slaos07
    slaos07 Posts: 53 Member
    I just think people should listen to their own bodies. I get concerned when I see people generalize because a lot of people on here don't really know what they are doing. And people post on here like they are experts (for instance, I just read another post on this subject that was title "Read this if you're new") and it can be misleading to people who do not know any different. Telling someone that they have to eat their calories and that netting less than 1200 will put them into starvation mode and cause them serious damage without any further information is wrong. MFP uses 1200 as a guideline, but the levels are different for everyone.
    I agree that people can feel healthy in the short run but do damage in the long term. I am basing it on me - I know that if I personally eat less than 1000 calories in a day (not net - just calories in) I feel shaky and weak. But I can net less than 1000 and feel fine. Like I said above - you have to listen to your body.

    @Marla64 - I agree that doctors make mistakes, but in general I trust their judgement. That was a big mistake yours made and I'm happy it didn't end the way it could've. In my experience, which is what I have posted about, my doctor has not led me wrong.
  • kimlausan
    kimlausan Posts: 39
    I noticed the same thing. Whenever I do a search, recent post do not show up. Any reason why?
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    I do not eat all of mine back, in fact, I don't really eat any of them back. MFP doesn't take into account that I am have hyperthyroid and need to deduct more calories in order to lose weight :/