Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism w/ Ms. Michaels

You have yet again, Jillian, kicked my *kitten* and I absolutely love you for it! Hah!

I have three workout videos of Jillian Michaels, but I have never done 'Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism' before. I decided to finally give it a go (I love her videos too) and WHOA! I have never sweat so much to a workout video like this one.

I am totally ready to conquer the day after a workout like that one! :tongue:


  • peggybrant
    peggybrant Posts: 144 Member
    thanx for posting, i've been contemplating getting that one. I guess I will now.
  • mrsjcmyles
    mrsjcmyles Posts: 119 Member
    I'm doing 30 day shred now, i'll have to try that when im done.
  • spatticus
    spatticus Posts: 230 Member
    I'm a graduate of the shred but cannot get through that one all the way! Its intense
    AkBUTLER Posts: 107
    Ive just started this video too. It is really frustrating for me though. I have to push pause at least 3 times for a breather and I really struggle with the last two circuits. I ended up crying during the 6th circuit today because I was having such a hard time with it. I do 30 day shred and I can usually fly through level 3, on a good day. I like that bfbm is a challenge though. How often are you going to do it? I was actually going to post about this topic today! :)
  • ljbrauer
    ljbrauer Posts: 62
    @ peggybrant: no problem! i hope you enjoy it like i have! :happy:

    @ mrsjcmyles: i thought 30 ds was intense, but this video is really, super intense in comparison, imo.

    @ spatticus: it was really hard to get through it, even with pausing the video like five times to catch my breath a bit.

    @ akBUTLER: i hear ya on having to pause it! like i said to spatticus, i had to pause at least five times during it. those last two circuits are seriously killer! i was not expecting those at all! those plyometric moves are what get me everytime, even in her other dvds. i think i may work that dvd into my workout routine at least twice a week since i do like to go to the gym and do weight training and circuits on the treadmill.
  • ShannonWinger
    ShannonWinger Posts: 309 Member
    Love this workout! The two times I did it I nearly puked. It still kicks my butt and I still have to pause around circuit 3 (the jumping stuff always make me have to pee)and before and after the climbing mountain climbers to catch my breath .
  • Emi_chan
    Emi_chan Posts: 105 Member
    I love this DVD - it's my absolute favorite of hers. It's also perfect when traveling since all you need is this DVD. When I was working out from home, I used this and rotated with her No More Trouble Zones and Tracy Effinger Squeeze Stronger DVDs. Really tough strength workouts!!! Best of luck with Jillian. :)
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    I LOVE that workout. I lost 25lbs last year doing that workout regularly! That's my favorite workout of hers and I never get sick of doing it............except the mountain climbers on the floor...those kill my back so I just do the standing mountain climbers when they do the floor ones.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I did this for the 1st time last night and loved it! It was free on exerxise tv but I'm not sure if it was the full workout or not-it lasted 25-30 min?
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    I'm going to order this DVD tonight! Jillian just kicked me tail-end with her 6 Week Six-Pack! Love it! Love HER!
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    No, the full workout is 54 minutes from beginning to end (including warm up and cool down).
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    I have 30 DS, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and No more Trouble Zone. BFBM is the hardest cardio wise. If you have all 3 you can try Jillian 30 day slimdown plan. you can google it. it`s fantastic and breaks the monotony.