SAHM 3/7 - 3/13



  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    swtch- I still remember when my oldest fell and the LARGE goose egg just formed in front of my eggs! Turns my stomach just thinking about it. Glad everything is ok!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Shoppie-good for you to stay away from the scones! If I don't have any I'm good, when I think just a bite or two..then I want the entire thing. I just stay far, far away from things like that right now.

    Stacey-I hope you and your family start feeling better soon.

    Swtchrypie-I'm sorry your son had a bad encounter with the amoire. Sorrier still that your husband had a lapse in brain function! They do tend to speak without thinking and can make the situation worse. I'm glad your little guy is going to be ok.

    Danielle-Welcome to the group!

    We are getting a couple of warmer days today and tomorrow are supposed to be around 50 and 60 degrees! We are so ready to be outside!

    We toured a preschool for Lucy yesterday, I think it will workout well for her for this fall. She will be in a preK class 4 mornings a week. She's very excited about it and wants to go tomorrow!

    I've been doing well lately, exercising 5 days a week usually one of those days at home doing Zumba. I don't want the girls to get burned out going to the gym everyday. When the weekend is here I don't go but I feel like I should! I am 137.4 now 'unoffically' 10 lbs. down. I say unofficially because the day I started I weighed 145 2 days later it was 147. I don't know what that was about. I haven't been under 137 since I was pregnant with Lucy. I am really excited and pushing to get to 135, then it's 10 more pounds to goal. I really feel like I will get there if I just keep doing the stuff.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    I don't know if this rings bells for anyone, but I feel like there is a switch that I smehow trigger in my head when I *really* want to lose weight and then I'm really motivated and have what it takes but I get scared to slip even a bit as once I go off track sometimes I really struggle to find that 'switch' again.

    I know exactly what you mean about a "switch" I started in January and have done fairly well. I actually get a bit stressed when I have a bad day because I am afraid I am going to keep having bad days. I was doing really well and then about a week ago my husband wanted chinese food. So we went out and had some chinese food. The next day it was pizza. Luckily I caught myself after a couple of days but it was so hard this week to get back into the swing of things. It always amazes me how easy it would be to fall back into my old unhealthy habits.

    I had a very proud moment today. I was wicked bored and decided to go to lunch with all intentions on getting a Taco burger (wonderful cheese burger w/ chili and doritos) and fries and when I got to the restaurant I ended up getting a honeymustard grilled chicken salad with dressing on the side. I only used half the dressing too. Tomorrow is weigh in. Keeping my fingers crossed that I at least maintain this week since I had a horrible start to the week.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    holly - I'm exactly the same, I really cannot have a small amount of somthing like scones/ biscuits etc, I WILL keep going until they are all gone and I think I just have to accept that and not have them at all. I've tried so many times to learn restraint, but I just don't seem to be able to do it!

    drcarrier - well done on swopping to the salad! Though your initial choice does sound very yummy! I'm in the UK so no idea what pre-K is, how old is that then? My eldest (4) started school in Sept 2010, its called reception here but I'm not sure if that is the equivalent of kindergarten as I don't know what age kindergarten is?

    I am feeling better this evening than yesterday hunger-wise and its only day 2 :smile: Am pretty sure the 'hunger' is just sugar cravings/ my body wondering what is up with this sudden change, I certainly don't think there is any need for more food - in reality because of the BFing my target total per day is 1700 so not all that far off normal calorie intake!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Welcome Danielle!! Your baby boy has the more gorgeous eyes!! Congrats on training for a 5k, I'm running 2 next week LOL Congrats on making a change at the restaurant, that would have been hard for me to do, that burger sounds amazing!

    Thanks Swtchrypie ~ So sorry your son hurt his head, glad he's ok. I'm also sorry to say that it will be a common occurence until the end of time ;-P

    Stacey ~ Miss you girl! Hope everyone gets rid of the sickness soon.

    Congrats Holly!!

    retook measurements today

    2/16 --- 3/10

    waist 28.5, same
    hips 36.5, 35.5, 1" loss!
    thighs 23.5, 23, .5" loss!
    lower hips 39.5, 39 .5" loss!
    around belly button 31, 30.5, .5" loss!

    total of 2.5" in less than a month :) Progress baby!
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    shoppie- Hows life in the UK? To answer your question. Pre K is around 4 which is optional (at least in my state) Kindergarden is 5 and 6 depending on your birthday. Mine goes this fall and I am already having a panic attack :sad: Ok not that bad, but this kid has never seen a daycare, and only Grandma babysits them. I know I know, I did it to myself! :laugh:
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    PreK is for 4-5 yr. olds who will enter Kindergarten the following year. My daughter, Lucy just turned 4 yrs. old 2 weeks ago. She will enter Kindergarten when she's 5. PreK is 4 days a week for this school from 8:30-11:30. They learn to recognize and write letters, and numbers, colors, shapes, how to use scissors, and other fine motor skills, they also have music and movement time as well.

