Nike Training?

I started using this app today. Has anyone used this in conjunction with MFP and successfully figured out how to convert the exercises to calories lost? Thanks!


  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    Never heard of that before. Can you tell me what it is?
  • NoMorePerfect
    NoMorePerfect Posts: 47 Member
    It's an iPhone app. :-) (Maybe on the iPad, too??)
  • myndee
    myndee Posts: 19 Member
    I love this app! The correct answer will be "get a heart rate monitor"... BUT... I always log it under Aerobics, high impact - because I don't have a heart rate monitor, nor do I plan on spending the money on one anytime soon! One of my favorite things about the NTC app is it's FREE!!!
  • NoMorePerfect
    NoMorePerfect Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks, Myndee! I don't plan on getting a HRM at this point yet, either. (Hopefully SOON though!) I was hoping someone would have some kind of answer for me and you did. Thanks so much!