How Often Do You Weigh In?



  • sundy2603
    sundy2603 Posts: 29 Member
    I weight every morning after i use the bathroom. I motivates to wake and see the hard work I am doing:drinker:
  • FitToBeFab
    FitToBeFab Posts: 537 Member
    It was interesting to see the responses, cool. The first (and second) time I did MFP I weighed once a week and it was no problem. Now I'm finding that I want to weigh myself after every good day I have to see if it's made a difference! I'm doing my best to stick to once a week (Fridays), but it's only been two weeks for me. I think about weighing in every single day though...
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    I do it every day, in the morning (Dr. Oz recommendation). I do it for educational reasons, trying to understand the correlation between what I eat, and how it translates into weight. I don't get upset if the weight states the same for a day o two. I don't get upset if it goes up. I just analyze and see what could have caused it (previous day diet, exercise, sleep...). :D

    exactly this.

    i also record it only when there is at least 500g loss. sometimes it takes a couple of days, sometimes a week, probably at some point even a few weeks... even if i gain in between, i dont record it. this way i always have a mini goal.. to go under the last recorded weight.

    works perfectly for me.
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    I ususally weigh in every morning. I need it as a reminder to keep up my exercise (which I just started) and healthy eating. I know I'm not alone in this though: When I wake up, look in the mirror etc. I can pretty accurately guess my weight, within a .5lb.

    Anyone else? Based on how you look/feel?

    yeh i've become so good at this! most times i'm spot on... others i'm within 0.5lb from it.
  • tmthorn0927
    tmthorn0927 Posts: 155 Member
    Lenten Sscale Diet -- the next I weigh in will be Easter Sunday!

    me too!
  • DancingFox
    DancingFox Posts: 88 Member
    Once a week, officially. Sometimes I'll hop on the scale in between, jut to see... But I do official Weigh-Ins at 10:00AM, Monday mornings.
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    Once a month, if that.

    i'm not concerned about "weight" loss though - I think I'm just naturally heavy (a size 6-7 US still sees me in the "overweight" category) so don't have a particular weight in mind, but more size and fitness goals.
  • kdewald
    kdewald Posts: 9 Member
    I always weight in Friday morning before breakfast, it always brighten's my weekend and its a good end of the week measurement. It usually pumps me up to work harder if I lost weight (or makes you re-think snacking too much over the weekend if there wasn't a loss).
  • tapwaters
    tapwaters Posts: 428 Member
    Once a week, or i get obsessed with the fluctuations.
  • Trjlove
    Trjlove Posts: 28
    The scale can be a bummer. I weighed in this morning and the scale told me a 4 lb gain, not going in the right direction. Although
    I know what since last weekend I have had many over the mimit days. I got bummed out...BUT going to keep trying!!!
    So to answer your question once a week in the morning. Typically Sunday is my weigh in and log it day.
  • stscrivener
    stscrivener Posts: 17 Member
    I usually weigh myself everyday just to see how my thyroid is affecting my weight. I won't be able to lose as easily as others, so I want to be able to compare my weight loss to those of people with a healthy thyroid.
  • I don't...I just posted a comment that I don't weigh in as suggested on MFP because I was told by several trainers that muscle weighs more than fat and therefore weighing in can be discouraging. So, I go by my they fit.

    here is a link to a thread you should read about people thinking muscle weighs more than fat
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