    Katie-nice job on the new measurements!!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    My oldest is getting ready for kindergarten in the fall too. We did two school visits today. I'm not happy with the choices. I mean, I'm super happy with one of them, but we probably can't afford it. And the other one is just too small and they don't seem very well organized. Blah. I hate it.

    Guess what though? Tomorrow I get the house ALL TO MYSELF for THREE HOURS! YUSSSS! C's school is having a "friendship day" so Z is going to stay at school too. I am so excited I could pee. :laugh: I never get the house to myself. If I get alone time I always have to leave. So I'm going to try to clean well tonight, and then while they're gone, it'll be a non-stop workout and dance fest. Of course, things could change... I could take a nap instead. :tongue: But that would be fine too. I'm going to listen to MY MUSIC on the stereo and I'm not going to do any work. And no computer time either. Just fun stuff. :)
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Kat - great new measurements! It has made me think I need to get myself a tape measure though no doubt the first measurement will make me :sad:

    Re: schooling - Wow, gosh, my poor 4 year old is in school 6 hours per day and he's the same age as your pre-Kers! I think they do a lot of play though (I hope!) He has learnt a lot anyway, bless him! When does your school year run from? Ours is 1 Sept to 31 Aug so for example my son's birthday is mid June, and he will be 5 then, but is in the same year as kids who were 5 last Sept. My second child is an Oct birthday so will be nearly 5 by the time he starts school in Sept 2013. We have pre-school here too, but they do that at 3! (its also 3 hours per day so sounds pretty similar to pre-K) Is it normal to pay for kindergarten or is that a choice thing? Sorry for dim questions I really know very little about the US to be honest!!

    ajbeans - if I had 3 hours to myself I would definitely sleep but I am cream crackered!

    I'm seriously feeling :sad: after realising I need to shift 34 lbs, so working on breaking it down into smaller chunks and setting myself some mini targets!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    PNC-Thanks, but it was another rough night. Found a couple of other ideas, I’ve been trying throughout the day, so we’ll see if it helps tonight….praying for a good night! In the last 2 nights, me and him have gotten about 6 hours of GOOD sleep, ugh! Sorry to hear you are all sick, hope you get feeling better soon!

    Welcome to the group, Shoppie & Danielle!

    Swtch-Ouch! Poor little guy!

    Stacey-Sorry to hear you guys are sick too. Hope you get well soon!

    Kat-Awesome numbers! I can lose the weight, but I haven’t been losing inches? :huh:

    Off to make some dinner for me and hubby, I'll be back to check in later.
  • mmulheren
    mmulheren Posts: 17
    Hi All.

    I'm 26 year old NJ mom to my 1 year old son!

    Back at the gym 3 x a week, and trying to get the rest of baby weight off!

    Hope to talk/meet other moms! :)
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    shoppie- Kindergarden is free (well except for school fees and such) Unless it's private school. School here (NorthWest) runs from Late August until Mid May. Leaving the summer off. Here you have to be 5 before the 1st day of school to start. Ask us any question about the U.S. Just make sure you give us a tidbit about the U.K so we can all learn something new today :smile:
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Shoppie ~ It depends on school districts and what school you send them to here. Alex went to PreK 3 days a week for 3.5 hours each day. School years run from Aug/Sept-May/June. I think the US lags in that department. In fact Alex's year of Kindergarten will be two full days a week (7:45-2) with alternating Wednesdays every other week. Not ideal for me, but nothing I can do about it! LOL He will turn 5 in July :) You only pay for school if it's private, public schools you pay little to nothing. Mini targets rock!! Helps you not get so burned out so fast :)

    Thanks for the encouragement ladies! I know it's not a lot, but for me it is! I'm trying so hard to get rid of the spare tire from being overweight, pregnant, and having c-sections that anything gets me excited...even in the thighs! wooho!

    Welcome MM!!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Hi All.

    I'm 26 year old NJ mom to my 1 year old son!

    Back at the gym 3 x a week, and trying to get the rest of baby weight off!

    Hope to talk/meet other moms! :)

    Welcome, MMulheren!
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey Ladies...will try to catch up tomorrow morning before the little man wakes up. Just wanted to stop in and say hi....hope that everyone is excited for Friday!!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    So I had a really bad day yesterday. I felt snacky all day and multiple times wanted to just go crazy. I held off for the most part, but did go over and did eat a TON of sugar :( We were doing so well not having anything in the house, then we treated ourselves last weekend with ice cream cupcakes, which of course came in a 6 pack and are still around. We also just got our Girl Scout cookies and I had already bought my one bag of Easter jellybeans last week - AHHHHHH. I'm excited for it all to be gone, but trying not to eat it all at once!

