Not hungry

ambkel Posts: 4
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support

I'm getting super frustrated. I've hit a plateau with my weightloss. I lost a ton in the beginning and now, losing maybe a pound a week. I'm still watching what I eat and exercising. I've been doing this faithfully since the beginning of January.

I know I should eat more but the more I'm in this, I just am not hungry nor do I feel like eating. Now that I realize all the calories I was mindlessly shoving in before were big part of the problem, I just dont want them.

I still eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and an evening snack. But the calories just aren't adding up. I don't want to eat just to add calories either.

Any body else not hungry?


  • hollyknouse
    hollyknouse Posts: 232 Member
    I have this problem once in awhile but it seems like the next day I am very hungry. I find myself eating aimlessly to at least get to my 1200 calories :(
  • SuperKatie
    SuperKatie Posts: 94 Member
    I'm totally with you on this. I am so much less hungry than I was before, but for me, I think it's all the fiber I'm taking in. It just keeps me full longer. I try to reach my calorie goal b/c I know that eating too far below that will only stall the weight loss. I find that I can noramlly reach my goal with a high calorie mango at night for dessert. It does the trick and makes me full. What about a glass of milk?
  • Hiya - I have had the same problem today not being able to use all my calories and I'm not hungy. It's great in one way but if you dont eat enough calories you dont lose the weight and I started my diet today. Lets hoep we get some feed back. :)

    You have done really well with your weight loss - so dont give up even if you are now only losing a 1lb a weeek :)
  • leuroff
    leuroff Posts: 1 Member
    Shoot i wish i was still losing a whole pound a week! But don't get frustrated I have the same problem. To keep my energy up I snack on fruits and veggies It doesn't boost the calories a lot but It does keep me from getting sluggish after lunch and I don't have to feel guilty about it
  • Suzeesmu
    Suzeesmu Posts: 159 Member
    So funny! I just posted the same thing on my profile. Ate breakfast a little late, completely not hungry for lunch (which I did shove down) and thought about just waiting to eat (except for afternoon snack) until dinner. Then I would have been pretty below on my net calories (which I usually am). I'm wondering if that's why I'm not dropping weight as quickly as I'd hoped (that I'm putting myself in "starvation mode").

    Grr, sometimes food just doesn't sound good!
  • high calorie healthy foods - nuts, peanut butter, etc - you can eat less of them and still get the calories you need
  • cooki3s
    cooki3s Posts: 47
    Yes! I can really relate to this - the thought of - what else should I eat to make up my daily calories??
    I know in my case,
    1/ My hunger-sensor is not always the best indicator of whether I need more energy or not - thanks to my past diets/binges.
    2/ Eating my calorie intake, even if not hungry, means my body knows it is still getting a constant supply of fuel. I want to keep it at its energy-burning best, rather than switch it to a kind of "famine" mode.

    Just yesterday this happened... and it was 7pm at night.. I'd had dinner, and looked at my screen and gone - what??? Still 250 cals??? So I had some oats and milk and a plum... went over by 15 cals but the great thing was I didnt feel hungry that night after 9pm at all.. whereas in the past I would be craving a snack.
    So thats another plus - it can save you from impulse snacking later on, if the hunger pangs come back " with a vengance"so to speak, later on.
    Sorry for the excited longish post..just my experience. :)
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Try adding some things than are a little higher calorie but still good for you like nuts, peanut butter, protien bar. You really do need to meet your calories goal for consistent weight loss.
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