    On the plus side I did my last C25K workout of the week early and I was able to complete it!! I ran 20 mins straight at a 5.5 mph pace (which for my stubby legs really is a run). It came out to 1.8 miles :) Still not even close to what I used to do, but I'm getting somewhere. I was sure I wouldn't make it.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    The stuff on schooling is very interesting, as I'm pretty sure that most of Europe start later than we do here in the UK too, I'm sure in Sweden they are 6 when they start yet academically their attainment is typically higher thatn the UK - its interesting thinking how different countries choose to invest taxes and what return you see. I must admit I'm please he is in school already as it makes my life a lot easier only having 2 of them here at a time usually :blushing:

    Really sad news about Japan today, those poor people :brokenheart:

    wildcat - try not to let the bad day put you off, just move on and start afresh. I do think its especially hard when you are coping with illness on top of everything else.

    Welcome MMulheren! :drinker:

    I have done a 60 minute walk carrying baby in the sling into town and back, and breastfed, and the whole lot is only just about enough to 'pay' for a large packet of maltesers that I have got as my treat (Fri night is treat night in our house). I need to find something less awful for next week, what tasty sweet treats do you guys have? It was over 600 calories so anything under that should help!! :sick:
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! Welcome to all the newcomers!

    So, my plan as I said last night was to read back through and respond to all of the posts that I missed since I was last on Tuesday afternoon before my son woke up….too bad that my little one woke up yelling this morning before my alarm even went off…not upset or crying but just “Hey! Mooommmmyyyy! Where arre youuuuu!” That whole bit. Now that he is up he is being a whiny mess. Ugh, might have to try to lay him back down and let him start his day again.

    Katie—Thanks for sharing your method with your son’s eating. I am dealing with the same thing too with my little man and I have been starting to worry that I might be alone!

    Stacey—I hope that you and your boys start to feel better!

    Drcarrier—way to go on picking that salad! To me that actually sounds better than the taco burger, but I am a HUGE mustard flavor person!

    Schooling Moms—I feel horrible now. My son turns 2 next Monday and he is going to start in a two-day two-year old program in the fall! It is only for 3 hours a day.

    Shoppie—I am going to jump on the mini0target thing as well. I have been trying to tackle this 40 pound goal all at once and have been getting a little discouraged.

    WildCat—Sorry yesterday was a challenge for you, good job on C25K though! That is awesome!

    OK, off to do laundry and to hopefully re-direct a still very crabby little boy. Have a great Friday!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Wildcat ~ Sorry about the munchies! Hubby brough home my nemisis last night, Doritos, a huge freakin bag of them. I told him to hide them from me because I can and probably will eat the entire bag in one sitting LOL

    Shoppie ~ Yes, terrible about Japan! I have many friends stationed there but thankfully they are all ok. I don't know if they are still under a tsunami watch or not, HI was even affected by that watch and I have friends stationed there as well :( What are maltesers? maybe try making a homemade parfait? FF yogurt or pudding with fresh fruit and FF whipped cream? Maybe a little granola for cruchiness?

    KC ~ Don't feel bad! Both of my kids were in a Mother's Day Out program starting at 18 months, I just never enrolled Carter anywhere after our move because most wanted him to be potty trained. Now that he's potty trained he can go to school, so he's starting pre-pre-k at 3 in the fall :)

    Guess what?! I weighed myself this morning, because I do every morning, helps hold me accountable for my actions the day before whether good or bad, and I hit the 130s!!!!!!!!!!! 139.5, haven't been in the 130s since I was 18 :) I won't count any loss until Wednesday, have to make sure I maintain it ;) Wohoo!!!

    Still have a cold, no cough, just congested and my left ear won't unplug. Think I'll try to do some strength training this morning, possible some light cardio this afternoon. Hope everyone has a good Friday!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Mini goals are a huge help! When you think about the entire thing at once it's over whelming. I broke mine down into 5 lb. increments it's easy to focus hard for 5 lbs.

    School-If Julia was potty trained she could go to preschool this fall as well, they offered to take her early. She turns 3 in November. She has no real interest in potty training right now so I doubt she would be by then. Who knows she may decide to do it tomorrow. If she did go to school it would be 2-3 mornings a week. I did that when my teenagers were little. It was so weird having 2 1/2 hours all to myself.

    KC-Sorry your little guy woke up early and crabby. That is not a fun way to start the day. I hope he gets past it.

    Shoppie-Good for you taking a nice walk with the baby yesterday! I am hoping it warms up enough today for us get outside again. As for snacks I have no idea what maltesers are. If I am having a treat snack I usually pick a small amount of ice cream, full fat and everything. I'd rather have a small amount of the real thing, which is enough for me, then having a diet version that just doesn't taste as good or satisfy the craving. Out of curiosity where in the UK are you? I am in Nebraska, pretty much the middle of the U.S.

    My plan for today is to get to the gym this morning, for some cardio and to lift weights for the upper body. It is supposed to get up to 60 degrees today so we will either head to the park or the forest and go for a hike this afternoon.

    Have a great day ladies, I'll check back in later.
